Preliminary Design of Facility Marks Major Milestone in California’s Landmark Chino Basin Program
The preliminary design, developed in partnership with Water Systems Consulting, Inc., provides the technical feasibility, planning-level design, and preliminary costs for the AWPF that can produce purified water – for approximately 100,000 people – for groundwater replenishment that meets Chino Basin water quality objectives and integrates the flexibility to meet potential future regulations. When integrated into IEUA’s Regional Water Recycling Plant No.4 in Rancho Cucamonga, the new AWPF will treat recycled water from 3 sources, conveying purified water to a new aquifer replenishment wellfield for indirect potable reuse. The purification process will be comprised of equalization, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet/advanced oxidation process disinfection, and product water conditioning. In coordination with stakeholders, the stored water will be extracted over the program’s 25-year duration. This milestone aids in the development of the CBP, a first-of-its kind program that will deliver water security, flexibility, and affordability benefits to both northern and southern California. The CBP is comprised of several water treatment, storage, and delivery projects designed to help increase local supply reliability. Once implemented, the projects will address the immediate needs of the region while unlocking the potential for additional storage and water recycling projects in the future. The CBP’s network of new infrastructure and upgrades will begin construction in 2026, with operations anticipated to be phased in by 2030.
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