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Coup d’envoi au plus important projet de ligne de transport d’électricité en 20 ans
Le premier ministre du Québec, Philippe Couillard, accompagné du ministre de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles et ministre responsable du Plan Nord, Pierre Arcand, et du président-directeur général d’Hydro-Québec, Thierry Vandal, a procédé aujourd’hui au lancement officiel du projet de construction de la ligne à 735 kV de la Chamouchouane–Bout de-l’Île et du nouveau poste Judith-Jasmin, à Montréal.

«Nous marquons aujourd’hui le début des travaux de construction du plus important projet de ligne de transport d’électricité depuis les vingt dernières années. Ce projet, qui relie notamment le réseau électrique du nord-est du Québec à la boucle métropolitaine, permettra de sécuriser l’approvisionnement en électricité des grands centres de consommation, dont l’île de Montréal et le sud de Lanaudière», a déclaré le premier ministre.

Le ministre Arcand a souligné les importantes retombées économiques du projet : «Au cours des 5 prochaines années, ce projet permettra de créer des emplois à temps plein au Québec. Durant les périodes de pointe des travaux, ce sont plus de 1500 travailleurs qui seront à l’œuvre. Avec des investissements évalués à près de 1,4 milliard $, ce projet engendrera des retombées économiques estimées à 1,1 milliard $ pour la province. Il est également important de mentionner que la nouvelle ligne de transport sera rentable grâce à la réduction substantielle des pertes électriques du réseau actuel dans la poursuite de nos efforts en matière d’efficacité énergétique.»

«Ce projet est nécessaire pour assurer la fiabilité de l’ensemble du réseau électrique québécois. Il permettra, d’une part, d’intégrer les nouvelles sources de production et, d’autre part, de répondre à la demande croissante dans le sud du Québec. Il permettra également de réduire les pertes électriques sur les lignes. À terme, la ligne se paie d’elle-même», a ajouté Thierry Vandal.

Rappelons que la Régie de l’énergie a autorisé le projet dans son ensemble. Elle a approuvé la justification économique et électrique du projet et a notamment reconnu le caractère incontournable de la solution présentée par Hydro-Québec. La Commission de protection du territoire agricole (CPTAQ) reconnaît l’effort de rationalisation démontré par Hydro-Québec qui tend à mettre à profit des infrastructures existantes ou des superficies bénéficiant d’un droit acquis, plutôt que de construire de nouvelles lignes indépendantes qui nécessitent des superficies importantes en zone agricole.

De plus, Hydro-Québec a tenu, depuis 2010, plus de 300 rencontres avec différents intervenants des milieux concernés. À la lumière de ces échanges, des modifications ont été apportées afin de proposer le meilleur projet possible sur les plans technique, économique et environnemental. D’ailleurs, les recommandations contenues dans le rapport du Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) ont été prises en compte par Hydro-Québec et ont fait partie de l’analyse environnementale réalisée par le ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques.

«La réalisation de ce projet s’inscrit dans notre vision de développement énergétique; il servira à acheminer une énergie propre et renouvelable vers les marchés de consommation, tout en permettant à Hydro-Québec de jouer son rôle majeur dans le développement économique et social du Québec», a conclu le premier ministre.

Source: Gouvernement du Québec


Globoquip distributeur des brise-roches hydrauliques Bretec
Équipement Selix inc. est fière d’annoncer la nomination de Globoquip comme nouveau distributeur des brise roche hydraulique Bretec pour la grande région de Montréal, au Québec.

Ce sont le support incomparable offert par Équipement Selix et la qualité des produits Bretec, fabriqués en Finlande par Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy, qui ont convaincu le propriétaire Peter Vokey de s’associer à ce grand nom de l’industrie.

Bretec a fait sa marque en tant que manufacturier d’équipement d’origine (OEM) en 1994. Maintenant, après plus de 20 ans depuis le premier impact de Bretec, la gamme comprend des marteaux pour porteurs de 1,5 à 40 t offrant une protection contre le bruit performante, conçus pour les application urbaines.

