Nouvelles brèves


Groupe Canam Acquiert une usine de poutrelles d’acier en Arizona
Groupe Canam annonce la signature d’une entente par sa filiale américaine Canam Steel Corporation pour l’acquisition des actifs de production de poutrelles d’acier de Quincy Joist Company, une filiale de Schuff International, Inc. Ces actifs comprennent une usine située à Buckeye en Arizona, incluant les équipements et les inventaires, ainsi qu’une usine située à Quincy en Floride, incluant les équipements et les inventaires mais pas le terrain. La transaction est sujette à une vérification diligente.

Groupe Canam qui possède déjà une usine de poutrelles en Floride, se portera acquéreur des actifs de l’usine de Quincy seulement après que l’actuel propriétaire aura mis fin aux activités. Les équipements seront transférés vers d’autres usines de poutrelles de Groupe Canam. Aucune décision n’a été prise au sujet des immeubles.

Le président et chef de la direction de Groupe Canam, Marc Dutil, explique que la capacité de l’équipe de Quincy Joist à fabriquer des produits non réguliers a joué un rôle dans la décision d’aller de l’avant avec la transaction.

«Les équipes de Groupe Canam et Quincy Joist partagent les mêmes valeurs axées sur la satisfaction du client et la livraison à temps de produits de qualité. Le processus d’intégration devrait se dérouler sans heurt.»

Monsieur Dutil ajoute que cette transaction permettra d’accroître la présence de Groupe Canam sur le marché du sud-ouest des États-Unis, tout en favorisant une consolidation du marché.

L’usine de Buckeye, située à environ 60 km à l’ouest de Phoenix, emploie quelque 70 personnes et a une capacité de production de 30 000 t annuellement.

Source: Groupe Canam inc.


Structal-ponts décroche deux contrats d’envergure à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador et au Massachusetts
Structal-ponts, une division de Groupe Canam inc., a décroché deux contrats importants totalisant près de 60 millions $, pour la fabrication des structures d’acier qui remplaceront le pont levant Sir Ambrose Shea à Placentia, à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, et le pont John Greenleaf Whittier Memorial, surplombant la rivière Merrimack, entre les villes de Newburyport et d’Amesbury au Massachusetts.

Pour le projet à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, la coentreprise formée de H.J. O’Connell Construction Ltd. et Vancouver Pile Driving Ltd., a octroyé à Structal-ponts le contrat pour la fabrication des diverses composantes du nouveau pont levant vertical incluant les approches. Au total, ce sont près de 1100 t d’acier qui seront fabriquées par Structal-ponts à l’usine de Groupe Canam située à Québec à compter du mois d’août 2013.

Obtenu de Walsh Construction Company, le mandat au Massachusetts porte sur la fabrication de plus de 10 000 t d’acier qui entreront dans la composition du nouveau pont Whittier qui sera érigé dans le cadre du projet d’amélioration de l’autoroute I-95 au Massachusetts. Les usines de Groupe Canam situées à Claremont au New Hampshire et à Point of Rocks au Maryland se partageront la fabrication qui s’effectuera entre les mois d’août 2013 et avril 2015. Les livraisons pour ce projet commenceront en décembre 2013.

«Le pont Whittier est le cinquième mandat d’envergure en collaboration avec Walsh Construction Company, ce qui est un bon indicateur de la relation de confiance qui existe entre les deux entreprises. De plus, l’expertise que nous avons développée en matière d’installation de ponts complexes en acier nous a bien positionnés pour obtenir le projet du pont de Placentia», commente Robin Lapointe, vice-président chez Structal-ponts.

Source: Groupe Canam inc.


L’industrie canadienne du ciment et du béton lance son nouveau portail
L’industrie canadienne du ciment et du béton lançait récemment le portail Ce nouveau portail sur internet offre une information exhaustive sur la contribution du béton au développement durable; le béton étant le matériau le plus utilisé au monde après l’eau. Le portail est conçu de façon à intéresser le public aussi bien que les législateurs, les décideurs politiques, les organisations environnementales non gouvernementales, les architectes et les ingénieurs dans leurs réflexions sur le béton et le développement durable et pour informer les citoyens sur les investissements que l’industrie a fait et continue à faire pour devenir plus efficace, plus propre et de plus en plus orientée vers des produits apportant des solutions au défi posé par le développement durable.

«Bien que le béton soit littéralement la base de nos communautés, l’ampleur de sa contribution au développement durable est largement sous-estimée», affirme Michael McSweeney, président et chef de la direction de l’Association Canadienne du Ciment. «Notre mission est de voir à ce que les Canadiens aient sous la main l’information nécessaire pour à la fois apprécier notre vision d’un avenir durable et l’importance capitale du béton dans la réponse de la société au défi du développement durable. C’est de cela qu’il est question dans ce portail.»

Le portail est le fruit d’un effort collectif des membres de la «Canadian Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative» (CCJSI), un groupe réunissant des représentants de différents secteurs de l’industrie canadienne du ciment et du béton pour communiquer et soutenir la réponse importante de l’industrie au défi posé par la construction durable.

