SSAB Receives Environmental Permit to Transform Steel Plant in Luleå


SSAB recently announced it has received the necessary permit from the Land and Environmental Court in Umeå to build and operate a mini-mill in Luleå, Sweden, that will replace the current steel plant.

The permit will enable a technology shift that will have significant positive effects on the environment and the climate. It will also allow SSAB to meet the high demand for our unique steels and to strengthen our future competitiveness.

The plan is to decommission the current blast furnace-based production system once the mini-mill with electric arc furnaces, rolling complexes and further processing is running at full capacity. The investment will strengthen SSAB’s leading position in the green transition of the steel industry, with a focus on special and premium steels produced with close to zero fossil carbon emissions. The investment will lead to a better cost position, higher efficiency, shorter lead times and eliminated CO2 costs. The mini-mill will run on fossil-free electricity and be supplied with a mix of fossil-free sponge iron produced with the HYBRIT technology (hydrogen reduction of iron ore) and recycled scrap as the raw material.

The transformation in Luleå will result in significant reductions of emissions to air and water, increase resource efficiency and remove about 2.8 million t/y carbon dioxide emissions. In total, SSAB’s transformation will enable a reduction of 10% in Sweden’s total carbon dioxide emissions, of which 7% comes from Luleå and 3% from the transformation in Oxelösund.

Construction preparations will now continue with detailed engineering and the building permit process.

Source: SSAB

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