Source: Équipement Sélix inc.


Hilti Canada reconnue encore une fois comme un des meilleurs endroits où travailler au Canada
Hilti (Canada) Corporation, fournisseur d’outils et de systèmes de fixation novateurs, spécialisés et de qualité pour les professionnels, annonçait récemment qu’elle est encore reconnue cette année comme un des meilleurs endroits où travailler au Canada par l’Institut Great Place to Work®. En effet, cette année elle arrive au 35e rang de la liste des 50 meilleures grandes entreprises et multinationales où travailler au Canada. C’est la 6e fois que l’entreprise fait partie de la liste.

«Nous aimerions remercier tous les membres de l’équipe canadienne qui ont pris le temps de fournir leurs commentaires et qui ont aidé notre organisation à obtenir cette reconnaissance en tant qu’excellent endroit où travailler», déclare Avi Kahn, directeur général. «Nous ne considérons jamais cette reconnaissance comme allant de soi et nous avons déjà entamé un processus d’examen et d’amélioration.»

La liste de cette année a reçu plus de 300 nominations et plus de 60 000 employés ont participé au sondage de 2015 sur les meilleurs endroits où travailler au Canada.

L’Institut Great Place to Work® est une société mondiale de conseil et de recherche sur la gestion présente dans plus de 50 pays et spécialisée dans la transformation du lieu de travail. Sa mission est d’améliorer la société en créant des lieux où il fait bon travailler. Ce qui a fait la notoriété de cette organisation est son programme sur les meilleurs lieux de travail, produit en collaboration avec des partenaires médiatiques prestigieux comme le Globe and Mail, le Financial Times et Fortune. Grâce aux enquêtes menées annuellement auprès de plus de 5 500 organisations dans le monde, ce programme est le plus important en son genre. L’institut croit passionnément que n’importe quelle entreprise ou organisation peut devenir un lieu de travail fantastique.

Source: Hilti (Canada) Corporation


Ovivo obtient un contrat pour de l’équipement hautement spécialisé pour l’alimentation en eau d’une plate-forme de forage
Ovivo Inc. a remporté un important contrat pour concevoir et fournir des conteneurs modulaires pour la production d’eau douce sur une plate-forme de forage dans le nord de l’océan Pacifique. La valeur du contrat est de plus de 9 millions $ et comprend la conception sur mesure d’équipement de production qui utilisera la technologie des membranes d’osmose inversée. L’équipement sera livré en 2016.

Le contrat comprend le module de traitement d’eau douce d’Ovivo, connue sous notre marque Caird & Rayner Clark. Les modules produiront de l’eau potable ainsi que l’eau de lavage de la turbine directement à partir de l’eau de mer à une température souvent en dessous de 0°C. Les systèmes de survie, tels que le module de traitement d’eau douce, sont nécessaires sur les plates-formes en haute mer puisqu’il est difficile pour les navires de ravitaillement de s’y rendre en hiver.

«Ce contrat d’ingénierie hautement spécialisée démontre que Ovivo possède les technologies et l’équipement pour répondre aux exigences internationales les plus élevées et les plus rigoureuses», a déclaré Marc Barbeau, président et chef de la direction. «Nous avons obtenu d’importants contrats récemment dans les marchés de l’énergie grâce à notre plate-forme mondiale qui nous permet de soutenir nos clients partout où leurs projets sont situés», a ajouté M. Barbeau.

Source: Ovivo Inc.


L’ICCA promouvoit fièrement la sidérurgie canadienne à la NASCC 2015
Cette année, l’Institut canadien de la construction en acier (ICCA) a eu une présence de premier plan à la North American Steel Construction Conference (NASCC), tenue à Nashville, Tennessee du 25 au 27 mars dernier.
L’équipe de l’ICCA s’est relayée à son stand et à la promotion de sa marque, adhésion, produits et services, et ses solutions techniques.

Le personnel a participé et aussi dirigé des séances principales et des discussions animées lors de la conférence.