Source: Association Canadienne du Ciment


Automation Studio™ au Offshore Technology Conference de Houston
Famic Technologies présentait sa dernière solution logicielle de dessin et de simulation tout-en-un, Automation Studio™ lors du salon Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) qui se déroulait du 6 au 9 mai dernier à Houston, au Texas. Des présentations interactives et en direct d’Automation Studio™ ont démontré comment il améliore l’efficacité et réduit significativement le temps d’arrêt pour de meilleurs résultats dans les domaines des opérations en haute mer, la marine, le pétrole et le gaz.

La maintenance et la sécurité sont toujours les priorités lorsqu’il s’agit d’opérations en haute mer. Les visiteurs du salon ont pu assister à des démonstrations personnalisées sur comment analyser les échecs et les risques avec Automation Studio™. La dernière version du logiciel dispose de fonctionnalités plus intuitives afin que les capacités de conception et de simulation soient plus rapides et précises, facilitant son utilisation dans de nombreux services. Il est également un outil de communication à tous les niveaux de l’entreprise, ce qui permet ainsi de générer un retour sur investissement élevé.

Outil de CAO efficace et convivial, Automation Studio™ est surtout connu pour les caractéristiques du logiciel orienté vers des solutions métier et disposant de technologies de simulation avancées.

Automation Studio™ est donc une solution autonome et flexible pour la conception de systèmes, la simulation réaliste et la modélisation dans un environnement virtuel. C’est également un outil de formation et de développement personnel sur les tenants et aboutissants des systèmes pour prendre les décisions opportunes, tout en gardant à l’esprit la sécurité, la fiabilité et la rentabilité.

Source: Famic Technologies


Le lancement de ConstruForce Canada donne un nouveau souffle à l’industrie de la construction
Les dirigeants de l’industrie de la construction de partout au pays ont créé un nouvel organisme national en vue d’assurer une offre soutenue de travailleurs hautement qualifiés à une industrie en pleine croissance.

ConstruForce Canada a été lancée le 1er avril 2013. L’organisme a alors remplacé le Conseil sectoriel de la construction (CSC) qui, pendant dix ans, s’est associé à l’industrie pour offrir des prévisions sur le marché du travail dignes de foi et respectées ainsi que d’autres ressources et services.

«Les dirigeants de l’industrie ont décidé de prendre le relais lorsque le gouvernement fédéral a mis fin à son Programme des conseils sectoriels», affirme la directrice générale, Rosemary Sparks. «Nous avons maintenant une nouvelle marque, un nouveau conseil d’administration, un nouveau modèle de financement et une nouvelle structure de gouvernance», ajoute-t-elle. «Toutefois, notre mandat n’a pas changé : nous continuerons à nous pencher sur l’importance d’une main-d’œuvre qualifiée dans le secteur de la construction.»

«Nous accorderons toujours la priorité aux produits et services qui ont contribué à la prospérité de l’industrie au cours des dix dernières années, soit les prévisions annuelles sur le marché du travail», explique Mark Arnone, administrateur et vice-président, Exécution des travaux de remise à neuf, Ontario Power Generation. Selon lui, les rapports Construire l’avenir et leurs prévisions sur neuf ans ont constitué, partout au pays, un élément clé de la planification et de la gestion des besoins en main-d’œuvre des entreprises.

«L’industrie a un besoin évident d’information complète sur le marché du travail pour satisfaire des marchés vigoureux et une demande croissante de travailleurs qualifiés», explique Robert Blakely, président du Conseil d’administration et directeur, Affaires canadiennes, du Département des métiers de la construction, FAT-COI. «Grâce au modèle que nous avons mis au point, nous serons en mesure de diffuser cette information en consultant plusieurs intervenants de divers milieux.»

«L’organisme novateur qu’est ConstruForce Canada dévoilera d’autres projets stimulants à mesure qu’il définira ses priorités au cours des mois qui viennent», ajoute monsieur Blakely.

Pour l’administrateur et président de McCaine Electric Ltd., John Schubert, les priorités s’appuieront toujours sur la recherche : «Nous continuerons d’adopter une approche réfléchie, planifiée et scientifique pour connaître les grands enjeux et définir les besoins en matière de ressources humaines.»

«L’expérience acquise par le CSC démontre également que la recherche de solutions par consensus constitue la méthode la plus efficace. En agissant ensemble, les intervenants du secteur ont fait avancer les choses plus rapidement que tout autre organisme», ajoute monsieur Schubert.

Le nouveau conseil d’administration de ConstruForce Canada compte des représentants de toute l’industrie de la construction. On y trouve notamment des entrepreneurs, des organismes syndicaux ainsi que des entreprises propriétaires et clientes.

Source: ConstruForce Canada


Nouvelle usine pour Lechler Canada à Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures
Après une année de transition et d’aménagement, Lechler Canada, une division de Peintures PMS, procédait récemment à l’inauguration officielle de ses nouvelles installations dans le parc Industriel de Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures. Exportatrice exclusive des peintures italiennes de marque Lechler pour le Canada, l’entreprise en a profité pour annoncer l’introduction d’un nouveau produit à base d’eau pour le domaine des portes et fenêtres, en présence du maire Marcel Corriveau.

