Nouvelles brèves


Un premier mandat d’envergure pour Cegertec WorleyParsons
Dans la foulée de l’union annoncée en avril dernier, la coentreprise Cegertec WorleyParsons franchit maintenant une étape marquante de sa croissance avec l’obtention d’un mandat d’envergure pour le compte de Ressources d’Arianne. Aspirant à devenir un acteur de premier plan dans la réalisation de grands projets sur le territoire québécois, notamment dans le secteur des mines et métaux, de l’énergie et des infrastructures, Cegertec WorleyParsons entend ainsi mettre à profit l’expertise et le talent de ses équipes dans le cadre de l’étude de faisabilité du projet de mine de phosphore du Lac à Paul, au Québec.

«Nous franchissons aujourd’hui une autre étape marquante de notre histoire. La confiance que nous octroie Ressources d’Arianne est à l’image du savoir-faire, de l’expertise de calibre mondial et de la réputation enviable de notre organisation. Elle témoigne avant tout que nous avons eu raison d’unir les forces de Cegertec et de WorleyParsons. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes plus que jamais en mesure de soutenir la croissance durable de nos clients et de les appuyer dans la réalisation de leurs objectifs les plus ambitieux», a indiqué le président de Cegertec WorleyParsons, Stéphane Leduc.

La 4e plus importante firme au monde possède une expérience notable dans le secteur des mines et de l’énergie. Le centre de Melbourne est d’ailleurs reconnu comme un pôle d’excellence dans le secteur du phosphate et se démarque dans la mise en valeur de gisement de phosphore de même que dans la mise en opération de mine du même type ayant, notamment, récemment mis en chantier l’un des plus imposants projets de phosphore au monde en Arabie saoudite.

Les travaux, qui solliciteront de manière particulièrement intensive les ressources de l’organisation, seront majoritairement réalisés à Chicoutimi, au Québec, en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe de Melbourne, en Australie, dont l’expertise dans le cadre de projet de phosphore constitue une nette valeur ajoutée. «Cegertec WorleyParsons constitue le partenaire tout désigné pour permettre à Ressources d’Arianne de développer, de manière durable, le projet minier du Lac à Paul et de devenir ainsi un producteur de phosphore de calibre mondial. Nous sommes fiers de pouvoir lui offrir la synergie unique et la complémentarité de nos équipes pour mener à terme ce mandat emballant», a conclu le monsieur Leduc.

Cegertec WorleyParsons regroupe depuis avril 2012 l’expertise de deux leaders en ingénierie et en gestion de projet, Cegertec et WorleyParsons. Elle est un acteur de premier plan pour la réalisation de projets dans les secteurs : énergie, industrie, transports, infrastructures et bâtiment. La coentreprise constitue également un pôle d’excellence au Québec dans le secteur des mines et métaux, particulièrement dans l’aluminium.

Source: Cegertec WorleyParsons


Dessau fait une acquisition au Pérou dans le secteur de l’énergie
Dessau inc. poursuit sa croissance en Amérique latine en faisant l’acquisition de SyZ Consultores Asociados S.A., une société d’ingénierie spécialisée dans le secteur de l’énergie, située à Lima au Pérou.

«En faisant l’acquisition de SyZ Consultores Asociados S.A., Dessau devient la deuxième plus importante firme de génie-conseil au Pérou», souligne Jean-Pierre Sauriol, président et chef de la direction de Dessau. «Grâce à l’acquisition de cette firme établie depuis plus de 30 ans et leader dans le domaine de l’énergie, Dessau compte maintenant sur l’expertise de plus de 1000 employés en Amérique latine.»

Dessau a débuté ses activités en Amérique latine au Pérou en 1995 dans le secteur de l’énergie. Au cours de la dernière année, la firme a réalisé trois importantes acquisitions en Amérique latine, soit CEI en Colombie, MG Ingenieros S.A. au Chili et maintenant SyZ Consultores Asociados S.A. au Pérou. Dessau contribue à l’essor économique des pays où elle est présente en investissant dans les ressources humaines locales qualifiées et en répondant aux besoins de ces pays en infrastructures.

Source: Dessau inc.


SNC-Lavalin se voit confier un projet d’exploitation et d’entretien en Arabie saoudite
SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’elle s’est vu octroyer un contrat de 10 ans pour fournir des services d’exploitation et d’entretien dans le cadre du projet du Centre de recherche et d’études sur le pétrole du roi Abdallah (CREPRA) situé à Riyad, au Royaume d’Arabie saoudite. La valeur estimative du contrat est de 135 millions $.

