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Nouvelles brèves
Dessau fait l’acquisition de Progest «Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir l’équipe Progest dont le talent et les compétences sont déjà bien reconnus dans la région. La transaction reflète notre volonté d’élargir notre réseau de places d’affaires dans la région Gaspésie – Îles-de-la-Madeleine tout en offrant une gamme élargie de services en ingénierie-construction. Nul doute que nos bureaux de Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, de New Richmond et des Îles-de-la-Madeleine sauront plus particulièrement profiter de la nouvelle synergie créée par la venue de Progest», d’affirmer monsieur Sauriol. «Nous sommes fiers et très heureux de nous joindre à l’un des leaders canadiens de l’ingénierie-construction. Cette union ouvre la voie à des développements fort intéressants pour la région en augmentant significativement la variété et la qualité des services que nous pourrons maintenant offrir à nos clients. D’un autre côté, nos employés y trouveront aussi des défis intéressants puisqu’ils auront probablement l’occasion de travailler sur des projets d’envergure et même de vivre l’expérience de projets internationaux», a indiqué André Fortin, président-directeur général de Progest. Fondée en 2002, Progest concentre ses activités en gestion de projets, en génie-conseil et en gérance de construction dans les domaines des infrastructures municipales, des transports, des structures et de l’environnement. Elle a également développé un rôle de soutien opérationnel et technique auprès de petites et grandes entreprises de même que pour de nombreuses municipalités.
Dessau fait l'acquisition de QSAR Fondée en 1996, QSAR est la première firme québécoise spécialisée en évaluation des risques pour la santé humaine et pour l'environnement liés à la présence d'agents chimiques, radiologiques et pathogènes dans l'air, l'eau, le sol et les sédiments. QSAR offre des solutions originales et des alternatives novatrices aux modes de gestion traditionnels des milieux contaminés. À cela s'ajoutent des services de formation sur mesure dans ses différents domaines d'expertise. "Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir l'équipe QSAR au sein de la nôtre. L'expertise de pointe et unique de ces spécialistes, dont celle du Dr. Loranger, spécialiste en toxicologie de l'environnement, vient compléter avec éclat notre offre de service dans le domaine de la caractérisation des sols contaminés, de la réhabilitation de sites et de la gestion des risques", d'affirmer monsieur Sauriol. "Nous sommes très fiers de nous joindre à l'un des chefs de file de l'ingénierie canadienne. L'intégration de notre équipe à celle de Dessau permettra à nos professionnels de développer leur savoir-faire et leurs compétences via un accès privilégié aux imposantes ressources de cette firme. Elle offrira également une occasion incomparable d'œuvrer sur des projets d'envergure et de relever des défis intéressants dans un contexte de développement durable", a indiqué pour sa part Sylvain Loranger, président de QSAR.
Structal-ponts obtient un contral pour l’autoroute 30 Ce projet comporte la fabrication et la livraison au chantier, par voie maritime, de 74 poutres caissons de 8,2 m de large, 3,7 m de haut et 40,8 m de long, avec des poids variant de 145 à 245 t. «Ce nouveau mandat représente un défi de conception et d’exécution technique à la hauteur de notre équipe qualifiée, déclare Robin Lapointe, directeur général de la division. Il est le plus récent d’une série de mandats accordés à Structal-ponts en reconnaissance de son expérience et de sa grande capacité à réaliser des projets d’envergure. Nous sommes aussi très fiers que notre expertise ait été reconnue par le consortium européen avec qui nous établissons une première collaboration.» Il s’agit du deuxième projet en mode PPP au Québec auquel Structal-ponts participe à titre de sous-traitant. Le segment d’affaires s’active d’ailleurs à la fabrication et à la fourniture des composantes du pont à hauban de l’autoroute 25 qui reliera Montréal à Laval. Structal a de plus récemment annoncé qu’il a obtenu, entre autres, un contrat de 7,3 millions $ pour le pont Carbonneau au Lac-Saint-Jean, un contrat de 25 millions $ pour la réhabilitation du pont Alexander Hamilton à New York, et un de 16,5 millions $ pour le pont Dominion à Lévis.
Validation des performances des petites éoliennes de Helix Wind Les clients de petites éoliennes sont habitués depuis longtemps aux promesses exagérées des constructeurs. En avril 2008, une étude menée sur ce type d’éoliennes par le Cadmus Group, du Massachusetts, a montré qu’en moyenne, la production d’énergie était surestimée dans une proportion de trois sur quatre. Alors que la profession évolue vers la normalisation de la présentation de l’information et des essais, Helix joue un rôle d’avant-garde en adoptant son propre programme de vérification de la production. L’évaluation indépendante a été menée par Paper Clip Engineering, une société de conseils en génie électrique et électronique de puissance, dont le siège est à San Diego. Au cours de l’essai, le système exclusif de contrôle des éoliennes de Helix Wind a surveillé et enregistré la puissance énergétique de l’unité, ainsi que le réseau électrique local et la vitesse du vent. Pour optimiser l’électronique de puissance et la configuration du modèle S594, Helix Wind a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec le personnel technique de la société Abundant Renewable Energy (ARE), de Newberg, dans l’Oregon, avec laquelle Helix a signé un accord définitif d’achat le mois dernier. Des développements supplémentaires de l’électronique de puissance sont en cours, qui devraient améliorer encore la production dans un proche avenir.