Voulant moderniser et agrandir ses installations afin de mieux répondre aux besoins de ses clients et distributeurs, l’entreprise a procédé en 2012 à une expansion comprenant un investissement majeur de plus de 2 millions $ pour le terrain et le nouveau bâtiment. C’est dans la foulée de trois années consécutives de ventes records (augmentation de 27% en 2012 et de 50% les deux années précédentes) que les dirigeants de Lechler Canada ont, entre autres, embauché deux cadres au département des ventes et ont remis les supports informatiques au goût du jour, afin d’accroître l’efficacité des opérations. L’entreprise embauche actuellement 12 employés à temps plein et est toujours à la recherche de spécialistes bilingues qui pourraient s’ajouter à l’équipe afin de contribuer au maintien de la progression spectaculaire (près de 30%) de son chiffre d’affaires.

Lors de l’inauguration, les membres de l’équipe de Lechler Canada, ainsi que son président, Marc Chantal, ont eu le plaisir d’accueillir dignitaires, fournisseurs et clients, afin de leur faire visiter en primeur leur nouveau siège social et sa toute nouvelle salle de montre mettant en évidence la variété de ses produits. Grâce à son inventaire léger composé de 60 liants différents, d’un additif et de 33 teintes de base compatibles, Lechler Canada offre plus de 6000 couleurs de peinture pour chacun des différents liants pour tous types de projets, peu importe la surface. Les peintures ont une grande stabilité de colorants qui donnent des résultats remarquables, tout en respectant l’environnement, puisque leur composition est très faible en solvant. Lechler Canada vend et distribue ses produits partout au Canada dans les marchés du transport, des enseignes, des bâtiments et des portes et fenêtres.

Source: Lechler Canada


Contech acquiert Imbrium®
Contech Engineered Solutions, société établie à West Chester, en Ohio, annonçait récemment avoir fait l’acquisition de Imbrium Systems Group de Monteco Ltd., une entreprise spécialisée dans les technologies propres.

Cette acquisition comprend la ligne de produits Jellyfish® d’Imbrium, destinée à la filtration des eaux pluviales. Le filtre Jellyfish consiste en une technologie sophistiquée de traitement des eaux pluviales qui se caractérise par une capacité de prétraitement et de filtration sur membrane. Il est offert sous forme d’un système de traitement compact et autonome pouvant éliminer une grande variété de polluants issus des eaux pluviales. Le filtre Jellyfish a reçu le feu vert de nombreux organismes de réglementation et est disponible dans une multitude de configurations. Contech continuera de commercialiser son vaste éventail de produits de gestion des eaux pluviales, dont le Stormwater Management Stormfilter®, en même temps que le filtre Jellyfish.

«Il s’agit d’une mesure stratégique importante prise par Contech dans le but de consolider sa position de leader sur le marché des eaux pluviales. L’ajout du filtre Jellyfish à notre gamme de produits donnera à nos clients un plus grand choix de solutions pour leurs besoins de traitement des eaux pluviales», explique Ron Keating, président et chef de la direction de Contech.

Source: Contech Engineered Solutions, LLC


Premier vente aux enchères en Chine pour Ritchie Bros.
Le 18 avril dernier, Ritchie Bros réalisait sa première vente aux enchères en Chine. Au total, Ritchie Bros a écoulé 155 équipements lourds neuf et d'occasion lors de sa vente aux enchères de Pékin. Quelque 500 enchérisseurs étaient présents et 150 enchérisseurs s'étaient enregistrés en ligne pour cet encan d'un jour et de plusieurs millions ¥. Ces derniers ont d'ailleurs acquis 14% des lots présentés à la vente.

Si la majorité des enchérisseurs étaient chinois et locaux, les enchérisseurs étrangers ont eux acheté 17% des équipements en vente. Au vu du franc succès remporté par la vente, Ritchie Bros a acquis un site dans la Tianzhu Free Trade Zone de Pékin à proximité du port de Tianjin –l'un des plus importants ports chinois – afin de pouvoir réaliser à l'avenir d'autres ventes aux enchères en Chine.

Source: Ritchie Bros.


IronPlanet lance TruckPlanet
La société d'enchères en ligne pour l'achat et la vente d'équipements lourds d'occasion IronPlanet®, annonce le lancement d’une nouvelle plate-forme dédiée aux camions d’occasion.

Depuis sa première vente aux enchères, IronPlanet a vendu pour plus de 3 milliards $ d’équipements d’occasion, parmi lesquels des milliers de camions. C’est fort de ce résultat que la société a décidé de créer une plate-forme d’enchères en ligne exclusivement consacrée aux camions.

«Sur TruckPlanet, les vendeurs et acheteurs de camions pourront profiter en toute confiance de la même facilité d’utilisation que sur IronPlanet», promet le président directeur général de IronPlanet, Greg Owens.

«Avec plus de 500 millions $ de camions usagés vendus à date, l'expertise d'IronPlanet a été démontré maintes fois auprès des acheteurs», déclarait Randy Berry, vice president principal aux opérations et services pour IronPlanet. «Nous misons sur plus de 13 années d'expérience dans la vente d'équipements lourds et camions usagés pour créer un marché en ligne qui répondra aux besoins des acheteurs de camions commerciaux.»

