Process Heating Company at WOA




Visitors at World of Asphalt, March 29-31 in Nashville, Tennessee, will have an insider’s view when they visit Process Heating Company (PHCo). Unique animated videos show how PHCo’s products work, effectively illustrating what sets the company’s Lo-Density® drywell-style electric heat apart from fossil-fuel burners. From PHCo’s unitized asphalt and industrial tank heaters, hot oil circulation heaters, and all-in-one heaters, to its unique distributor truck tank heaters, visitors will discover how PHCo’s simple, clean heat source can positively affect their operations – lowering operating costs, improving product quality, reducing maintenance, significantly increasing heater life, and enhancing sustainability.

PHCo’s products all offer asphalt producers, contractors, and municipalities 100% energy-efficient heating, when compared to the inefficient burning of fossil fuels. This is because all of the energy is used to heat the product, with no heat or emissions exhausted into the air. Unlike fossil-fuel-fired burners, which, at best, offer 80% to 85% efficiency when new and then drop in efficiency over time, electric heaters always provide 100% energy efficiency, even after many years or even decades of operation. They also are virtually maintenance-free. In addition, electric heaters may be interfaced and coordinated with other plant electrical equipment so that their load can be reduced to base rates, thus preventing increased demand charges or peak-use rates, ultimately lowering consumption cost.

Process Heating Company has almost 75 years of experience in manufacturing 100%-efficient Lo-Density® low-watt-density electric heating systems, designed to spread heat over a larger surface area, eliminating high element temperatures that damage the product. Common products that benefit from electric heat include asphalt, light and heavy fuel oils, diesel, biodiesel, glycerin, lube oils, hydraulic fluids, resins/epoxies, animal fats, molasses, and other materials that are sensitive to high temperatures.

Source: Process Heating Company

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