Le Nouveau-Brunswick et le Québec dévoilent un projet d’entente en matière d’énergie Selon l’entente, Hydro-Québec ferait l’acquisition de la plupart des actifs d’Énergie NB. Les Néo-Brunswickois bénéficieraient de tarifs moindres, d’une importante réduction de la dette provinciale, et le Nouveau-Brunswick s’assurerait à long terme d’une sécurité et fiabilité d’approvisionnement en énergie et du développement de la province comme carrefour énergétique. Pour sa part, Hydro-Québec ferait l’acquisition d’actifs de qualité, desservirait plus de 370 000 nouveaux clients et pourrait tirer parti de la position géographique stratégique du Nouveau-Brunswick dans le nord-est de l’Amérique du Nord. Cette transaction serait rentable dès la première année, procurant à Hydro-Québec un rendement sur les capitaux propres de plus de 10%. Réunis à Frédéricton, les premiers ministres ont divulgué les résultats de discussions annoncées en juin dernier concernant la possibilité d’une collaboration accrue dans le domaine de l’énergie. Ils ont également signé un protocole d’entente précisant les modalités de la transaction projetée. Aux termes de ce protocole d’entente, Hydro-Québec achèterait la plupart des actifs d’Énergie NB pour 4,75 milliards $, soit un montant équivalant à la dette d’Énergie NB, ce qui aurait pour effet d’éliminer la dette de cette dernière. Le Nouveau-Brunswick a établi, comme condition préalable aux négociations, une structure de tarification révisée au bénéfice de tous les Néo-Brunswickois. Le Nouveau-Brunswick estime que ceci représenterait une valeur d’environ 5 milliards $ pour les clients d’Énergie NB. La transaction n’aurait aucune incidence sur les tarifs d’électricité au Québec. Énergie NB demeurerait une entité néo-brunswickoise distincte ayant son siège social à Frédéricton et conserverait sa raison sociale et son identité propres. Hydro-Québec offrirait un emploi à tous les employés d’Énergie NB au moment de la clôture et respecterait les conventions collectives en vigueur. Les actifs visés par la transaction proposée comprendraient la centrale nucléaire de Point Lepreau (une fois la réfection terminée), les centrales hydroélectriques, les centrales de fine pointe ainsi que les actifs de transport et de distribution d’Énergie NB. Hydro-Québec n’assumerait aucune responsabilité quant au projet de réfection de Point Lepreau. La province du Nouveau-Brunswick demeurerait propriétaire-exploitant des centrales thermiques de Coleson Cove et de Belledune qui fourniraient de l’électricité à Hydro-Québec aux termes d’ententes de façonnage. Hydro-Québec pourrait demander que la Province ferme ces centrales après un préavis d’un an, et tous les droits d’émission appartiendraient à Hydro-Québec. Quant à la centrale de Dalhousie, elle cesserait progressivement sa production. Selon le protocole d’entente, la date de clôture pour la quasi-totalité des actifs visés est le ou vers le 31 mars 2010. Dans le cas de la centrale nucléaire de Point Lepreau, la clôture aurait lieu le ou vers le 1er janvier 2011, après l’achèvement des travaux de réfection en cours. Par ailleurs, une série de réformes ayant pour but d’harmoniser le régime réglementaire néo-brunswickois avec celui du Québec sera présentée à la prochaine session de la législature du Nouveau-Brunswick.
L’Aéroport international de Munich sélectionne la technologie de suivi des actifs par GPS et Wi-Fi d’AeroScout L’aéroport de Munich est le 7e aéroport le plus fréquenté d’Europe et se classe au 27e rang mondial. Durant le premier semestre 2009, il a accueilli plus de 15 millions de passagers et plus de 100 000 t de fret aérien. L’aéroport de Munich a été qualifié meilleur aéroport européen en 2008 pour la quatrième année consécutive, selon un sondage annuel réalisé auprès de plus de huit millions de voyageurs aériens et exécuté par Skytrax, cabinet indépendant d’étude du marché aéronautique situé à Londres, en Angleterre. AeroScout monte actuellement des étiquettes Wi-Fi GPS T6 sur les chariots de fret de l’aéroport utilisés par les sociétés de fret pour l’enlèvement et la livraison des colis, et sur les chariots de bagages des passagers utilisés pour le transport des bagages entre les terminaux et les avions. Ces étiquettes alimentées par batterie utilisent des GPS pour permettre de localiser leur emplacement dans n’importe quel environnement extérieur, et le réseau Wi-Fi standard pour communiquer au réseau l’emplacement des actifs et autres informations importantes. AeroScout exploite le réseau sans fil unifié Cisco existant de l’Aéroport de Munich, qui assure la couverture Wi-Fi des terminaux, tarmacs, portes, hangars et bords de pistes. Les informations concernant l’emplacement des actifs, transmises par le réseau Wi-Fi, seront présentées au personnel de l’aéroport depuis tout ordinateur ayant accès au réseau. En outre, des rapports d’inventaire réguliers et à la demande sont générés automatiquement pour améliorer les procédures d’entretien et la gestion continue des actifs. Le fait de savoir à tout moment où se trouvent les chariots va aider l’Aéroport de Munich à éviter les retards ou interruptions opérationnels dus à des actifs manquants ou perdus. On évitera également les longues recherches des chariots soumis aux inspections et entretiens annuels réglementaires. L’aéroport va également pouvoir optimiser l’utilisation de ces chariots et facturer avec plus de précision les sociétés de fret, en se basant sur la position et le taux d’utilisation des chariots.
