Sustainable Asphalt Benefit From Wear Protection Solutions


The abrasive nature of asphalt mixing and its installation can cause significant wear and tear on heavy equipment, potentially leading to early failure and reduced performance. Key component deterioration may also have an impact on the asphalt’s quality, compromising the quality and performance of the final product. Wearfacing offers a solution to these challenges, protecting equipment from wear and extending the service life of components. This not only helps maintain original shape and dimensions for optimal performance and energy-efficiency, but often results in better than new performance.

Castodur Diamond Plates® (CDP®) provide cost-effective wear protection with their composite structure of abrasion-erosion-resistant alloys on a weldable steel plate. A highly controlled, high-tech production process based on advanced material science ensures premium quality and consistent properties across the entire surface. The hardness of CDP® material is 2 to 3 times higher than most abrasive media used in industrial processes. Tests show that CDP® plates can provide up to 5 times longer service life than alternative solutions like hardened steel or polyurethane. This dramatically prolongs maintenance intervals, reducing the number of shutdowns and increasing output. Typical applications where CDP wear plates and liners can be used include dryer liners, chutes, screw flights, paver floor liners, screed plates, road scrapers, and asphalt mixer blades.

For components not suitable for CDP® plates, protective coatings can be applied using methods like laser cladding, welding, arc wire spraying and powder coating. Castolin Eutectic offers these surface engineered solutions to help customers build key components back to better than new performance.

Wear protection solutions such as wearfacing and CDP wear plates, contribute to more sustainable and efficient asphalt plants by extending asset life and maintaining optimal levels of production. These solutions can be used on a variety of equipment, from fixed plants to asphalt paving equipment. By offering an extensive range of wear protection options, Castolin Eutectic aims to provide tailored solutions for different wear scenarios, ensuring the highest level of protection and durability for its customers' operations.

Source: Castolin Eutectic

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