Mack extended the offering of GuardDog Connect to all Mack-powered TerraPro Cabover models after receiving positive customer response to the Uptime solution. Mack TerraPro models can be configured for many applications, such as a concrete pump, dump, mixer or refuse vehicle. GuardDog Connect is Mack’s proactive diagnostic and repair planning system. It monitors fault codes that could potentially shut down a truck or lead to an unplanned visit to the dealer. GuardDog Connect enables quick diagnosis of issues, proactive scheduling for repairs and confirmation that needed parts are in stock and ready to install, all while the truck is still on the job. Mack made GuardDog Connect standard on TerraPro concrete pump chassis in 2015 and was the first OEM in the industry to offer proactive support service for pump applications. GuardDog Connect has been standard on the Mack Pinnacle™, Mack Granite® and Titan by Mack models since 2013.
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