Ultramar obtient un décret gouvernemental pour son oléoduc Ce décret est la démonstration qu’Ultramar a satisfait aux exigences environnementales visant la réalisation du projet de 300 millions $ qui permettra de réduire substantiellement le nombre de trains circulant dans le corridor Lévis-Montréal. Ultramar s’est soumise avec succès à l’ensemble des processus règlementaires établis par les gouvernements, notamment celui du Bureau d’audiences publiques en environnement (BAPE) et de l’Agence canadienne d’évaluation environnementale. De nombreuses séances de consultation et d’information ont aussi été tenues afin de bien expliquer le projet aux différents intervenants. Notons aussi que la Commission de protection du territoire agricole (CPTAQ) a donné son aval sur 95% du tracé et que des ententes sont intervenues avec l’Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) et avec 74% des propriétaires concernés par le projet. Les démarches se poursuivent en vue de compléter l’adoption du tracé définitif du pipeline. La CPTAQ doit ainsi prochainement procéder à l’analyse du dossier sur le territoire des municipalités de Saint-Marc-sur-le-Richelieu, Saint-Charles-sur-le-Richelieu et Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil. D’autre part, le Tribunal administratif du Québec doit entendre une requête d’appel relative à la décision de la CPTAQ concernant le tracé du pipeline sur le territoire de la ville de Lévis.
Pashminadepot.com, Inc. conclut l’acquisition de SwissINSO En vertu de l’accord définitif d’achat d’actions, Pashminadepot.com a racheté l’ensemble de SwissINSO SA à concurrence de 50 millions de ses actions ordinaires. Les actionnaires de SwissINSO détiennent donc désormais deux tiers des actions de Pashminadepot.com. Pashminadepot.com a entrepris des procédures de réincorporation dans l’État du Delaware et prendra le nom de SwissINSO Holding Inc. Les deux changements prendront effet sous peu. «Nous nous réjouissons à la perspective de conclure cette transaction. Grâce à la technologie, aux idées et aux responsables exceptionnels de SwissINSO, notre société va de l’avant dans les solutions innovatrices d’énergie renouvelable qui auront un impact réel sur les modes de vie», déclarait Clive Harbutt, directeur de Pashminadepot.com. «SwissINSO est ravie de finaliser cette transaction avec Pashminadepot.com et nous sommes impatients de mettre à profit le potentiel immense inhérent aux technologies que nous avons développées. C’est une époque fascinante pour nous et nous avons hâte de commencer à appliquer notre stratégie commerciale», ajoutait Yves Ducommun, président directeur-général de SwissINSO.
PowerTech élargit son réseau de distribution spécialisé «Nous nous réjouissons de cette nouvelle entente et des perspectives commerciales offertes par la combinaison du PicBucket® et des concasseurs RUBBLE MASTER® distribués par J-Y Voghel Inc. Le PicBucket® est un outil fait sur mesure pour des applications de recyclage du béton et l’utilisation de celui-ci combiné à un concasseur RUBBLE MASTER® permettra de produire du matériel de remblais directement sur les sites de construction. Ainsi se traduiront des économies significatives au niveau des frais de manipulation, de transport et des délais d’exécution. Nous avons déjà, par ailleurs, validé ce modèle commercial avec deux unités de la série 5000 du PicBucket® récemment vendues, dont une par le biais de ce nouveau distributeur, et qui opèrent depuis de concert avec un concasseur RUBBLE MASTER®. Les économies de coûts et les gains opérationnels anticipés se sont concrétisés conformément à nos attentes», déclarait Carol Murray, président et chef de la direction de PowerTech. «En proposant à nos clients le PicBucket® de série 5000, conçu pour les excavatrices de 20 à 30 t, nous sommes en mesure de leur proposer des solutions complètes qui, par le biais de l’élimination d’un marteau conventionnel et de l’alimentation directe à un concasseur, permettront de diminuer significativement leurs coûts d’exploitation tout en maintenant la qualité du granulat final», a ajouté Jean-Sébastien Voghel, directeur des opérations de J-Y Voghel Inc.
Appel à candidatures pour le prix de Stockolm L’approche de la ressource en eau promue par l’entreprise devra être innovante, rentable, avoir un impact environnemental positif (économie ou protection de la ressource). Le jury s’intéressera à la réplicabilité de la solution appliquée par l’entreprise dans d’autres circonstances et dans d’autres zones géographiques. Il se penchera aussi sur le bilan social et environnemental de la société.
Nouveau distributeur New Holland Construction pour l’Est du Québec Trudel & Piché et Unicoop offrirons tous les types de produits de la division Construction. Il s’agit d’équipements ayant faits leurs preuves dans le domaine.
Unicoop fait l’acquisition des entreprises de Charles E. Bédard avec des partenaires du réseau La Coop Les trois commerces ont déjà été convertis à la bannière Unimat, appartenant à La Coop fédérée et son réseau. «Cette acquisition permettra au réseau La Coop d’établir une percée majeure au niveau de sa bannière Unimat dans la ville de Québec, où elle ne possédait aucun magasin jusqu’à présent», affirmait Claude Lafleur, chef de la direction de La Coop fédérée. «La visibilité dont la marque Unimat bénéficiera dans la région de Québec est des plus intéressantes. Ce partenariat générera une nouvelle synergie commerciale et opérationnelle permettant des améliorations à notre offre de services et ainsi de s’adapter aux besoins en constante évolution du consommateur. Il s’agit d’une très bonne nouvelle pour notre secteur quincaillerie et matériaux. Et plus particulièrement pour nos clients du secteur des matériaux de construction», ajoute Gaétan Roger, chef de la direction d’Unicoop coopérative agricole.
SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat pour le prolongement du RTLR de Calgary Ce projet consiste à prolonger de 8 km le RTLR de Calgary dans l’ouest de la ville. Les travaux comprennent 6 gares, 9 sous-stations d’énergie de traction, un grand échangeur routier, 2 stationnements incitatifs, un immeuble à bureaux de 4 étages et les travaux routiers associés. «Nous sommes heureux d’avoir obtenu ce grand projet de prolongement d’une infrastructure de transport de la Ville de Calgary, a déclaré Jim Burke, vice-président directeur du Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc. La Société possède un savoir-faire considérable qui lui permet de fournir des solutions complètes de transport rapide dans le monde entier, comme tout récemment pour le projet Canada Line à Vancouver, et nous attendons avec impatience cette occasion de travailler avec la Ville de Calgary à ce projet, qui mise sur une solution entièrement canadienne.»
Aecon obtient un contrat pour le renouvellement du hangar de l’Union Station Aux termes de ce contrat, Aecon procèdera à la remise en état du hangar couvert de 33 500 m2 de l’Union Station, couvrant 13 voies et 23 quais. Pour ce faire, elle remplacera le toit actuel par un nouveau toit en acier et un atrium en verre qui s’élèvera à 15 m au-dessus des quais. Des nouveaux points d’accès aux escaliers et ascenseurs seront construits pour faciliter l’accès des passagers aux quais nouvellement remis en état depuis l’actuel hall de la gare. Ce projet comprend également le retrait et la réparation de près de 4200 m de plates-formes de voies existantes, ainsi que des travaux électriques et mécaniques, dont l’installation de systèmes de communication et de signalisation, d’un nouveau système de drainage du toit ainsi que d’un système de fonte de la neige.
EFCO Canada mise à l'amende pour des infractions en matière de santé et de sécurité En mars 2008, un constructeur construisait une prise d'eau du Canal Welland à la centrale électrique Thorold Cogeneration. Pour effectuer ces travaux, on devait installer un batardeau, c'est-à-dire une structure construite sous le niveau de l'eau qui sert de lieu de travail sec. EFCO a conçu et fournit les pièces pour le batardeau. Le 28 mars 2008, le constructeur installait le batardeau et retirait l'eau qui s'y trouvait lorsque le batardeau a fait défaut. Aucun travailleur n'a été blessé. Une enquête a permis de déterminer que le batardeau a fait défaut parce que certains boulons n'avaient pas été fournis et installés conformément aux exigences. L'amende a été imposée par la juge de paix Donna Cowan. Outre cette amende, la cour a imposé la suramende de 25% que prévoit la Loi sur les infractions provinciales. La suramende est mise dans un compte particulier du gouvernement provincial dont le but est d'aider les victimes d'un acte criminel. |
Industry News
Dessau acquires Progest "We are pleased to welcome the Progest team, whose talent and skill are already well known in the region. The transaction we are announcing today is a reflection of our desire to expand our network of offices in the Gaspé/Magdalen Islands region and provide an expanded range of engineering and construction services. Our offices in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, New Richmond and the Magdalen Islands will derive particular benefits from the new synergies created by the addition of Progest," Mr. Sauriol said. "We are very proud and happy to join one of the top Canadian construction-engineering firms. This transaction opens the way to very interesting developments for the region by significantly expanding the range and quality of services that we can offer to our clients. In addition, our employees will have the opportunity to take on new challenges by working on major projects and even international projects," said Progest CEO, André Fortin. Founded in 2002, Progest's business is focused on project management, consulting engineering and construction management in the fields of municipal infrastructure, transportation, structural engineering and environmental engineering. It also provides operational and technical support for small and large companies and numerous municipalities.
Dessau acquires QSAR Founded in 1996, QSAR is the first Quebec firm to specialize in assessing human and environmental health risks associated with chemicals, radiation and pathogens in the air, water, soil and sediments. QSAR provides original solutions and innovative alternatives to conventional methods of managing contaminated environments. The firm also provides custom training services in its various areas of expertise. “We are pleased to welcome the QSAR team to our own. These specialists’ unique high-level expertise, including that of Dr. Sylvain Loranger, an expert in environmental toxicology, provides a powerful complement to our existing services in contaminated soil characterization, site rehabilitation and risk management,” Mr. Sauriol said. “We are very proud to join one of Canada’s leading engineering firms. After joining the Dessau team, our professionals will have the privilege of expanding their knowledge and skills thanks to the firm’s impressive resources. They will also have unparalleled opportunities to work on major projects and take on interesting challenges within a broader sustainable development context,” added QSAR’s president, Dr. Loranger.
Structal-Bridges Lands a Contract for Highway 30 More than 14 000 t of steel components will be fabricated in the Quebec City plant between the spring of 2010 and 2011 for two 1.5 km structures that will be part of the 2.5 km bridge to be built across the St. Lawrence Seaway at the Beauharnois Canal. This project calls for the fabrication of 74 box girders, each 8.2 m wide, 3.7 m deep and 40.8 m long, and their delivery to the construction site by vessel. The weight of each individual girder will vary between 145 and 245 t. "Our seasoned team has what it takes to meet this major design and construction challenge," said Robin Lapointe, general manager of Structal-Bridges. "This is the latest of many contracts awarded to Structal on the strength of its expertise and capability to execute high-profile projects. This will be our first collaboration with the European consortium, and we are delighted that it sees us as a reliable and strong partner," he added. This is Structal's second mandate working as a subcontractor on a public-private partnership project in Quebec. Structal is currently working on the fabrication and delivery of components for the cable-stayed bridge on Highway 25 between Montreal and Laval. Structal has also landed a number of deals recently, including a $7.3-million contract for the Carbonneau Bridge in the Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec, a $25-million contract for the rehabilitation of the Alexander Hamilton Bridge in New York, and a $16.5-million contract for the Dominion Bridge in Lévis, Quebec.