De plus, TruckPlanet offrira des services complémentaires pour faciliter le processus d'achat incluant des programmes de financement et de garantie. TruckPlanet compte sur une équipe d'agents qui supporteront le client durant tout le processus, du début à la fin.

Source: IronPlanet

Industry News


Canam Group Signs an Agreement to Acquire a Steel Joist Plant in Arizona
Canam Group Inc. based in Saint-Georges-de-Beauce recently announced the signature of an agreement by its subsidiary, Canam Steel Corporation, to acquire the steel joist fabrication assets of Quincy Joist Company, a subsidiary of Schuff International, Inc. These assets comprise a plant in Buckeye, Arizona, including all equipment and inventory, as well as a plant in Quincy, Florida, including all equipment and inventory but not the land. The transaction is subject to due diligence.

Canam Group, which already operates a joist fabrication plant in Florida, will take possession of the Quincy assets when the current owner halts production activities. The equipment will be transferred to Canam Group's other joist fabrication plants; no decision has been made in connection with the buildings.

President and CEO Marc Dutil stated that the Quincy Joist's ability to fabricate specialty products played a role in the decision to move ahead with the transaction. "The Canam and Quincy Joist teams share the same values that are centered on customer satisfaction and the timely delivery of quality products. The integration process should go smoothly." Mr. Dutil added that this transaction will grow Canam's presence in the southwestern U.S. while also favoring market consolidation.

The plant in Buckeye, a municipality located approximately 60 kilometers (37 miles) west of Phoenix, employs about 70 people and has an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons.

Source: Canam Group Inc.


Structal-Bridges Lands Two Major Contracts in Newfoundland and Labrador and Massachusetts
Structal-Bridges, a division of Canam Group Inc., has secured two large contracts totaling close to $60 million for the fabrication of the steel structures that will replace the Sir Ambrose Shea Lift Bridge in Placentia, located in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the John Greenleaf Whittier Memorial Bridge, which overlooks the Merrimack River between Newburyport and Amesbury, Massachusetts.

Regarding the project in Newfoundland and Labrador, a joint Venture comprised of H.J. O'Connell Construction Ltd. and Vancouver Pile Driving Ltd. awarded Structal-Bridges the contract to fabricate and install various components for the new vertical lift bridge, including the approaches. In all, close to 1,100 t of steel will be transformed by Structal-Bridges in the scope of this contract. Fabrication is slated to begin in August 2013 at the Canam Group plant in Quebec City.

Mandated by Walsh Construction Company, the project in Massachusetts calls for the fabrication of over 10,000 t of steel components for the new Whittier Bridge that's being erected as part of the I-95 Improvement Project in Massachusetts. The Canam Group plants in Claremont, New Hampshire, and Point of Rocks, Maryland, will share the fabrication work, which is scheduled to be carried out between August 2013 and April 2015. Deliveries for this project will start in December 2013.

Robin Lapointe, Vice President, Structal-Bridges, commented: "The Whittier Bridge project is our fifth major contract in collaboration with Walsh Construction Company, which is a prime indicator of the relationship of trust that's developed between the two companies. The expertise we've acquired in the installation of complex steel bridges also placed Structal-Bridges in a favorable position to obtain the Placentia bridge project." 

Structal-Bridges is a North American manufacturer of steel bridges, structural bearings and expansion joints. In addition to its Quebec City plant, which opened in 1956, the company operates a plant in Laval, another in the state of New Hampshire, and also occupies a section of the Canam Group plants in Saint-Gédéon-de-Beauce, Quebec, and Point of Rocks, Maryland. Structal-Bridges serves the highway and railway bridge sectors in Canada and numerous states in the U.S.

Source: Canam Group Inc.


Canadian cement and concrete industry launches new portal
The Canadian cement and concrete industry recently launched The new web portal was created to provide comprehensive information on the sustainability of concrete - the world's most commonly used material after water. The portal is designed as a platform to engage the public as well as legislators, policy decision-makers, environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs), architects, and engineers in the discussion on concrete's sustainability, as well as to share information on the significant investments the industry has made and continues to make to become more efficient, cleaner and increasingly focused on product-based solutions to sustainability challenges.

"While concrete is literally the foundation of our communities, the extent of its contribution to sustainable development is widely underestimated," said Michael McSweeney, president and CEO of the Cement Association of Canada. "It's our mission to ensure Canadians have at their fingertips the information they need to appreciate both our vision for a more sustainable future as well as concrete's immense contribution toward addressing society's sustainability challenges, and this is what the portal is all about."

The portal is the collective endeavor of the Canadian Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative members (CCJSI), a group that brings together representatives from different sectors of Canada's cement and concrete industry to communicate and advance the industry's significant contributions and progress toward meeting the challenges of sustainable construction. The portal's broad range of content includes:

  • The sustainability attributes and benefits of concrete
  • Industry strategies and key initiatives to reduce its environmental footprint
  • Overview of the cement and concrete manufacturing process
  • Academic research on Life Cycle Assessment as well as on the use of alternative and renewable energy sources
  • Examples of the cement and concrete industry's corporate social responsibility initiatives and community involvement
  • Links to speeches, industry news, upcoming industry events and several videos
  • Links to industry associations websites, where more in-depth information on cement and concrete products may be found

Canadian Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative members and contributors to can be found at

The Canadian cement and concrete industry generates more than $8 billion in annual sales, contributing some $2.9 billion to the country's Gross Domestic Product. It employs nearly 27,000 Canadians in the production and distribution of cement, concrete and concrete construction materials.

