A Little Extra Effort Goes a Long Way to Greater Anticorrosion Coating Durability!




Each coating job has different priorities – whether convenience, corrosion protection, outdoor durability, or chemical resistance. While single-component, one-coat, direct-to-metal coatings systems are great for applications that need quick protection, when time does allow, it is best to put in a little extra effort in order to achieve the best coating performance possible. That is where VpCI®-395 comes in as Cortec’s first-class, 2-component (2K) metal primer for corrosion protection!

VpCI®-395 Water-Based Epoxy Primer is Cortec’s most durable anticorrosion primer. It promotes good surface adhesion between the metal and topcoats and has greater strength as a 2K primer. The extra effort that goes into mixing 2 parts together at the jobsite translates into greater durability because it allows a greater chemical bonding between the active ingredients in the primer.

VpCI®-395 also has the worker and environmental advantage of being water-based. Water-based coatings typically make cleanup easier and are often associated with lower VOCs (24 g/l in the case of VpCI®-395). Thus, it reduces worker exposure to solvents both in the painting and cleanup process.

Because of the toughness of its epoxy, it can be applied as a primer inside tanks and on handrails and metal walkways.
Often, the most difficult part of a job is the prep-work – whether surface prep, additional mixing, or extra effort to apply a primer. However, these tasks can offer invaluable payoffs in terms of adhesion and overall coating durability. In the case of VpCI®-395, the extra mixing of 2 components rewards users with a stronger primer to help maximize the success and corrosion protection of the entire coatings system.

Source: Cortec® Corporation

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