HammerHead Receives Innovative Product Award


HammerHead Trenchless Equipment and its new 86 cm ramming hammer received the Joseph L. Abbott Jr. Innovative Product Award at the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) Annual No-Dig Show.

The world’s largest pneumatic pipe ramming hammer was chosen because of its contribution to the advancement of the trenchless industry. The show was held in Sacramento, California, from March 3 to 7, 2013, and hosted over 140 exhibitors and 1,600 attendees.

Once a year NASTT recognizes companies with state-of-the-art products in either the new installation or rehabilitation categories. The award was renamed in 2010 to honor the late Joseph L. Abbott Jr. who was an active member in the society since its start in 1990.

HammerHead first launched the new hammer in January at the Underground Construction Technology International Conference & Exhibition in Houston, Texas. The 86 cm hammer can install casing 122 cm to 457 cm in diameter in drainage culvert and washover applications and can be used for pipe assist or pipe extraction, guided pilot bore ramming, and horizontal directional drilling assist.

HammerHead CEO and president Brian Metcalf said, “It is an honor to accept the NASTT’s Innovative Product Award. This award confirms our continued commitment to providing innovative equipment, best in class product and advanced trenchless solutions. We are pleased that the release of the 34 inch hammer cements HammerHead’s position as industry leaders.”

The 86 cm rammer has already been released for production, and 122 cm collets are available. Ram adapter cones are currently in development for other sizes.

Although the hammer is designed specifically for pipe ramming projects, with custom-built tooling the hammer can also be used for pipe bursting to replace 92 cm pipe and larger. HammerHead will provide custom-built accessories upon request.

Source: HammerHead Trenchless Equipment

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