L’ICCA a également tenu une réception d’appréciation pour ses membres et associés à l’hôtel Renaissance Nashville. Cela a été une excellente occasion de se connecter et d’échanger avec ses membres et associés qui étaient présents à la conférence et les organisateurs sont ravis d’avoir eu une grande participation à cet événement!

La NASCC est un grand événement qui rassemble l’industrie nord-américaine de la construction en acier.

L’ICCA se réjouit à la perspective d’une autre NASCC remplie de succès en 2016 à Orlando, en Floride.

Source: Institut canadien de la construction en acier


L’Office national de l’énergie lance une carte en ligne des incidents liés à un pipeline
L’Office national de l’énergie a lancé une carte interactive en ligne des incidents liés à un pipeline, afin de permettre aux Canadiens de voir tous les incidents mettant en cause un pipeline qui sont survenus au Canada depuis 2008.

«Il s’agit d’un nouvel outil interactif qui permet aux Canadiens de se renseigner sur les incidents liés à un pipeline et sur les sociétés en cause», de dire Peter Watson, président de l’Office. «Le lancement d’un tel outil témoigne de l’engagement accru de l’Office envers la transparence.»

La carte des incidents liés à un pipeline comporte des filtres offrant la possibilité d’adapter la recherche à certains détails, notamment le lieu de l’incident, la société et le volume du déversement. Les Canadiens ont ainsi accès aux renseignements qu’ils souhaitent obtenir, au moment et à l’endroit qui leur conviennent.

La carte fera l’objet d’une mise à jour trimestrielle, la prochaine étant prévue en juillet 2015. En effet, les données relatives à un incident peuvent changer avec le temps, à la suite de l’enquête sur l’incident ou de l’obtention de nouveaux renseignements. Les dossiers seront mis à jour en conséquence et la carte reflétera les changements.

La carte des incidents liés à un pipeline se trouve ici :

Source: Office national de l’énergie


Centre d'expertise sur la construction commerciale en bois – 500 000 $ pour favoriser l'utilisation du bois dans la construction non résidentielle
Le ministre des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, M. Laurent Lessard, annonce une aide financière de 500 000 $  afin d'assurer la poursuite des activités du Centre d'expertise sur la construction commerciale en bois du Québec (Cecobois) pour l'année en cours.

«Le gouvernement du Québec souhaite encourager l'utilisation du bois dans la construction en soutenant ses partenaires, dont Cecobois. Ce dernier pourra poursuivre son travail de conception et de diffusion de l'information en plus d'offrir du soutien technique aux professionnels et aux donneurs d'ordres. Cecobois est apprécié des professionnels, car il possède une expertise unique qui répond à un besoin actuel. En diffusant cette expertise, il permet d'utiliser le bois de la bonne façon et au bon endroit», a souligné le ministre Lessard.

Cecobois est une entité du Conseil de l'industrie forestière du Québec (CIFQ) dont la mission est de soutenir et de faciliter l'usage accru du bois en construction multifamiliale et non résidentielle au Québec.

«Il faut non seulement poursuivre la promotion de l'utilisation du bois dans la construction, mais aussi appuyer et accompagner les donneurs d'ordres et les professionnels du bâtiment. Grâce à son énorme potentiel, le bois pourra reprendre la place qui lui revient dans l'économie québécoise et continuer d'être une source de création d'emplois et de richesse», a conclu le ministre Lessard.

Source: Cabinet du ministre des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs


Le congrès de l’ICM 2015
C’est sous le thème «Nouvelles dimensions» que s’est déroulé le congrès de l’Institut canadien des mines, de la métallurgie et du pétrole (ICM) à Montréal du 10 au 13 mai derniers. L’édition 2015 de cet événement a attiré près de 6000 personnes travaillant dans l’industrie minière au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.

L’ICM est la principale association professionnelle de l’industrie des mines et des minéraux. Elle compte plus de 14 000 membres au Canada et dans le monde. L’ICM œuvre à l’avancement des connaissances ainsi qu’à la promotion du réseautage, de l’innovation et des pratiques durables pour l’industrie minière.

