“Little Brother” Packs a Mighty Punch
The CR 6 bears a striking resemblance to the larger CR 7. Weber MT revisited the functionality and performance characteristics of both machines and gave their design a complete overhaul. Its reliable Hatz diesel engine gives it ample power. The engine is encased and protected all around. This reliably keeps out dirt and dust and protects the engine against damage. To increase operational safety, the accelerator cable and the hydraulic shift cables have been placed inside the guide bar.
Better still, apart from performing admirably during such classic applications as road building, civil engineering and vibrating paving stones, the CR 6 is equally well-suited for compacting in the trenches. Boasting a low overall height, the machine is highly versatile as its working width can be adjusted to 46, 59 and 74 cm by means of attachable extensions. Model version CR 6 CCD of this new compactor is available with the tried-and-tested COMPATROL® compaction control system. It indicates to the user to which degree the soil has been compacted. Weak spots in the soil can, thus, be detected and compensated. The final result is consistent and uniform compaction. As it eliminates the nuisance of unnecessary passes by up to 25%, this machine helps you save time and money.
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