En vertu de ce mandat de recherche de haut niveau sur l’économie, les politiques et la technologie en matière d’énergie, ainsi que sur l’environnement, le projet du CREPRA se composera de trois éléments principaux : un complexe de 65 000 m2 qui comprendra des installations de recherche et des bureaux, un ensemble d’habitations où logeront environ 1000 personnes, ainsi qu’une zone de services publics qui regroupera une centrale annexe avec générateur photovoltaïque de 5 MW, des réservoirs d’eau, une usine de refroidissement d’eau, un bâtiment pour les activités d’exploitation et d’entretien du site et des installations pour les transports.

SNC-Lavalin fournira des services de gestion intégrée des installations et de la vie communautaire pour ce projet.

Le projet du CREPRA a obtenu la première certification LEED pour habitations (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) jamais décernée hors de l’Amérique du Nord. Il s’agit du plus grand projet d’ensemble résidentiel au monde à avoir mérité cette certification LEED.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


SNC-Lavalin se voit confier un projet de centrale régionale de refroidissement en Arabie saoudite
SNC-Lavalin annonce qu’elle s’est vu octroyer par la Central District Cooling Company, filiale de la Saudi Tabreed District Cooling Company, un contrat visant à fournir des installations régionales de refroidissement à la société Jebel Omar Development à La Mecque, dans le Royaume d’Arabie saoudite.

Dans le cadre de ce contrat, évalué à 92 millions $, SNC-Lavalin sera chargée de la conception, de l’approvisionnement, de la construction et de la mise en service d’une centrale régionale de refroidissement d’une capacité maximale de 55 000 tR, qui comprendra un réseau souterrain de doubles canalisations d’eau réfrigérée long de 1,5 km et 10 postes de transfert d’électricité, d’une capacité totale de 36 000 tR.

Les travaux d’ingénierie sont en cours et la construction devrait débuter au troisième trimestre de 2012. Une usine de production d’eau réfrigérée d’une capacité de 25 000 tR, constituera la première étape du projet et devrait être terminée en décembre 2013.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


SNC-Lavalin obtient de Statoil le contrat d'ingénierie d'avant-projet pour le treillis de la plateforme Bressay en mer du Nord
SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d'annoncer qu'elle s'est vu octroyer par Statoil ASA un contrat d'ingénierie d'avant-projet et de conception pour une structure porteuse d'environ 20 000 t dans le cadre de l'exploitation de la plateforme Bressay située en mer du Nord, au large des côtes du Royaume-Uni.

«Nous sommes très heureux de continuer à aider Statoil pour les projets phares de Mariner et de Bressay», a déclaré Andy Mackintosh, vice-président directeur, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. «Ce contrat fait suite aux travaux d'ingénierie d'avant-projet menés à bien pour le treillis de la plateforme Mariner et renforce la position de chef de file de SNC-Lavalin comme entrepreneur en ingénierie pour l'installation de treillis au moyen d'une barge de mise à l'eau.»

Le treillis sera fixé à une profondeur d'environ 92 m et supportera l'exploitation d'un maximum de 50 puits qui alimenteront, en surface, une vaste installation de production, de forage et d'hébergement. Le pétrole lourd de Bressay sera acheminé vers un réservoir flottant à proximité, pour ensuite être transporté à destination des marchés par pétrolier-navette. La société Statoil prévoit une décision finale sur l'investissement à la fin de 2013, et la mise en production pour le début de 2018. Les parts dans le contrat des licences de Bressay se répartissent ainsi : Statoil (l'Exploitant), 81,625%, et Shell UK Ltd, 18,375%.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.

Techo-Bloc acquiert une usine de fabrication en Pennsylvanie
Techo-Bloc annonçait récemment l’acquisition d’une usine de fabrication à Douglassville, en Pennsylvanie, auparavant détenue par la société Rinox LLC.

Cette acquisition apportera à Techo-Bloc une capacité de production et de distribution accrue, afin de répondre à la demande croissante pour ses produits d’aménagement paysager dans le Mid Atlantic et le Sud-est des États-Unis.

«Nous gardons l’œil ouvert sur toute éventualité d’acquisition aux États-Unis et au Canada, afin d’offrir nos produits d’aménagement paysager et ainsi étendre notre couverture géographique sur de nouveaux territoires», a affirmé Charles Ciccarello, président de Tech-Bloc.