Source: Institut canadien des mines, de la métallurgie et du pétrole

Industry News


W.S. Tyler Announces Name Change to Haver & Boecker
W.S. Tyler, the premium screening solutions company in the mining, aggregate and industrial mineral industries, is expanding to offer the full line of technology provided by its parent company, Haver & Boecker. To better align the company’s name with its new strategy and product offerings, the W.S. Tyler Screening Group will now be known as Haver & Boecker.

“Haver & Boecker has a long, established history of servicing not only the mining, aggregate and industrial minerals industries, but also the cement, chemical, building materials and food industries worldwide,” said Karen Thompson, president of W.S. Tyler. “In addition to our screening, washing and pelletizing equipment, the new portfolio also will include packing, liquid filling, palletizing, loading and storage technology. The move to the Haver & Boecker name represents growth here in North America, and most importantly more value to our customers.”

The company’s team of screening experts will continue to focus on W.S. Tyler customers and the core screening technology and expertise that is valued by their customers today, while new teams are being added to support the new technologies.

“As we grow our company and add new technologies and industries, our top priority is to ensure our W.S. Tyler customers are the ones who benefit the most; they are the reason we go to work every day, and their trust has allowed us to grow to offer bigger benefits to their operations,” said Ms. Thompson.

The complete line of Haver & Boecker products and services includes:

  • W.S. Tyler is synonymous in North America with premium screening, washing and pelletizing equipment, including the Hydro-Clean and F-Class.
  • Haver & Boecker packing technology is focused on stationary and rotating feeding solutions for valve- and form-fill-seal bags.
  • Behn + Bates is highly recognized for its bag packaging systems that are designed for food and animal feed filling applications.
  • Feige Filling Technology produces turnkey systems for filling liquid and pasty products into drums, pails, cans and IBCs (intermediate bulk containers).
  • IBAU Hamburg specializes in bulk loading, material handling and storage equipment for many land and marine applications.
  • NEWTEC Bag Palletizing creates innovative solutions for palletizing bagged products.

“When you buy Haver & Boecker technology anywhere in the world, you can be assured that you’re getting the best combination of products, services and expertise, regardless of your industry,” added Karen Thompson.

The W.S. Tyler Industrial Group in Mentor, Ohio, which is the pioneer for laboratory equipment, such as testing sieves and shakers, and considered to be the specialist for industrial applications of woven wire, will not be affected by this name change.

Source: Haver & Boecker Canada


Deep Foundation Service and Savings - All in One Location
International Construction Equipment, Inc. (ICE®), one of the largest global manufacturers of pile driving and drilling equipment since 1974, just announced its partnership with Selix Equipment, Inc., based in Ottawa, Ontario. They have signed a dealer agreement between the parties enabling Selix to now be the one-stop foundation location for all of Quebec, Ontario and Eastern Canada by offering Pile Drilling and Drilling equipment to its customers.

Selix Equipment, established in 2011, has quickly become the premier dealer for drilling equipment on the eastern side of Canada including Quebec and Ontario. “Whatever you do to put a hole in the ground… that’s our business,” says Mario Roussel, president of Selix Equipment. ”Now, we have the ability to fulfill all our clients’ deep foundation needs with the addition of ICE® equipment.”

The company specializes in the supply and service of drilling equipment, equipment parts and drilling consumables and now the rental, sales and service of the full ICE® product lines. The scope of the business has been small and large rock drills for quarries and construction, and various sizes of multi-use drills for ground consolidation, environmental sampling, tie backs, micro piles, jet grouting and geothermal and hydraulic piling rigs from 35 to 90 t.

“We are just expanding into vibratory hammers from the world’s largest U.S.-made 200C ICE® Vibratory Hammer to excavator-mounted vibratory hammers and accessories. Plus, we have full access to the entire line of ICE® equipment,” adds Mr. Roussel. “The cost effectiveness for our clients being able to come to Selix, whom they know and trust, will enable bottom line savings over the duration of their job.”