Helix Wind’s Small Wind Turbine Performance Validated in Independent Field Test Overstated claims by manufacturers have long been a problem for small wind customers. An April, 2008 small wind study by the Cadmus Group in Massachusetts found that on average energy generation in the field was being overestimated by a factor of three to four. As the industry moves toward standardized reporting and testing, Helix is helping lead the way through its own program of production verification. "The small-wind industry has grappled with the problem of grossly overstated output claims, this test demonstrates that Helix Wind turbines will produce what we say they will,” said Helix Wind CEO Ian Gardner. “What's more, innovations such as our Wind Turbine Monitoring System (WTMS) give the customer continuous, real-time feedback on system performance, underscoring the company’s commitment to transparency and accountability." The independent evaluation was conducted by Paper Clip Engineering, a San Diego-based electrical engineering and power electronics consulting firm. During the test, Helix Wind’s proprietary Wind Turbine Monitoring System monitored and recorded the unit’s energy output as well as the local electrical grid and wind conditions. "This independent field test is proof that our small wind turbines will live up to the specifications that our customers and investors have been promised.”
New Brunswick and Quebec Unveil Proposed Agreement on Energy Under the agreement, Hydro-Québec would acquire most of the assets of NB Power. New Brunswick would benefit from lower rates, a vastly reduced provincial debt exposure as well as a secure and reliable source of energy and its development as an energy hub. At the same time, Hydro-Québec would acquire quality assets, an additional base of more than 370 000 customers and would benefit from New Brunswick's strategic geographic position in the Northeast region of North America. This transaction would be profitable for Hydro-Québec from year one, with an expected return on equity of more than 10%. Speaking in Fredericton, the premiers outlined the results of discussions announced in June to explore further cooperation on energy issues. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) setting out the terms and conditions of the proposed transaction was signed by the Premiers today. Under the terms of this MOU, Hydro-Québec would acquire most of the assets of NB Power for an amount equivalent to NB Power’s debt, $4.75 billion. The utility's debt would thereby be completely eliminated. As a pre-condition to the negotiations, New Brunswick has established a revised rate structure to benefit all New Brunswickers. It is estimated by New Brunswick to have a value to ratepayers of approximately $5 billion. The proposed transaction would have no impact on Hydro-Québec's electricity rates in Quebec. NB Power would continue as a separate, New Brunswick entity, headquartered in Fredericton, and to use the existing name and corporate identity. Hydro-Québec would offer employment to all employees of NB Power at the time of closing, and respect the collective agreements in place. The nuclear generating facility at Point Lepreau (after the completion of the plant's refurbishment), the hydro facilities, the peaking power plants and the transmission and distribution assets of NB Power are part of the proposed transaction. Hydro-Québec would not assume any liabilities with respect to the Point Lepreau refurbishment project. Thermal generation facilities at Coleson Cove and Belledune would continue to be owned and operated by the Province of New Brunswick, and would supply electricity to Hydro-Québec under the terms of tolling agreements. Hydro-Québec could direct the Province to shut down such facilities on one year's prior notice and all emissions allowances would accrue to Hydro-Québec. The thermal generating facility at Dalhousie would be phased out. The MOU sets a closing date for substantially all the assets involved on or about March 31, 2010. The closing date for the Point Lepreau nuclear generating facility would follow on or about January 1, 2011, after the completion of the refurbishment project now underway. In addition, a package of regulatory reforms, aimed at harmonizing New Brunswick’s regulatory system with that of Québec, will be presented to the New Brunswick Legislature in the upcoming session.
Munich International Airport Selects AeroScout’s GPS and Wi-Fi Asset Tracking Munich Airport is Europe’s seventh busiest airport and is ranked 27th globally. In the first half of 2009, it accommodated more than 15 million passengers and more than 100 000 t of airfreight. Munich Airport was rated the best airport in Europe in 2008 for the fourth year in a row, according to an annual survey of more than eight million air travelers conducted by Skytrax, an independent, London-based aviation market research firm. AeroScout T6 GPS Wi-Fi Tags are being mounted on the airport’s cargo dollies, used by cargo companies to pick up and drop off packages, and passenger baggage dollies, used for transporting baggage between terminals and airplanes. The battery-powered tags use GPS to determine location in any outdoor environment, and then standard Wi-Fi to transport asset location and other valuable information to the network. AeroScout leverages Munich Airport’s existing Cisco Unified Wireless Network, which provides Wi-Fi coverage for the terminals, aprons, gates, hangers and runway edges. Location information, transmitted over the Wi-Fi network, will be presented to airport staff from any computer with access to the network. In addition, on-demand and scheduled inventory reports are generated automatically to improve maintenance procedures and ongoing asset management. Knowing where dollies are at all times will help Munich Airport prevent operations delays or interruptions due to missing or lost items, and eliminate lengthy searches for dollies that are due for their annual maintenance inspections – a regulatory requirement. In addition, the airport will also be able to improve utilization of the dollies and charge cargo companies more accurately based on the location and usage of dollies.
Astec Industries, Inc. Acquires Industrial Mechanical & Integration “We are excited about the potential of this new technology. Conventional pellet production machines were designed for easy to use materials and do not always work well with a wide variety of wood species. With this acquisition, Astec Industries, Inc. can provide a one stop solution to customers desiring to own a pellet plant that can process material from round wood all the way to the finished product. We are well positioned to be a turnkey supplier to the growing wood pellet industry. Many companies in the Astec Industries, Inc. family of companies already make components needed by this market. The acquisition of IMI is in line with our continuing effort to grow the renewable fuel portion of our business. We believe wood pellets will be an important part of the renewable energy standards that are being adopted in the U.S. and around the world,” said Dr. J. Don Brock, chairman and CEO of Astec Industries, Inc. Source: Astec Industries, Inc.
