Cleanfix Reversible Fans, A Solution to Your Radiator Plugging Issue
A major benefit is to have a Cleanfix Reversible fan installed on the engine or hydraulic fan drive. Cleanfix Reversible fans have been in production since 1998. They have been an OEM factory option for several years – amongst them: Case, New Holland, Fendt, Oxbo, Caterpillar, Flory, Komatsu forestry, and many others. The principle of radiator/cooler cleanout has remained the same since the beginning. The blades of the Cleanfix fans have a curvature which creates a high static pressure. When the fan performs a cleanout, the blades rotate approximately 180˚ which changes the air direction and creates the same static pressure in the opposite direction. Cleanfix offers air control and hydraulic control systems. For air-controlled fans, it can be tied into the onboard compressed air system of the machine. If there is no onboard compressed air system on the machine, a compressor can be used to control the fan. For hydraulic-controlled fans, it is tied into the machine’s hydraulic pilot pressure circuit. Both of these control systems can be equipped with the Cleanfix timer module. The hydraulic Cleanfix fan has a patented smart seal design which prevents the chance of external hydraulic oil leakage from the fan.
Many heavy-duty OEM off-highway machines are operated and/or controlled by either viscous clutches or hydraulic motors. The fan RPM gets matched based on the cooling need of the ECU and the temperature underneath the enclosure to better address cooling requirements. Contamination such as debris and/or clogged radiators increase the static pressure. A restriction of airflow due to contamination can be compensated with an increase of fan speed, but this costs power! Power which is required by the engine and power which costs fuel. The viscous clutch, or the electronically-controlled hydraulic-motor will increase the fan speed automatically perhaps unnoticed (as long the temperature gauge is not in the red range) to the machine user. Cleanfix offers the Pulstronic and Hytronic fans for machines requiring continuous OEM controlled cooling. Seasonal fans can be used on machines that require reverse airflow in cold months to prevent overcooling of the engine and hydraulic systems. Fans can be specified with 12, 9, 8 and 4 blade arrangements, based on the cooling requirements, fan diameters and engine size. Fan diameter range from 350 mm to 1,300 mm. Different fan blade types are available. From narrow blades to wide blades, fixed pitch blades, variable pitch blades, heavy-duty blades, puller and pusher blades. Overheating damages engines, hydraulic, and hydrostatic systems. Even minor failures can put your machine down at the worst time, and major component failures can cause significant downtime and expense. Cleanfix Reversible fans eliminate tedious cleaning of cooling components. This ensures that critical machine cooling systems operate at their best, when working in the field and provides a substantial long tem payback to the operating/maintenance costs of the machine.
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