Selix Equipment is a Canada-wide distributor for Mc Drill Technology of Italy and Sandvik Construction (Ontario only) a division of Sandvik, an international Swedish company in the high-technology engineering sector and a world-leader in tooling, stainless steel alloys and materials technology, mining and construction. Selix Equipment also has strategic supply arrangements with Carandina, S.l.r. of Italy for the supply of foundation drilling tools, Bretec (a Sandvik company) for hydraulic rock breakers and now ICE® vibratory hammers. ICE® engineers, manufactures, delivers and rents high quality vibratory hammers and power packs for all deep foundation piling work.

ICE®, a 42-year established manufacturer, choose to do business with Selix Equipment because: “The Selix team does not just sell and service the market, they specialize and excel with a superior service team to keep clients from having expensive downtime on the jobsite.” says Christian Cunningham, COO & owner of ICE®, Inc.

Source: ICE- International Construction Equipment, Inc.


Pro Fleet Care Welcomes New Franchisee in Waterloo/Perth
Pro Fleet Care, a leader in the mobile fleet rust control industry, is proud to welcome Isaac Bergen as the organization’s newest franchisee for the counties of Waterloo/Perth Ontario.

Prior to joining the Pro Fleet Care family, Mr. Bergen ran his own vegetable and crop farming operation in Mexico, which he purchased and developed over the last 13 years. Last year he made the difficult decision to leave Mexico, the land he had been born and raised, to come to Canada.

Isaac Bergen was quickly employed due to his hard work ethic, but he longed for a business of his own. On a chance meeting with Bob Lawrie, the founder of Pro Fleet Care, he learned about the mobile rust control business. “I like my employer. He is really kind to me and my family, but I knew that I needed to have a business of my own. I wanted to get back into farming, but to establish a farming operation in Ontario would be too costly,” says Mr. Bergen. “When I met Bob and he told me about his franchise business, I got excited. I knew that I had the skill set and desire to serve clients. I knew this was for me.”

“Businesses succeed and fail based on their ability to provide relevant services and products to the market place. At Pro Fleet Care, we have been blessed with a business that is in great demand, because we understand the importance of having the best products, process and most importantly the best service providers,” explains Greg Lawrie, president of Pro Fleet Care.

“So it goes without saying I am truly excited to have Isaac join the Pro Fleet Care family. In addition to his farming background, Isaac has extensive experience in the manufacturing of farm implements as well vehicle repair. Having worked with him in initial sales and training so far, I am convinced that he will be an effective business owner as he is motivated and has a strong sense of customer service. Pro Fleet Care prides itself in its customer focus and professional work ethic. I am confident that Isaac will be a great success, adding to the continued growth of Pro Fleet Care,” Mr. Lawrie further affirms.

It has been 30 years since the Pro Fleet Care story began and Pro Fleet Care has now developed a sound franchise organization that provides its customers with an effective customer-focused distribution system. Pro Fleet Care is pleased to continue to expand this system nationwide.

Source: Pro Fleet Care


New Harber Coatings Facility Quadruples Productivity and Offers Cost Savings to Oil and Gas Companies
Harber Coatings Inc. officially opened its new facility on May 1, 2015. The exclusive manufacturer of InnoGUARD Flakeless Electroless Nickel Coating (ENC) is focused on significantly reducing replacement costs of parts, tools, and downtime in the oilfield for customers. Their proprietary, high phosphorous-nickel coating protects raw metal parts and tools from corrosion, abrasion and salvages worn or mismachined parts.

Replacement and repair of damaged equipment is the largest maintenance requirement in the oil and gas industry. Ken Wang, president and CEO, explains: “In this economy, customers are looking for the best long-term value to protect their assets. Our InnoGUARD ENC extends the life of critical metal items by over 20 times, even when parts and tools are mechanically impacted, exposed to sour service or placed in highly corrosive environments. We are the only company in North America to offer a lifetime no flaking or peeling warranty on a coating.”

