U.S. Gain, une division de U.S. Venture Inc., a embauché Marc-André Paquin au poste de directeur, développement des affaires au Canada afin de poursuivre l’expansion du réseau de stations de ravitaillement au gaz naturel comprimé GAIN Clean Fuel. Monsieur Paquin sera responsable du développement de partenariats avec les entreprises cherchant à convertir leur flotte de camions présentement alimentée au diesel vers le gaz naturel comprimé. Son territoire de vente comprend l’ensemble du Canada. Il compte plus de 5 années d’expérience en vente dans l’industrie de l’énergie. Avant son arrivée chez U.S. Gain, il a travaillé pour Gaz Métro où il était responsable d’accroître le développement du marché du GNC.
Camions Excellence Peterbilt est fier d'accueillir dans son équipe Bryan Elliott à titre de représentant des ventes de camions. Avec plus de 27 années d'expérience dans le domaine du transport, de la mécanique, de la conduite de camions en passant par la gestion d'une entreprise de transport et de la vente de véhicules lourds, il sera en mesure de vous aider à choisir un
Camions Excellence Peterbilt est heureux de vous annoncer la venue de Gaétan Gaudreau à titre de représentant dans l'équipe des ventes de notre succursale de Laval. Il compte une trentaine d'années d'expérience dans la vente de camions lourds.
Meritor annonçait récemment la nomination de Lewis Stern au poste de directeur des ventes et service pour le Canada. Basé à Winnipeg, au Manitoba, monsieur Stern dirigera 6 gestionnaires de district DriveForce, responsables des ventes et soutien aux flottes, aux concessionnaires et aux équipementiers (OEM) au Canada. Il s’emploiera à identifier de nouveaux produits qui répondent aux besoins spécialisés de flottes au sein de différents marchés partout au Canada. Lewis Stern était jusqu’à tout récemment chef des opérations de la firme américaine Eastern Special Steel. Il a en outre occupé plusieurs postes de direction chez Conforce USA et Truck-Lite.
Varco Pruden Buildings announces that Sumeet Goswami has been named district manager for the Western Canadian region. In this new role, Mr. Goswami is responsible for growing share in British Columbia, Northern Alberta, Yukon and North West Territories. Sumeet Goswami will be based in Richmond, British Columbia, and will report directly to Tom Georg, field sales manager. “Sumeet’s experience and background tie well into Varco Pruden’s strategy for the market. We are fortunate to have him as part of our new Canadian initiative team and look forward to working with him,” said Mr. Georg. Sumeet Goswami has 11 years of experience working with building material manufacturers, of which 9 years were in sales management focusing on creating new share in Western Canada. “I’m truly honored with the opportunity in joining the Varco Pruden family, representing the Northern Region,” said Mr. Goswami. “I look forward to maintaining and building new relationships with the best builders in Western Canada by providing unparalleled service and the best products in the industry.”
Strata Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce the hiring of Michael Bernardi, PE as its new director of Engineering. With over 30 years of soil reinforcement experience, Mr. Bernardi has been at the center of the mechanically stabilized earth structures industry since its beginnings. He has significantly contributed to industry design manuals including serving as the primary technical editor for the 3rd Edition of the National Concrete Masonry Association “Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls.” Additionally, he has designed more than 1 million m2 of geosynthetically-reinforced retaining walls, steep slopes and embankments. Mr. Bernardi holds a Bachelor’s degree (Civil Engineering) and a Master’s degree (Geotechnical Engineering) from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. He is a regular participant in industry organizations at the committee, subcommittee and task group levels, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the North American Geosynthetics Society. He is also Chairman of an ASTM D35 Subcommittee on connection testing. During his career, he has helped to establish numerous design standards, developed advanced design software, and been at the forefront of new product and systems innovation utilizing geosynthetics. He will lead the technical team at Strata USA as well as participate in technical leadership at Strata India and Geo Solucoes (Strata Brazil).
Joe Johnson Equipment (JJE) recently announced that it appointed Randy Massen as the new Refuse sales manager for the province of Ontario. As demand for JJE’s waste management expertise and refuse/recycling and related equipment continues to grow, the additional capacity of a dedicated sales manager will strengthen the company’s support of refuse customers from product consultation to parts and service. In his new position, Mr. Massen will be responsible for managing and driving all aspects of Refuse Sales in Ontario for JJE and for developing long-term partnerships with both customers and suppliers. Over his refuse-industry career, he has had the unique opportunity to be directly involved in supporting all aspects of the customers’ needs; including installation, training and support. As a licensed Automotive and Truck and Coach Technician, he has firmly established a reputation for focusing on customer satisfaction and service – an attitude that is welcomed at JJE.
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