

Luc Stang, président et chef de la direction de Gin-Cor Industries Inc., est heureux d’annoncer la nomination de Michel Métras au poste de directeur des ventes pour le Québec.

«Son expertise dans le domaine des équipements de déneigement et de déglaçage auprès de diverses clientèles nous apportera une aide précieuse pour la mise en marché et la vente des produits Viking», mentionne monsieur Stang. «De plus, il représentera l’entreprise pour les produits de nos différentes compagnies affiliées soit : J.C. Trailers et Durabody Industries. Nous lui souhaitons la meilleure des chances et sommes assurés que, grâce à votre support, la réussite sera au rendez-vous.»

Source: Gin-Cor Industries


WSP annonce des changements importants au sein de la haute direction de l’équipe canadienne de Bâtiment. Après avoir occupé un poste dans la haute direction de l’équipe canadienne des bâtiments de WSP avec succès, Armin von Eppinghoven assumera le rôle de vice-président principal des relations, de l’engagement et des stratégies avec les clients pour le secteur Bâtiment. Monsieur von Eppinghoven dirigera des approches novatrices en matière d’engagement des clients, de développement des affaires et de nouveaux marchés.

WSP souhaite également la bienvenue à Terry Tommason, nouveau membre de l’équipe de direction au Canada pour le secteur Bâtiment. Monsieur Tommason est un chef de file en développement de programmes et projets majeurs. Il possède plus de 24 ans d’expérience dans l’industrie et a travaillé sur certains des projets complexes les plus importants au monde.

«L’arrivée de ces nouveaux membres au sein de l’équipe de direction ainsi que le réalignement des rôles de chacun représente une étape palpitante dans l’évolution de notre firme dans le secteur Bâtiment», mentionne Gregory Northcott, chef de l’exploitation pour les activités de WSP au Canada. «Tel que nous le soulignons dans notre plan stratégique, nous désirons capter et préserver l’attention de nos clients importants, attirer les gens de qualité au sein de notre main-d’œuvre et élever nos solutions techniques et opérationnelles à un niveau supérieur. De plus, avec ces changements et grâce au leadership d’Armin et Terry, nous avons franchi une étape importante dans la réalisation de nos objectifs stratégiques, poursuivi le développement de notre identité commune et offert à nos clients au Canada des idées de qualité, des technologies et des solutions pour faire avancer leurs projets futurs.»

Ces 2 membres de la haute direction travailleront au bureau de Markham en Ontario.

Source: WSP



Haver & Boecker, a leading equipment manufacturer and solutions provider in aggregates and mining applications, hired James McGillivray as a certified sales manager for Ontario. He brings 10 years of construction sales experience to his new role.

As a certified sales manager, Mr. McGillivray works one-on-one with customers to identify challenges and improve their screening applications. He partners with Haver & Boecker service technicians to develop customized service plans as well as recommend screen media, parts and equipment to help aggregates and mining customers increase efficiency.

Prior to working with Haver & Boecker, James McGillivray provided building products to builders and developers, and has transitioned easily into applying that knowledge to the mining and aggregates industry.

Haver & Boecker Canada, formerly W.S. Tyler, is a leading provider in processing, handling, mixing, packing, filling, palletizing and loading systems. With deep roots and years of experience in these industries, the company effectively meets the needs of customers around the world.

Source: Haver & Boecker Canada



Continental Commercial Specialty Tires (CST) is strengthening its team and, in this way, intensifying the close cooperation with the customers in the field: Matthias Engelhardt and Harm-Hendrik Lange have taken up the newly created positions as field engineers EMEA effective June, 1st. Mr. Engelhardt will be responsible for Earthmoving tire customers. Mr. Lange will be focusing on the Agricultural tire business.

“By entering the ports, construction and mining businesses, we have already taken important steps towards achieving our growth strategy goals and expanding our core business from material handling to a broad variety of segments,” says Enno Straten, Head of Commercial Specialty Tires. “Yet, our key focus remains on the customer: We want to provide customized, high-quality products and services in all segments. The needs of customers certainly differ widely. That is why we have decided to invest in headcounts with the knowledge and experience needed in order to provide our customers with best quality services – on site and in the field.”

Before joining Continental, both field engineers have gained long-term expertise in the respective businesses. Matthias Engelhardt has been working at Bridgestone Deutschland for around 24 years, most recently as senior manager Commercial Business Germany & OTR DACH. Harm-Hendrik Lange has gained experience in the agricultural business as Test Engineer Hydraulics & Drive Train and Test Engineer Drive Train Functionality at John Deere.

Source: Continental Commercial Specialty Tires


The Supervisory Board of Wacker Neuson SE has named the successor to Cem Peksaglam, whose contract expires in August 2017. Martin Lehner will take on the role of CEO of Wacker Neuson SE.

Mr. Lehner has been a member of the Executive Board for 10 years, responsible for R&D, procurement, production and quality at Group level. Before the merger between Wacker and Neuson in 2007, Mr. Lehner was already a member of the managing board of Neuson Kramer Baumaschinen AG (from 1990 onwards) and subsequently head of the board.

For the time being, the Executive Board of Wacker Neuson SE will comprise 2 other members: Wilfried Trepels, currently responsible for finance, auditing and IT; and Alexander Greschner is responsible for sales, service, logistics and marketing.

Source: Wacker Neuson SE


BOMAG Americas, Inc. is pleased to announce and welcome Shawn Sweet as vice president Sales & Marketing. Mr. Sweet will be responsible for the leadership of the BOMAG dealer and rental sales teams, marketing, product management and for developing new business opportunities.

Shawn Sweet is a well-known figure in the construction industry with over 27 years of experience. The first 17 years of his career was spent in various capacities at Ingersoll Rand Company where he was instrumental in the growth of their road machinery business, amongst other. Shortly after the acquisition by Volvo of the IR road machinery business, Mr. Sweet spent 7 years as the Business Unit president for Doosan Infracore Portable Portable Power, and, most recently spent the past 3 years as vice president & COO of ASC Construction Equipment, a Volvo dealer.

Shawn Sweet joined the BOMAG team on August 1st and will operate out of our new North American headquarters located in Ridgeway, South Carolina.

Source: BOMAG Americas, Inc.

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