The new facility occupies over 1850 m2 of production area in the Calgary Foothills Industrial Park, in Alberta. This site boasts larger processing equipment and double the previous location’s production area. “With larger equipment, we will quadruple productivity and meet rising demands of customers requiring larger parts and tools to be coated. Working more efficiently also enables us to reduce pricing by up to 15%. This is a huge benefit for companies now dealing with tight budgets,” states Mr. Wang.

Another component to Ken Wang’s expansion plan is to use the Calgary facility as a staff training center and open new locations globally, over the next 5 years.

Source: Harber Coatings Inc.


inter airport Europe 2015 Adds a Further Exhibition Hall
Show organizers, Mack Brooks Exhibitions, has expanded the exhibition space at inter airport Europe 2015 by adding a 3rd hall. The 20th anniversary edition of the International Exhibition for Airport Equipment, Technology, Design & Services, will be held October 6 - 9, 2015, at the Munich Trade Fair Centre, Germany.

“More than half a year ahead of the show the available stand space in halls B5 and B6 had already been booked or reserved, while the demand for stand space continues to be very strong. With the directly neighboring hall B4 we are now able to offer additional stand space in the indoor area of the exhibition,” explains Nicola Hamann, managing director of Mack Brooks Exhibitions.

The previous exhibition attracted a total of 11,900 visitors from 110 countries; visitors to the show are industry experts from airports, airlines, air cargo carriers and aviation-support.

Currently some 460 exhibitors from 37 countries cover a net floor space of more than 25,000 m2 indoors and outdoors. Many exhibitors have booked larger stand space at this year’s inter airport Europe in order to present a wider range of their innovative equipment to visitors. Live demonstrations of new products and systems are a key feature of inter airport Europe, the world’s largest platform for the entire airport industry.

inter airport Europe covers 4 exhibition categories: interRAMP (ground support equipment), interTERMINAL (technical terminal installations and services), interDATA (specialized hard and software) and interDESIGN (architecture and furnishings).

Source: Mack Brooks Exhibitions Ltd


Bridgestone Holds Opening Ceremony for New Operations Base in Australia
Bridgestone Corporation recently announced the opening of the Bridgestone Institute Global Mining Solutions Pty. Limited (BIGS), a subsidiary of the Bridgestone Group that offers development and training services related to mining operations. It was officially launched on April 9 at Mt Thorley, outside Newcastle, New South Wales, in Australia.

This operations base is the world’s first to specialize in mining tire business development and offer comprehensive solution services related to off-the-road tires for construction and mining vehicles, belts and hoses.

BIGS will use data and concepts collected from Bridgestone’s global network of tire production facilities and distributors to create the next level of industry-specific tire technology. It will also act as a training hub to ensure its service solutions can be reproduced in any location around the world, based on consistency of quality and expertise within these areas.

In the resource and construction industries tires are vital to production and safety, but are an ongoing cost and maintenance issue. As they can represent a significant component of a customer’s operating costs, it is important to prolong the life of the tire. To that end, Bridgestone is not just focusing on the tire but also on improving the quality of support services to ensure a tire has every opportunity to meet its maximum work-life.

Source: Bridgestone Corporation


Cyanotoxins Guide Targets Blooming Issue
The American Water Works Association and the Water Research Foundation recently released a guide to help water utility managers detect and control cyanotoxins, the algae-related contaminants that led to a “do not drink” advisory for 400,000 people in Toledo, Ohio, last summer.

“A Water Utility Manager’s Guide to Cyanotoxins” addresses cyanotoxin occurrence, source water management, and treatment strategies. Presented in a simple Q&A format, it is available for free download from both the AWWA and WRF web sites. A more technical companion document is also in development.

Cyanotoxins typically arise from cyanobacteria – often referred to as blue-green algae in lakes and reservoirs and can impact drinking water quality. While health effects from drinking water contaminated by cyanotoxins are not well understood, potential negative health impacts of prolonged or very high exposures include liver, nervous system, and gastrointestinal problems.