Concrete products, from ready mixed concrete to precast concrete structures, bricks and blocks, are produced in over 1,100 plants across the country.

Source: Cement Association of Canada


Construction Industry Gets a Boost with New Organization BuildForce Canada
Construction industry leaders from across the country have formed a new national organization to help keep a steady flow of highly skilled workers available to the growing industry.

BuildForce Canada opened its doors on April 1, 2013, replacing the Construction Sector Council (CSC) after 10 years of operations working with industry to provide credible, well-respected labour market forecasting and other resources and services.

"In the wake of the end of the federal government's Sector Council Program, industry leaders have stepped up to the plate," says Executive Director Rosemary Sparks. "We have a new brand, a new Board of Directors, a new funding model and a new governance structure," she says. "But our mandate will continue to address the need for a skilled workforce in the construction industry."

"The products and services that have helped the industry thrive over the past decade, such as the annual labour market forecasts, will continue to be a priority," says board member Mark Arnone, vice president of Refurbishment Execution, Ontario Power Generation, noting that the Construction Looking Forward reports, which look ahead nine years, have been key in helping businesses across the country plan for and manage workforce requirements.

"As we continue to experience strong construction markets and growing demand for skilled labour, the industry clearly requires comprehensive labour market information," says board chair Robert Blakely, director of Canadian Affairs for the Building and Construction Trades Department AFL CIO. "We will build on the model we have set up to deliver that information, which includes consultation with many diverse stakeholders."

"BuildForce Canada is an innovative organization and we will be unveiling other exciting projects as we determine priorities over the coming months," adds Mr. Blakely.

Board member John Schubert, president of McCaine Electric Ltd., stressed that priorities will continue to be decided based on research: "We will continue to determine what is needed by looking at human resource issues in a thoughtful, planned and scientific way."

"Experience with the CSC has also shown that the consensus approach to solutions works best. By working together we can and have accomplished more than any one organization ever could," adds Mr. Schubert.

The new BuildForce Canada Board of Directors has broad representation from the construction industry and its members include contractors, labour groups and owner/client companies.

"Construction is the backbone of the Canadian economy, and a highly skilled workforce is the backbone of the industry," concludes Ms. Sparks. "The mandate and structure of BuildForce Canada reflect that."

Located in Ottawa, Ontario, BuildForce Canada is a national industry-led organization committed to working directly with the construction industry to provide information and resources to assist with the management of its workforce requirements.

Source: BuildForce Canada


Contech Acquires Imbrium®
Contech Engineered Solutions, based in West Chester, Ohio, announced recently the purchase of the Imbrium Systems Group from Monteco Ltd.

The acquisition includes Imbrium's Jellyfish® stormwater filtration product line. The Jellyfish filter is an engineered stormwater treatment technology featuring pretreatment and membrane filtration in a compact stand-alone treatment system that removes a wide variety of high level stormwater pollutants. The Jellyfish filter has gained numerous regulatory approvals and is available in multiple configurations. Contech will continue to market its broad portfolio of stormwater management products, including the Stormwater Management Stormfilter®, in conjunction with the Jellyfish filter.

"This is a key strategic move for Contech as we continue to strengthen our position as the market leader in the stormwater industry. The addition of the Jellyfish filter to our portfolio provides our customers with expanded solution options for their stormwater needs," said Ron Keating, Contech's President and Chief Executive Officer.

Source: Contech Engineered Solutions, LLC


New Sales Offices for Ruukki in Canada and Chile
Ruukki has opened new sales offices in Toronto, Canada and Santiago, Chile to serve its special steel customers in Americas. Opening these new sales offices is in line with Ruukki’s strategy to increase the share of special steel products and develop its distribution and partnership network.

“We want to be close to customers in order to ensure fast and flexible service.The growing construction and mining industries in this market area are increasing the demand for special steel products,” says Josu Piña, vice president, Americas at Ruukki.

Customers benefit from high-strength Ruukki Optim and wear-resistant Ruukki Raex steel products through the prolonged lifetime or increased structural load-bearing capacity of their own products. In heavy transport applications, use of special steel products can reduce weight and significantly cut fuel costs and CO2 emissions. Raex steels rank among the toughest and hardest steels in their class worldwide.

Ruukki is committed to continuously improving the energy efficiency of its steel production. The company ranks among the most energy-efficient in the world in iron-making and uses nearly the minimum amount of coking coal possible using current technology. Strong R&D capability enables Ruukki to develop high quality products in response to the market and various industries’ needs.

Source: Ruukki Metals


New Terex Articulated and Rigid Truck Distributor in Newfoundland and Labrador
Atlantic Powertrain & Equipment Inc. now offers Terex® articulated and rigid trucks to customers in Newfoundland and Labrador. In addition to sales and rental opportunities, Atlantic Powertrain will provide customers with parts, service and warranty work for Terex trucks, as well as financing options for qualified customers.

