Successful Development Project for Hydrogen Combustion Engines
Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks and Mörtlbauer Baumaschinen Vertriebs GmbH jointly presented their prototypes as part of the “WaVe” development project to research hydrogen combustion engines for special-purpose vehicles. The Unimog test vehicle and crawler demonstrated their performance in driving and working operation on the Mörtlbauer factory premises in Fürstenzell, Germany. The demonstration took place at the end of the project funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in which Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks and Mörtlbauer developed 2 hydrogen combustion engines together with 16 other consortium partners. The drive system has already been in use for over a year for various tests in the Unimog implement carrier. The dump crawler was put into operation in spring 2024 and has since also proven itself in initial application-specific tests. “The final event held together with our partner Mörtlbauer on their premises once again demonstrated that both vehicles have reached a development status that we can be very satisfied with, even though this project has run for just 3 years. After numerous test deployments, emission measurements, and technical fine tuning, we are convinced that hydrogen combustion for work machines with high power requirements, both for driving and for powering auxiliary drives, is worthwhile, practical, and very low in emissions,” declared Franziska Cusumano, head of Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks. With this type of vehicles, the challenge is ensuring that implements can be operated via a power take-off when driving. This usually requires sustained high power output. Using the 2 prototypes as an example, the WaVe project team demonstrated that the hydrogen combustion engine is particularly well-suited for such applications. The propulsion concept of hydrogen combustion ensures low emissions while simultaneously ensuring a consistently high engine output. On the Unimog, fuel is contained into 4 TÜV-certified tanks holding around 13 kg at 700 bar pressure in total. The engine delivers around 290 hp / 1000 Nm, making it comparable to the 300 hp diesel model in terms of output and torque.
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