Techo-Bloc fera en sorte que l’installation de Douglassville réponde aux normes de qualité et d’excellence de l’entreprise. «Les clients peuvent s’attendre à retrouver le même niveau d’excellence que dans tout produit Techo-Bloc existant», a déclaré Charles Ciccarello.

Techo-Bloc conservera le personnel déjà en place à l’usine de Douglassville et projette également l’embauche de personnel supplémentaire.

Source: Techo-Bloc


Aecon obtient un contrat portant sur la conversion de la biomasse en énergie
Groupe Aecon inc. annonçait récemment qu’Ontario Power Generation (OPG) a signé un contrat attribuant à la division Industrial d’Aecon des travaux de conception et de construction pour le projet de conversion de la biomasse de la centrale d’Atikokan.

Aecon sera chargée de la conception et de la construction de systèmes de manutention et d’entreposage du biocombustible pour le projet de conversion de la centrale. La valeur du contrat représente environ la moitié du montant total du projet de 170 millions $.

La centrale d’Atikokan, qui aura une capacité de plus de 200 MW, sera l’une des plus grandes installations de conversion de la biomasse en Amérique du Nord. Elle produira de l’énergie renouvelable acheminable en période de pointe. Ce projet comprend des modifications des installations et la construction d’un système d’entreposage et de manutention pour gérer le biocombustible. La centrale ainsi convertie produira de l’électricité à partir d’un combustible durable et renouvelable dont l’utilisation est reconnue pour contribuer à atténuer les changements climatiques. Les travaux de construction à la centrale ont commencé et le projet devrait être terminé en 2014.

Source: Groupe Aecon inc.


Aecon obtient un contrat pour le projet Clean AER de Vale
Groupe Aecon Inc. annonçait récemment avoir obtenu un contrat de 85 millions $ pour la préparation du site et la construction de fondations dans le cadre du projet Clean AER (réductions des émissions atmosphériques) de Vale, à Sudbury.

Le contrat d'Aecon constitue la première phase de ce projet, laquelle comprend la construction de fondations en béton armé, la fondation de râteliers à tuyaux et des travaux de préparation du site pour l'usine de traitement. Les travaux comprennent également des procédures détaillées d'excavation et de remblayage pour ces structures.

Dans l'ensemble, le projet Clean AER de Vale portera sur la modernisation complète de l'allée des convertisseurs de la fonderie de Vale, la construction d'une nouvelle chambre des filtres secondaire et d'une usine de conversion de gaz humide, et l'édification d'une deuxième usine de produits acides et de nouvelles installations de manipulation de matériaux afin d'empêcher plus efficacement les impuretés de pénétrer dans l'environnement. La fonderie continuera de fonctionner pendant toute la durée du projet.

Le projet Clean AER de Vale permettra de réduire les émissions de dioxyde de soufre de la fonderie de Vale, à Sudbury, de 70% par rapport aux niveaux actuels, ainsi que les impuretés et les rejets de métaux de 35% à 40% de plus.

Le projet devrait être terminé d'ici la fin de 2015.

«À Aecon, nous sommes impatients d'apporter notre expertise en énie civil lourd dans le cadre de ce projet de développement minier durable pour Vale», a déclaré Teri McKibbon, chef de l'exploitation d'Aecon. «Nous sommes ravis de prendre part à ce projet novateur sur le plan environnemental au profit de la grande région de Sudbury.»

Source: Groupe Aecon inc.


Une coentreprise dont fait partie Aecon a obtenu un contrat portant sur des pipelines
Aecon Group Inc. annonçait récemment qu’une coentreprise, dont fait partie sa division Aecon Utilities, a obtenu un contrat de 600 millions $ d’Inter Pipeline Fund pour terminer l’expansion des pipelines Cold Lake et Polaris, en Alberta.

La coentreprise à parts égales est formée d’Aecon et de Robert B. Somerville Co. Limited. L’étendue des travaux comprend l’installation de 560 km de pipelines souterrains pour le transport de diluant entre Edmonton et Fort McMurray, ainsi que du soutien technique et des études de constructibilité.

«Ce contrat démontre la forte demande pour des services de construction de pipelines dans l’Ouest du Canada», a déclaré Teri McKibbon, chef de l’exploitation d’Aecon. «Nous avons hâte de travailler avec Somerville à la réalisation de cet important projet pour Inter Pipeline.»

Les travaux devraient commencer en janvier 2013 et se terminer en 2016.