The guide comes as the federal government considers how to address cyanotoxins from both regulatory and legislative perspectives. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is expected to publish a health advisory on cyanotoxins during spring or summer of 2015, to assist regulators and water managers as they consider steps to protect the public from unregulated contaminants. U.S. Congress is considering multiple bills related to cyanotoxin monitoring and risk assessment.

“The Toledo incident launched cyanotoxins into the public consciousness,” said AWWA president John Donahue. “This guide will help water managers make informed decisions in how they manage cyanotoxin concerns and communicate effectively with their customers.”

“As we look towards the warm days of summer, this new guide presents water utility managers with the right information at the right time to help them confidently apply the best science and best practices to protect the communities they serve,” said Robert Renner, WRF’s executive director.

Established in 1881, the American Water Works Association is the largest nonprofit, scientific and educational association dedicated to managing and treating water, the world’s most important resource. With approximately 50,000 members, AWWA provides solutions to improve public health, protect the environment, strengthen the economy and enhance our quality of life.

Source: Water Research Foundation


Topsoe Partners with Unifrax to Market Improved Ceramic Catalytic Filters to the Industrial Market
Unifrax I LLC , a Tonawanda, New York based manufacturer of specialty fiber products, and Haldor Topsoe A/S, a world leader in catalysis and related process technologies headquartered in Denmark, recently announced the signing of a partnership agreement. The partnership marks the beginning of a joint global effort to commercialize an innovative new line of catalytic filter candles.

This new product family will be marketed as TopFrax filters and was developed for catalytic hot gas filtration in the industrial market.

Global regulations have reduced the permissible levels of particulate and hazardous gas emissions, making compliance costly and requiring companies to make substantial investments in pollution control technologies. Haldor Topsoe and Unifrax have worked closely to develop a unique technology that addresses the problems related to industrial emissions.

TopFrax catalytic filter candle is designed to remove NOx and particulate matter, and will also be launched in a version capable of removing VOC, CO and dioxin that are generated in many industrial processes.

Source: Unifrax I LLC, Haldor Topsoe A/S


Endress+Hauser Announces New Representative for Saskatchewan
Endress+Hauser Canada is pleased to announce Summit Valve and Controls Inc. as its provincial representative for Saskatchewan.

The agreement took effect April 6, 2015 and offers exclusive representation for all Endress+Hauser products in Saskatchewan. Located in Saskatoon, Summit Valve and Controls has been, and continues to be a key player in the Saskatchewan market.

As a leader in the distribution and service of industrial and municipal valves and automation products, Summit Valves and Controls is pleased to add Endress+Hauser products to its existing portfolio of products and services at its Saskatchewan facilities.

“This appointment is instrumental to the continued development and growth of our industrial instrumentation products and team. Our local customer service and support has been a key component to our success and we look forward to working with Endress+Hauser to enhance our market coverage in Saskatchewan,” commented Charlie Johnson, director of Industrial Automation Products for Summit.

“Endress+Hauser products are best-in-class in process control automation, offering high quality instrumentation and solutions for all industries. It is a unique opportunity for Summit Valve and Controls to partner with a recognized world leader. We believe our customers will benefit greatly from the local support and quality solutions we can provide as a result of this partnership,” he added.

Over the last 2 decades, Summit Valve and Controls, based out of Edmonton with regional offices in Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg and Vancouver, has expanded to include complete valve, actuator, instrumentation and accessories, as well as engineering and start-up services. The company offers innovative products that reduce the total cost of ownership and improve process performance. The value they provide is more than the products they represent. Summit offers training on their products, as well as industry-specific application knowledge. Their mission is to be the technical resource to their customers for all their process measurement needs.

Summit’s mission is in keeping with Endress+Hauser’s customer focus. As Richard Lewandowski, general manager for Endress+Hauser Canada adds: “partnering with Summit Valve and Controls in Saskatchewan offers our customers improved access to our technologies, solutions and services. Ultimately, customers are the beneficiaries as we leverage the combined strengths of both our organizations in the Saskatchewan marketplace.”

Source: Endress+Hauser Group

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