Top-Tier Seminars and Summit Talks to Support Compelling Show Floor at inter airport Europe 2023


The countdown is on for inter airport Europe 2023 – the 24th edition of the International Exhibition for Airport Equipment, Technology, Design and Services, which will take place October 10-13, 2023, in Munich, Germany.

Supported by an extensive programme of technical seminars and summit talks, this year’s event is set to boost technological advancement, strategic partnerships and investment that will shape the air transport industry over the coming years.

With nearly 50 years in the industry, this international flagship event is known as the most senior gathering of global airport operators, airlines, CAAs, service suppliers, investors and aviation market experts looking to explore promising technology and concepts to navigate the many challenges and opportunities of today’s airport industry.

The co-located inter airport FOCUS – The Sustainability Summit is a 2-day interactive networking and collaboration platform for aviation stakeholders looking to develop, discuss or initiate sustainability measures required to reach their net zero commitments. A top line-up of key figures from airport and aviation-related organisations will present inventive and exciting ways of embedding and integrating sustainability into every aspect of airport life, with a particular focus on “Building Infrastructure”, “Airport Operations”, and “Intermodal Mobility”.

Source: inter airport Europe

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