CEMEX Completes Sale of Australian Operations This asset divestment marks another milestone in CEMEX’s efforts to regain its financial flexibility; these efforts include the refinancing of $15 billion of debt and the global offering of 1.495 billion Ordinary Participation Certificates (CPOs), including the over-allotment option, with estimated net proceeds of $1,9 billion. Source: CEMEX
Pashminadepot.com, Inc. Closes Acquisition of SwissINSO Pursuant to the definitive stock purchase agreement, Pashminadepot.com purchased 100% of SwissINSO SA for an aggregate of 50 000 000 shares of its common stock. As a result, the shareholders of SwissINSO now hold two-thirds of the shares of Pashminadepot.com. Pashminadepot.com is reincorporating in Delaware and will change its name to SwissINSO Holding Inc. Both changes will be effective at the end of the month. Clive Harbutt, Director of Pashminadepot.com said, “We’re very excited to close this transaction. Together with the outstanding technology, ideas and executives at SwissINSO, our company is forging ahead with innovative renewable energy solutions that will make tangible differences in people’s lives.” Yves Ducommun, CEO of SwissINSO said, “All of us at SwissINSO are pleased to finalize the transaction with Pashminadepot.com, and we are looking forward to realizing the immense potential inherent in what we have developed. This is an exciting time for us and we look forward to begin executing on our commercial business strategy.”
Power Tech Enlarges its Specialized Distribution Network In announcing the news, Carol Murray, President and CEO of PowerTech, stated: "We are pleased with this new agreement and the business opportunities now open to us through the combination of the PicBucket® and RUBBLE MASTER® crushers which are distributed by J-Y Voghel Inc. By using the PicBucket® - a customized tool for concrete recycling applications - in combination with a RUBBLE MASTER® crusher, filler material can be produced directly at the construction sites, generating significant savings in handling and haulage costs, as well as considerably reduced turnaround times. Our company has, in fact, already validated this business model: as two recently-sold 5000-series PicBucket® units, including one sold through this new distributor, are currently being used with a RUBBLE MASTER® crusher, and the anticipated cost savings and operational gains have in fact materialized and are in line with our expectations." "Offering our clients the 5000-series PicBucket®, designed for 20 to 30 t excavators, now positions us to provide them with complete solutions that eliminate the need for a conventional hammer combined to a direct feed to a crusher, resulting in significantly reduced operating costs and producing the same high-grade final aggregate," added Jean-Sébastien Voghel, director of operations at J-Y Voghel Inc.
Carlisle Acquires Japan Power Brake Japan is home to many of the major global mining, agriculture, construction and wind turbine manufacturers and JPB provides Carlisle direct access to a sizable specialty brake and friction segment with on-site products and customer support for the local Japanese market. JPB and Carlisle Industrial Brake & Friction share many of the same customers, product designs and end markets and now as an integrated unit will be able to work closely together to achieve strategic growth.
MFRI Announces Joint Acquisition of Garneau’s pipe coating and insulating Facility in Camrose, Alberta With over 40 years of operating experience, Garneau has developed significant expertise and innovative technology in their pipe coating and insulating processes. The Camrose facility, constructed in 1997, was upgraded in 2007 and includes over 7000 m2 of space on a 52 ha site.
Cherokee Nitrogen Will Supply DEF to Yara North America DEF is an exhaust system additive and scrubbing agent used to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from diesel engines. DEF breaks the NOx down into harmless components of water vapor and nitrogen gas. Earthpure DEF™ will be available in January 2010 and will be marketed under the Yara brand name Air1. Yara North America is a unit of Oslo-based Yara International ASA, a global firm specializing in agricultural products and environmental protection agents.
SNC-Lavalin Awarded Design/Build Contract for Calgary LRT Extension Project The project consists of an eight-kilometre extension to the Calgary LRT Transit System between 11th Street SW, in the downtown area, to 73rd Street SW in the western part of the City. Included in the scope of work are six passenger stations, nine traction power substations, a major highway interchange, two park-and-ride facilities, a four-storey office building and associated road works. "We are pleased to have been awarded this major project to expand Calgary's transport infrastructure," said Jim Burke, executive vice-president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "SNC-Lavalin has significant expertise in delivering complete rapid transit solutions worldwide, most recently on the Canada Line project in Vancouver, and we look forward to working with the City of Calgary to deliver an all-Canadian solution for this project". Work will begin immediately and is expected to be completed by December 2012.
Aecon Awarded $196 Million Contract for Union Station Platform Renewal Under the contract, Aecon will refurbish Union Station's 33 500 m2 train shed covering 13 tracks and 23 platforms; replacing the existing roof with new a new steel roof and a glass atrium that reaches 15 mabove the platform level. New stair access points and passenger elevators will be built to help move passengers from the existing concourse level to the newly-refurbished platforms. The project also involves the removal and repair of approximately 4200 m of existing track beds, as well as electrical and mechanical work including communication systems, signals, a new roof drainage system, and a snow melting system. The existing station is subject to a Heritage Easement administered by Parks Canada and will therefore undergo preservation and restoration to reinstate it to its original condition wherever possible. The refurbishment will be completed in eleven stages with each stage involving the closure of two tracks and two platforms. The project is scheduled for completion in November of 2014. "Aecon's unique ability to bring expertise to all aspects of the construction process allows us to deliver seamless services for such multi-faceted projects," said Frank Ross, president, Aecon Buildings. "We look forward to working with Metrolinx on this landmark project."