“We are pleased to welcome Atlantic Powertrain as a new Terex truck distributor,” said Dean Barley, vice president and general manager, Terex Construction Americas. “As oil and gas exploration, as well as the mining industry and civil construction market, continue to grow in this area of Canada, the Terex truck line allows Atlantic Powertrain to be better positioned to service and support their customers’ expanded business opportunities.”

Founded in 2002, Atlantic Powertrain is owned and operated by Chris Dunn. Atlantic Powertrain focuses on the construction equipment industry, serving small-, medium- and large-sized contractors. Today, the company employs seven full-time staff, including fully certified Red Seal heavy equipment technicians who are available to service customers’ equipment 24/7.

“Adding the Terex articulated and rigid truck line allows Atlantic Powertrain to best serve our customers’ equipment needs with a well-known, well-respected, durable brand that complements our other product and service offerings,” says Mr. Dunn.

In addition to offering the full Terex articulated and rigid truck line, Atlantic Powertrain will offer customers financing options through Terex Financial Services™. Terex Financial Services offers a range of finance and leasing solutions, structured to accommodate customers’ cash flow and budgets. The Terex Financial Services team is equipped to assist in all areas of asset management, from the analysis of future equipment values through the disposal of used equipment.

Source: Terex Corporation


Largest National Heavy Equipment Show on Record
The big iron was gleaming and the floors of the International Centre were jam-packed, as the sold out National Heavy Equipment Show rolled into Toronto on April 18-19, 2013.

Over 12,000 visitors came through the doors of this massive event and they were not left disappointed. The aisles were crowded even though the show encompassed the largest floor space ever, which included almost 3 ha of exhibit space! Over 300 exhibitors participated in this biennial event, up 25% over the last show, some from as far away as Austria.

All the major manufacturers and brands were well represented with impressive displays featuring the latest, most innovative machinery and products on the market to date. Exhibitors reported excellent traffic and many sales and solid leads to follow up on in the months to come. Major construction projects are in the works during the next several years and the buyers were definitely present at this event.

The organizers now look towards 2015. Stay tuned for updates about the next National Heavy Equipment Show.

Source: Master Promotions


bauma 2013 Breaks All Records
An impressive 530,000 visitors from over 200 countries converged on the Messe München exhibition center between April 15 and 21. Not only did this edition of bauma break all previous records for exhibitor numbers and exhibition space, it also attracted the highest number of visitors ever. “This is very good for our industry in these turbulent times and it will certainly give it a boost,” said Johann Sailer, chairman of the Construction Equipment and Building Material Machinery Association of VDMA and president of the Committee for the European Construction Equipment Industry (CECE).

In total, 3,420 exhibitors – 1,346 from Germany and 2,074 from abroad – from 57 countries presented their latest products and innovations in construction and mining machinery at bauma 2013 on a record exhibition space of 570,000 m2.

The next bauma will take place from April 11 to 17, 2016 in Munich.

Source: Messe München International


IronPlanet Launches TruckPlanet
IronPlanet® recently launched TruckPlanet™, an online marketplace dedicated exclusively to buying and selling used commercial trucks.

“We are very excited to bring the same marketplace that changed the used equipment business to the truck industry,” said Greg Owens, CEO of IronPlanet. “Truck buyers and sellers can now enjoy the convenience and confidence at TruckPlanet that our used equipment customers have come to know and trust at IronPlanet.”

Since IronPlanet pioneered online equipment auctions over a decade ago, the company has sold over $3 billion of used equipment including thousands of trucks. TruckPlanet connects buyers and sellers of used commercial trucks through its online auctions and exclusive IronClad Assurance® buyer protection program.

“With more than $500 million of used trucks sold to date, IronPlanet has proven expertise in helping customers buy and sell used trucks,” said Randy Berry, senior vice president of operations and services, IronPlanet. “We are leveraging our 13 plus years of used heavy equipment and vocational truck expertise to create a flexible online marketplace that meets the specific needs of the over-the-road commercial truck industry.”

From day cabs to sleepers, refrigerated trucks to flatbeds, and light-duty work pickups to heavy haul tractors, TruckPlanet offers a wide array of used commercial trucks for sale. To give buyers a thorough understanding of the condition of the vehicles, TruckPlanet provides detailed inspection reports backed by IronClad Assurance, the industry’s only guaranteed inspection reports. These guaranteed reports allow customers to bid with confidence, driving better vehicle prices. With multiple auctions every month, sellers also enjoy faster time to cash.

Additionally, TruckPlanet offers value-added services to make the buying experience easier, including truck financing and warranty programs. TruckPlanet also features dedicated, hands-on customer care agents who help buyers through the process from start to finish.

Source: IronPlanet


Ritchie Bros. Conducts its First Ever Unreserved Public Auction in China
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers held its first ever unreserved public auction in China on April 18, 2013. More than 500 bidders registered to bid on equipment at the one-day, multi-million ¥ auction. More than 1,000 people attended the auction in person to see the global marketplace in action. The auction featured a selection of more than 155 unused and used heavy equipment items and trucks, including more than 25 hydraulic excavators, 20 wheel loaders and more. After many years of working with the Beijing Tianzhu Free Trade Zone Management Committee, Beijing Customs, and Beijing Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Ritchie Bros. has established a convenient, transparent and regulated channel for equipment exchange in China and export out of China – through the Tianzhu Free Trade Zone.

