Stronga Collaborate on Trailblazing Plastic-to-Energy Project


Plastic packaging is one of the biggest contributors to environmental degradation and wildlife habitat destruction. Shockingly, it is anticipated there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050. Change is needed; urgently.

Stronga was pleased to collaborate with a British company on a plastic packaging waste recycling project in Mexico which is capturing global attention. Their small but essential role in the project is contributing towards the successful recovery of valuable resources contained within food and drink packaging.

Stronga’s work with “Enval” and “Greenback Recycling Technologies Ltd” in Mexico City allows plastic food and drink packing to be recycled using a modern microwave-induced pyrolysis process, enabling 2,000 t/y of plastic waste to be processed.

Microwave pyrolysis equipment transforms plastic waste into oil which returns to the raw material cycle as a basis for the production of recycled plastics or as an energy source. The process offers a complete circuit where plastic packaging is recycled and valuable feedstocks are recovered, avoiding the need for the production of virgin plastics.

It is essential plastic waste is dried before pyrolysis.

Stronga’s drying systems enable its clients to achieve their goals in an efficient operation using residual energy from the on-site generator, fuelled by syngas released in the process.

Stronga equipment offers several benefits for recycling plants, including:

  • Super-long lifetime with low maintenance costs and minimal downtime with unique ‘stop-start’ operation;
  • Uniformly dried output below 5% moisture via PulseWave which agitates material on the drying bed;
  • Simple operation via the easy-to-use DryStation HMI control console; and much more.

The trailblazing plastic recycling project in Mexico has had tremendously positive effects on local recycling rates, reducing environmental impacts while creating pyrolytic oil and gas.

Source: Stronga

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