EFCO Canada Fined For Health and Safety Violation In March 2008, a constructor was building an intake line from the Welland Canal to the Thorold Cogeneration power site. To do this, they needed to install a cofferdam, a structure built below water level that serves as a dry workplace. EFCO designed and provided the parts for the cofferdam. On March 28, 2008, the constructor had installed the cofferdam and was removing the water inside it when the cofferdam failed. No workers were injured. An investigation found that the cofferdam failed because certain bolts had not been supplied and installed as required. EFCO Canada Co. pleaded guilty under the OHSA to failing to take the reasonable precaution of providing the bolts necessary to secure the waler plate girders in the cofferdam. The fine was imposed by Justice of the Peace Donna Cowan. In addition to the fine, the court imposed a 25-per-cent victim fine surcharge, as required by the Provincial Offences Act. The surcharge is credited to a special provincial government fund to assist victims of crime.
GE Ships First New PowerHaul® Series Locomotives to United Kingdom These locomotives are the first of a 30-unit order placed in November 2007 by UK-based Freightliner. The purchase represented the largest order of freight locomotives in Freightliner’s history. Four more PowerHaul locomotives are scheduled to ship in this month. Previously part of British Rail, Freightliner was privatized in 1996. Initially only providing Intermodal services, the company has since expanded to have five subsidiary companies, all operating under Freightliner Group Limited. The locomotives will travel by rail from GE’s manufacturing facility in Erie, Pennsylvania, to Lamberts Point Docks in Norfolk, Virginia, where they will be shipped by sea to the Port of Newport in South Wales, United Kingdom. The 117 t PowerHaul Series locomotive is designed to generate more horsepower and tractive effort while lowering fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than locomotives currently in use. The locomotive features several leading technologies to achieve this performance including the new V16 twin-turbo PowerHaul Series engine – a product of ecomaginationSM. Ecomagination is a GE-wide initiative to help meet customer demand for more energy-efficient products. This 3700 hp engine is EU Stage IIIa emissions certified. Combined with other technologies the engine is projected to reduce PowerHaul locomotive fuel use by approximately 9% compared to current operating fleet averages. This fuel savings also will reduce GHG emissions over a typical duty cycle and overall operating costs. GE’s unique AC individual-axle traction-control technology enables the PowerHaul Series to haul heavier loads by significantly reducing slippage on start-ups, inclines and suboptimal track conditions. The PowerHaul Series also features dynamic braking in addition to air brakes to provide smoother handling when hauling heavier loads. Approximately 17 000 GE locomotives are in use in more than 50 countries around the world. GE Transportation’s success story serves as a powerful reminder that free trade and open markets worldwide sustain businesses and employment opportunities in North America and beyond.
TenCate Geosynthetics Wins IFAI 2009 International Achievement Award TenCate received an Outstanding Achievement Award for its Disposal of Coal Mine Slurry Waste Using Geotextile Containers project and one for its Eganville Waste Water Treatment Plant Dewatering project. These projects were recognized in the competition’s ‘geosynthetics’ category. The award ceremony took place at IFAI Expo 2009 at the San Diego Convention Center, where the annual trade event ran from September 23-25. IFAI Expo is the largest specialty fabrics trade show in the Americas. “We are honored that IFAI has recognized the value that TenCate provides with its TenCate Geotube® dewatering technology to the Mining and Municipal Markets and are confident that these prestigious awards will convince companies in all markets to evaluate our dewatering system and all that it delivers”, says Mark Gunzenhauser, vice president of Sales for TenCate Geosystems™ at TenCate Geosynthetics North America. Selected from 416 entries in 17 different countries, these winners represent many of today’s top professionals in the specialty fabrics industry. Entries in 28 categories were judged by a diverse panel of industry experts, editors, architects, educators and design professionals selected for their knowledge of the particular category of competition. Judging was based on complexity, design, workmanship, uniqueness and function.
Topcon Appoints GeoShack Construction Machine Control Dealer for Quebec GeoShack will establish their presence in the province with a new location in Montreal in November 2009. Representing the company in Quebec will be Jonathan Simard, GeoShack’s new 3D Machine Control sales specialist. “We’re excited to be in the Quebec market and to be able to expand our Machine Control Sales Division and to serve customers throughout Quebec from our new location in Montreal,” stated Bob McIntosh, vice president. GeoShack is the leading supplier of Topcon construction lasers, total stations, GPS survey systems and Machine Control systems. GeoShack also has retail operations in Ontario, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ohio, and Oklahoma. Additional product lines represented are Futtura, Carlson, Leica, TDS, PLS, Schonstedt, and CST/Berger equipment.
