Both the HCS and HCL core bits are designed for coring in the 35 mm – 610 mm (13/8” – 24”) diameter range in reinforced concrete. With pre-sharpened segments for easy, accurate hole starting and a high performance over the entire life of the core bit, users can see the superior performance provided by these bits. The new diamond core bits come in 2 specifications: HCS (High-horsepower Concrete Speed) and HCL (High-horsepower Concrete Life) built specifically for high horsepower motors (core rig DD 200 or larger). The new Equidist wall saw blades DS-BT also feature diamonds in the segment matrix that are equally distributed and evenly spaced. Compared with conventional wall saw blades, Hilti Equidist blades achieve up to 35% high cutting performance and up to 45% longer life.
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