The Ritchie Bros. online bidding service added another layer of convenience during last week’s Beijing auction as more than 150 bidders registered to participate online at Online bidders had the option to bid live and in real time in Chinese—the newest language to be added to the growing list of eight languages that online bidders can choose to participate in when they use Ritchie Bros.’ online bidding service. Online bidders purchased approximately 14% of the lots available online.

Ritchie Bros. has formally leased land in the Beijing Tianzhu Free Trade Zone (Shunyi, Beijing) where it will continue to hold regular unreserved public auctions. Strategically located within minutes of Beijing Capital International Airport, the Tianzhu Free Trade Zone is connected to one of China’s largest roll-on, roll-off ports in Tianjin.

Source: Ritchie Bros.


EllisDon launches new Environmental Management System
EllisDon’s new proprietary Environmental Management System (EMS) is a compilation of policies, procedures, and best management practices for use company-wide. An up-to-date EMS allows EllisDon to raise the bar on environmental stewardship by increasing accountability on its employees, subcontractors and service providers with regards to their environmental impact in the office and field, setting the pace for Sustainability in the modern construction industry.

EllisDon’s new EMS, launched toward the end of 2012, replaces an older 2005 version, and is currently being rolled out to staff across the company over the course of 2013.

According to Andres Bernal, EllisDon’s managing director of Sustainability, “The new EMS is a ‘living document’, which will be updated according to advancements in environmental practices, sustainability and ever-changing environmental protection legislation. This, in turn, will afford the opportunity for continuous improvement.” The EMS will help to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and minimize environmental impact, ultimately providing more value for EllisDon’s clients.

Says Kari Lynn Harris, VP of Corporate Safety at EllisDon, “EllisDon has an exemplary Health and Safety record, and our new Environmental Management System is a complimentary component to our industry-leading safety program, a tribute of excellence, and a cornerstone of environmental stewardship within the company.”

Source: EllisDon Corporation


PLH Group Acquires Pipeworx and Expands into Canada
PLH Group, Inc., a portfolio company of private equity firm Energy Capital Partners, recently announced its acquisition of Pipeworx Ltd., a leading pipeline contractor in Western Canada.

Effective April 16, 2013, PLH has acquired Pipeworx and its subsidiaries. With four offices and headquarters in the Edmonton, Alberta area, Pipeworx delivers infrastructure services to the oil and gas industry across the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Since its founding in 2004, Pipeworx has been committed to the successful completion of its projects – safely performing quality workmanship on time and within budget. Specializing in the construction of pipelines ranging in size from 5 cm to 50 cm in diameter, Pipeworx has evolved into one of the most innovative and respected pipeline contractors in Western Canada. Pipeworx also provides infrastructure services for gathering systems, well sites and facilities, tank farm installations, compressor installations, module fabrication and integrity repair programs.

“Canada, and Western Canada in particular, presents significant emerging and long-term opportunities for PLH and the pipeline infrastructure services market as a whole,” said Mark Crowson, president and CEO of PLH. “This strategic addition to PLH significantly expands our geographic footprint in North America, and we are pleased to welcome Pipeworx to the PLH platform.” Pipeworx will be an operating unit of PLH, and its current senior management and employees will remain in place.

Source: PLH Group, Inc.


EDF EN Canada and Enbridge Acquire Blackspring Ridge Wind Project
EDF EN Canada Inc., a subsidiary of EDF Énergies Nouvelles, and Enbridge Inc. recently announced they have jointly signed a purchase agreement with Greengate Power Corporation to acquire the 300 MW Blackspring Ridge Wind Project. Located in Vulcan County, Alberta (50 km north of Lethbridge), Blackspring Ridge will be the largest wind project in Western Canada when operational. EDF EN Canada and Enbridge will each own 50% of the project. The project represents the largest investment in wind energy in the province at approximately $600 million.

The project, currently in late stage development, will be comprised of 166 Vestas V100-1.8 MW wind turbines. EDF EN Canada will build the project under a fixed price engineering, procurement and construction contract with construction expected to start in the second quarter of 2013 and reach commissioning in mid-summer 2014.

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) generated from the project are contracted to Pacific Gas and Electric under 20-year purchase agreement. The electricity will be sold into the Alberta power pool with pricing substantially fixed through mid- and long-term contracts.

The project is expected to provide substantial economic benefits to rural Alberta in the form of jobs both during construction and long-term operations, increased tax revenues and lease payments to landowners. In addition, the project is also expected to have a positive impact on Alberta’s environment by supplying enough clean energy to serve approximately 140,000 homes.

This project will also contribute to helping Enbridge meet its Neutral Footprint commitment to generate a kilowatt of renewable energy for every kilowatt of conventional electricity that the company’s operations consume.

Source: EDF EN Canada Inc.


Eriez 5-Star Service Offers Downloadable Parts Lists
From the company’s 5-Star Service® web page, Eriez® offers an array of parts lists, ready for immediate download in PDF format. More than 75 parts lists are available for Eriez’ core products, including Vibratory equipment, Coolant Cleaners, Metal Detectors and Lifting Magnets.