St Marys Cement Awarded Silver Certification in Energy Excellence The presentation was made by David Arkell, president of 360 Energy, and Ottawa-Orleans MPP Phil McNeely. Mr. McNeely is Parliamentary Assistant to the Ontario Minister of Energy & Infrastructure (PA to MEI). “The Certification in Energy Excellence program was born out of the need for organizations to verify their energy and environmental leadership,” remarked David Arkell, who oversees the CEE process. “It is not only St Marys’ progress and leadership in energy use reduction that is recognized by certification, but also the company’s adoption of strategic goals and initiatives that ensure these reductions continue into the future.” Fabio Garcia, Bowmanville plant manager, stated during the ceremony, “Completing the Certification Program is not about filling in forms. It’s about demonstrating real results and measurable performance improvements. It’s a valuable approach not only for companies in an industrial sector like ours and any organization that aspires to long-term sustainability while maximizing cost control. By engaging in the CEE Program, St Marys’ Cement was able to save $550 000 annually.” The CEE program assesses, mentors, and recognizes an organization’s energy management efforts and plans for the future. Organizations often believe they are doing all they can in energy management, and are often surprised by the tremendous room for improvement. Independent energy assessors conduct an in-depth assessment of the organization’s energy performance over the past 3 years. An energy baseline is established, and a trend of improvement demonstrated. Data is verified by the UK-based, National Energy Foundation (NEF) which provides an independent, 3rd party evaluation based on rigorous international standards. St Marys Cement’s, Bowmanville plant was established in 1968. St Marys Cement Inc. is a leading manufacturer of cement and related construction products in the United States and Canada. Headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, St Marys Cement Inc. supplies cementitious materials to the Great Lakes Region and is also a significant producer of concrete and aggregates for the Ontario market. St Marys Cement Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Votorantim Cimentos, an international cement manufacturer based in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
IronPlanet Canada Expands Coverage with Seasoned Sales Team Ken Wallett has been appointed managing director for IronPlanet Canada and has assembled a veteran sales team of territory managers, including four new additions, to continue the growth of IronPlanet’s Canadian business. Before joining IronPlanet, Ken Wallett held executive level roles in business development and supply chain management for several companies, including CEMEX, Manugistics, as well as Accenture. Scott McIntosh joins IronPlanet as territory manager for British Columbia. He has significant experience with more than 15 years in heavy construction equipment sales. Most recently, he was a territory manager for Toromont Caterpillar in Ontario. Jean-Paul Aubé has been appointed IronPlanet territory manager for Quebec. His background includes more than 28 years of construction experience, most recently working as general manager for Kubota Montréal. Jean-Paul Aubé began his career in construction, working for a contractor. He has also held sales and management positions with Hertz Equipment Rental and the former Les Equipement Skyway. Richard Perzan has been appointed IronPlanet area manager for Ontario. His expertise spans more than 15 years spent building the family business where he served as general manager and vice president of Perzan Resources. Richard Perzan oversaw the union/non-union labor force of more than 170 workers and daily forest-harvesting operations. Perzan then traveled to Russia to study at Moscow State University where he became fluent in Russian and later opened up the Russian market for Ritchie Bros Auctioneers. He moved back to Canada where he spearheaded Ritchie’s entry into Toronto’s downtown financial services sector.
WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition issues Call for Abstracts The deadline for submitting abstracts is January 29, 2010. Professionals, scientists, government employees, organizations, public and private institutions, policy makers, students and all others working in an industry related to water efficiency are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation, panel discussion or workshop. Event organizers hope to build upon the success of the first two WSI conferences, created to broaden the knowledge of innovations in water conservation including products, programs and outreach. Candidates chosen as presenters will be notified by e-mail and postal mail no later than March 14, 2010. A complete list of topics and submittal guidelines is available at www.WaterSmartInnovations.com. The WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition is presented by the Southern Nevada Water Authority in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense Program, the American Water Works Association and other forward-thinking organizations.
Hanes Supply Makes Safety Simple with Field ID and the Field ID Safety Network “We had been looking for a solution to offer our customers to improve their workplace safety. With Field ID, not only are we providing safety traceability, we are able to simplify the process. Field ID will allow our customers access to safety reports and certifications at anytime. Field ID will also make our internal inspection and certification process easier and much more efficient, allowing us to create safer work environments for our customers. Our affiliated company, Engineered Lifting Technologies, also plans on using Field ID to provide a better solution to their global diversified customer base. We look forward to working with Field ID and the team at N4,” noted Bill Hanes, president of Hanes Supply. “Hanes Supply is a large multi location organization that supplies a diverse range of industries but with a specialization in the safety conscious construction industry. Field ID’s ease of use, expandability and rapid deployment was a perfect fit for Hanes Supply. Hanes needed a system up and running for their customers as soon as possible. Field ID was up and running within 24 hours of an initial call. Hanes Supply is another example in a string of world class lifting and rigging companies that are using Field ID. To show our support for the construction industry, was at the International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE) to showcase our Field ID system,” noted Shaun Ricci, COO of N4 Systems. Since 1930 Hanes Supply Inc. has been providing quality products to industry and the construction trades. Hanes has over 75 years of experience splicing wire and manufacturing slings. Hanes’ sling production now includes chain slings, nylon slings, SlingMax slings and wire rope slings.
Kenworth of Newfoundland Opens Parts and Service Facility in Mount Pearl “Our new dealership has received a very positive response so far,” said Larry Murphy, president of Kenworth of Newfoundland. “We’re serving existing and new customers involved in construction, less than truckload (LTL), fishing and mining in the area.” In addition to Larry Murphy, key dealer personnel include Tony Lambert, general manager; Keith Brophy, service manager; and Murphy Mitchell, parts manager.
ArcelorMittal Divests Minority Interest in Wabush Mines ArcelorMittal’s stake in Wabush Mines is no longer a core part of the company’s mining strategy. The mine represented 28 million t of iron ore reserve and 1 million t of iron ore produced for ArcelorMittal in 2008. After the disposal ArcelorMittal continues to have significant mining operations and resources in Canada including ArcelorMittal Mines Canada, formerly Quebec Cartier Mining. Canada also remains an important jurisdiction for ArcelorMittal’s future growth strategy in both mining and steelmaking.
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