Source: Groupe Aecon inc.


Structal-ponts décroche trois contrats au Québec et en Alberta
Structal-ponts, un segment d’affaires de Groupe Canam inc., annonce qu’il a décroché trois contrats totalisant près de 50 millions $, pour la fabrication de la structure d’acier de ponts qui seront érigés à Notre-Dame-des-Pins et à Lévis, au Québec, et à Edmonton en Alberta.

Northeast Anthony Henday Drive – Structal-ponts a décroché ce contrat en coentreprise avec Rapid-Span Structures Ltd., un fabricant de ponts de l’Ouest canadien. Ce projet en formule PPP, octroyé par la coentreprise Flatiron-Dragados-Aecon-Lafarge, JV, prévoit la fabrication de 14 ponts routiers en acier, dont deux structures majeures longues de 322 m au-dessus de la rivière Saskatchewan Nord. Les composantes fournies par Structal-ponts seront fabriquées à l’usine de Québec à partir de décembre 2012. Les premières livraisons auront lieu au printemps 2013.

Pont de la rivière Gilbert – Le pont de la rivière Gilbert est une structure de 326 m de longueur, aménagée à 52 m de hauteur, qui enjambera la rivière Gilbert et la 34e rue à Notre-Dame-des-Pins, au Québec. L’entente conclue avec Couillard Construction ltée de Coaticook, comprend la fabrication de 88 poutres d’acier, de même que l’installation de celles-ci au chantier. Les composantes seront fabriquées à l’usine de Québec au printemps 2013 et les livraisons s’effectueront vers la fin de la même année.

Toujours dans le cadre de ce projet de prolongement de l’autoroute 73, Structal-ponts fabriquera également les composantes d’acier pour un second pont mesurant 41 m de longueur, de même que pour une passerelle piétonnière. Goodco Z-Tech, un produit de Structal-ponts, fournira 48 appareils d’appui et cinq joints de dilatation.

Échangeur des autoroutes 20 et 73 – Enfin, c’est à Structal-ponts que Roxboro Excavation inc. de Montréal, a confié le mandat de fabriquer les poutres d’acier pour la reconstruction du pont d’étagement de l’autoroute 20 situé à la sortie du pont Pierre-Laporte à Lévis. La structure de 317 m de longueur, construite en 1965, enjambe à la fois l’autoroute 73 nord et l’autoroute 20. Les 66 poutres seront métallisées et peintes à l’usine de Québec. Goodco Z-Tech, pour sa part, fournira 24 appareils d’appui, 18 isolateurs sismiques et deux joints de dilatation pour ce projet.

Source: Groupe Canam inc.

Groupe ADF annonce des nouvelles commandes de 19 M$
Groupe ADF inc. annonçait récemment l’obtention de trois nouveaux contrats au Canada d’une valeur totale de 18,7 millions $.

Le plus important de ces contrats porte sur les travaux de fabrication de la charpente métallique d’une usine dans le nord de l’Alberta pour une entreprise spécialisée dans le secteur pétrolier. Les deux autres mandats concernent la fabrication et la livraison de composantes en acier pour deux ponts, dont l’un situé à Calgary, en Alberta, et l’autre à Montréal, au Québec.

Ces trois projets seront achevés d’ici la fin du deuxième trimestre de l’exercice 2014.

«Ces nouvelles commandes démontrent la confiance de nos clients envers l’expertise reconnue d’ADF et confirme la stratégie de positionnement et de développement de la Société visant, entre autres, à accroître sa présence dans l’Ouest canadien et dans le secteur des infrastructures publiques au Canada. Nous sommes notamment fiers du contrat obtenu dans le nord de l’Alberta puisque non seulement marque-t-il le premier contrat d’ADF dans le secteur pétrolier, il positionne solidement la Société pour d’autres ententes similaires d’ici les prochains mois», souligne Jean Paschini, président du conseil d’administration et chef de la direction.

Source: Groupe ADF inc.


Prolamsa construira une nouvelle usine pour la fabrication de matériel tubulaire pétrolier et de tubes de canalisation
The Prolamsa Group annonçait récemment qu’il construira une nouvelle installation de fabrication à la fine pointe qui servira à fabriquer des tuyaux et des matériaux tubulaires en vue de répondre à la demande croissante des industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel aux États-Unis. Le nouvel investissement fait partie du plan de Prolamsa qui vise à renforcer sa présence dans les marchés des tuyaux et des tubes en Amérique.