Parts lists are available for specific models in each equipment category, many with detailed schematic of the equipment for easier sourcing and identification. Customers can request a quote for any Eriez part via email or phone.

“The mission of Eriez 5-Star Service is to keep customers’ equipment running at peak performance and address any problems quickly to minimize downtime,” says Dave Hansen, manager, Service and Repair. “By offering downloadable parts lists, we can expedite a solution for any parts issues that may arise, helping to keep profits and production up.”

Eriez’ 5-Star Service includes the 5-Star Service Center, Parts, Service and Repair, Inspection/Preventive Maintenance, Rebuild Program and Lift Magnet Certification Program.  Due to extensive growth, the Eriez 5-Star Service Center was recently re-located to the company’s new 10,590 m2 Wager Road building in Erie, Pennsylvania. The facility employs trained technicians, and the machining, fabricating and welding capabilities necessary to rebuild all Eriez equipment.

Source: Eriez


Hyundai Heavy Completes Construction Equipment Factory in Brazil
Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas Inc. is excited to announce that its parent company, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI), has completed its first construction equipment factory in Brazil. HHI is the world’s largest shipbuilder and a leading construction equipment manufacturer.

With an investment of $175 million, the 560,000 m2 factory has an annual production capacity of 3,000 units including excavators, wheel loaders, and backhoe loaders, and plans to increase the capacity to 4,000 units by 2014.

HHI has already received orders worth $60 million for 500 construction equipment units from 8 projects in Brazil including the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in the state of Pará and a railway project in Brazil’s northeast.

The Ulsan, South Korea-based company expects the new Brazilian plant will serve as the South and Central America base helping HHI secure market share, and provide better service to clients in the region.

Source: Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas


KOBELCO Excavators Hit US Soil for First Time in Over a Decade
Following the termination of a 10-year agreement with CNH in late December and the subsequent opening of their new, independent U.S. Headquarters in early April, Kobelco Construction Machinery USA is pleased to announce that the first shipment of their renowned excavators have arrived at the Ports of Galveston, Texas and Los Angeles, California. These first shipments will be delivered to customers or available at Kobelco dealerships throughout the United States and Canada as early as next week.

The initial shipment includes a wide range of models from Kobelco’s full line of excavators in the 1.4 t to 80 t classes, many of which are on order from customers and dealers who are anxious to get true Kobelco iron back on their jobsites or in their yards in time for peak construction season.

With equipment now in the field, Kobelco is poised to deliver on their longstanding promise of total customer satisfaction. The company has a substantial parts inventory on hand at their centrally-based Houston headquarters for quick coast-to-coast shipment and delivery, as well as a full staff of parts and service personnel with a wide-range of industry experience to ensure their aftermarket support is industry-leading.

With many customers already familiar with the Kobelco brand, the company is confident their reentry into the North American market will quickly result in considerable growth. “We are committed to manufacturing quality equipment and pricing it aggressively for today’s competitive marketplace,” states Katsuhiko Morita. “With a full network of established dealers behind us, we will be in a solid position to gain market share fairly quickly.”

Additional machine shipments are already on the water for arrival at the Ports of Galveston, Los Angeles and Jacksonville. Subsequent shipments will be made on an ongoing basis.

Source: Kobelco Construction Machinery USA


Yokohama Tire Corporation to Build Commercial Tire Plant in Mississippi
Yokohama Tire Corporation (YTC) recently signed an agreement to build a commercial truck tire plant in West Point, Mississippi. The facility, which is expected to produce one million tires starting in 2015, will have an initial capital investment of $300 million and potential plant expansions could reach up to four times the original employment and investment levels.  

“This is a historic day for Yokohama,” said Hikomitsu Noji, president and representative director of The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., YTC’s parent company in Japan. “Since our entry into the U.S. market over 40 years ago, along with the subsequent acquisition of our plant in Salem, Virginia in the 1980s, Yokohama has been on a continual growth.  Now we will build a factory in the United States for the first time. It reaffirms our commitment to the North American market and to the continued mutual success of Yokohama and its business partner – our dealers.  I’d like to thank Gov. Phil Bryant and the State of Mississippi for their dedication in bringing this to fruition. I’d like to thank Mississippi as well for a very warm welcome.”

The plant will be built on over 200 ha of land with construction expected to begin in September and completion two years later. Yokohama expects to hire approximately 500 employees to work at the facility.

Source: Yokohama Tire Corporation


Expanded Cloud Storage for MAGNET Enterprise
Topcon Positioning Group announces expanded cloud storage capacity for all MAGNET™ Enterprise paid subscribers. Cloud storage is a company-wide service that provides secure data storage for organizations working in the MAGNET Enterprise environment.

Jason Hallett, director of product management – software applications, said, “With ten times the data storage capacity, MAGNET Enterprise users can archive and share more projects in the cloud. More cloud storage means increased uses and productivity.”

MAGNET Enterprise is a cloud service that connects the Field and Office products and provides a web-based interface to company data. MAGNET Field is software that runs on field controllers and onboard total stations, and MAGNET Office is stand-alone office software for processing and modeling. MAGNET makes it possible for real-time collaboration between project manager, field crews, office personnel, engineers, or consultants.

Source: Topcon Positioning Group

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