FCI-Burndy® Products at ICUEE


FCI-Burndy® Products, a leading manufacturer and provider of connector solutions to the industrial, energy, application tooling and automotive industries, will feature the Burndy Patriot® line of battery actuated hydraulic cutters and compression tools at the upcoming International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE) 2007 Show.

The newly designed Burndy® Patriot® PAT46-18 V battery-actuated hydraulic crimping tool as well as the Patriot® PATMD6 hydraulic crimping tool will be on display

Also at the show, the Burndy® GTC1AC34RA Protective Grounding Clamp will be exhibited, a system designed to bring maximum ease and safety to the installation of grounding sets on live or dead front Pad Mounted Equipment.

Source: FCI-Burndy Products

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