Transport Costs in Project Business: A Machinery Perspective With the construction industry being a prime example for project business with site fabrication, meaning that materials, machinery and personnel have to be brought to the job site, project management is key. While personnel capacity only has to be scheduled, the logistics of heavy machinery and construction materials are often cost driving. For large scale projects like for instance highway construction or the construction of a lock chamber in rivers ready-mixed hot asphalt and concrete are needed in bulk. The transport of these materials from stationary production plants to the job site is time consuming, but also critical due to the required material conditions for paving or installation in general. Lintec GmbH & Co. KG, a German manufacturer of construction machinery with over 70 years of experience in the industry with its focus on hot mix plants and concrete mixing plants, was the first to realize that high quality in machinery does not only come from high quality material production, but can also arise from a clever plant design. Therefore Lintec GmbH developed an innovative plant concept in the 80s only using 100% ISO certified sea containers. Since then their concept has been developed to optimize the idea of cost efficient operating assets. When talking about mobility, as one aspect of their concept, the container structure can be the key argument in the actual investment decision. The transport of heavy machinery often requires permissions for heavy haulage effecting traffic, which is driving costs and planning complexity. This would be even more significant when the machinery is imported from somewhere in the world requiring overseas shipment. “The freight costs when purchasing a new plant from Lintec have been found to be around one fifth of the freight costs of comparable sized plants in conventional design.”, says Mr. Jan Scholl, Managing Director Sales at Lintec GmbH & Co. KG. This is due to the fact that ISO certified containers can be carried overseas by every container ship at standard container freight rates and on standard truck trailers on the roads.
Summarizing, the mobility of heavy machinery can grant strong benefits especially in the construction business. Not only effecting the investment decision, but also improving efficiency of project execution due to e.g. effortless relocation. Besides, the mobility of the plants can enable construction companies to utilize their asset portfolio (globally) allocating resources where capacity is demanded. In addition, the Lintec container concept is focused on sustainability with an energy efficient and environmental sound design. Furthermore, issues addressed by the component’s modularity are interesting. Lintec GmbH & Co. KG is now offering their products to the Canadian market at competitive pricing, not only because of its mobility. If you have further questions about the concept and its potentials, please contact Quentin Quiehl, sales manager Canada at
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