Le nouvel investissement devrait dépasser les 150 millions $ et avoir une capacité de production annuelle de 300 000 t. On prévoit que l’usine sera mise en production en 2014.

L’installation sera située dans le sud-est des États-Unis. Plusieurs sites possibles sont en cours d’évaluation.

Source: The Prolamsa Group


Siemens Canada et Énergie NB signent un contrat de plusieurs années afin d’élaborer un programme complet de réseau intelligent pour la province
Siemens et Énergie NB du Nouveau-Brunswick divulguaient récemment leur projet de modernisation du réseau électrique sur plusieurs années, afin de passer au réseau intelligent, dans le cadre d’un plan visant à réduire et à modifier la demande en énergie (RASD). En vertu de ce programme, les partenaires investiront dans la technologie et l’éducation de la clientèle, offrant aux entreprises comme à la population plus de choix et de contrôle quant à leur consommation d’énergie.

Dans le cadre de cette entente, Siemens construira un Centre de compétence (CoC) sur le réseau intelligent à Fredericton, au Nouveau-Brunswick, tout en élaborant la conception d’un réseau intelligent de bout en bout. À l’aide de la méthodologie du compas pour réseau intelligent, Siemens cartographiera la demande énergétique auprès d’Énergie NB pour les 10 prochaines années.

Le projet prévoit la tenue d’activités de recherche et développement par l’entremise d’un bureau de développement des applications, qui sera situé à Fredericton, où se feront également la conception et le déploiement du logiciel pilotant le réseau intelligent. Ensemble, le Centre de compétence et le bureau de R&D créeront environ 40 nouveaux emplois à Fredericton.

Pour mettre en œuvre ce projet, Siemens exploitera son système de gestion de réponse à la demande (DRMS) ainsi que sa suite de gestion d’énergie décentralisée (DEMS), élaborant la stratégie du réseau intelligent dans cinq domaines précis au sein de NB Power, soit : l’exploitation du réseau, la participation du client, la gestion des ressources et du personnel, l’énergie intelligente et l’organisation intelligente.

Source: Siemens Canada Limited


La Tour des Canadiens révolutionnera le concept de condominium urbain
Vivre à l’adresse même des Glorieux! Voilà l’incroyable proposition formulée le 16 juillet dernier par un consortium formé de La Corporation Cadillac Fairview Limitée, Canderel, le Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ et le Club de hockey Canadien qui se sont regroupés pour créer l’ultime adresse résidentielle branchée de la métropole : la Tour des Canadiens.

Un concept des architectes Cardinal Hardy et Martin Marcotte / Beinhaker, l’édifice de 48 étages sera érigé sur la Place des Canadiens, à l’angle de la rue de la Montagne et de l’avenue des Canadiens, au cœur du centre-ville de Montréal.

Geoff Molson, propriétaire, président et chef de la direction du Club de hockey Canadien s’est dit emballé par la perspective de faire vivre la marque des Canadiens de Montréal à travers une adresse qui proposera aux propriétaires des accès privilégiés au Centre Bell mais aussi à des espaces uniques qui leur permettront de prendre part à l’action d’une façon encore plus rapprochée, plus excitante. Les statues des légendes du hockey ainsi que les briques achetées par les partisans pour commémorer le centenaire des Canadiens de Montréal seront retirées de la Place du Centenaire et entreposées avec soin afin d’assurer leur intégrité et leur protection pendant la durée des travaux de construction. Ces précieux témoins du centenaire des Canadiens redeviendront accessibles au public à la fin des travaux, dans l’environnement du nouvel édifice.

Il est possible de s’inscrire dès maintenant sur pour réserver une visite de l’appartement témoin qui sera intégré au bureau des ventes. Ce dernier sera situé sur l’actuelle Place du Centenaire et recevra les premiers clients dès le début de l’automne.

Source: Tour des Canadiens S.E.C.


Industry News


Blackstone/OTR signs a Long Term Supply Agreement with JLG Oskosh
Blackstone/OTR, LLC announced recently it has signed a new long term supply agreement with JLG Oskosh to supply more of their tire and wheel needs. This long term agreement involves Blackstone/OTR designing, developing, prototyping and delivering new products to enhance and improve the performance of JLG Oskosh Aerial Work Platforms (AWP) and Telehandler machines.

“JLG Oskosh has won numerous awards for product innovation from leading publications in the rental, construction, manufacturing and access equipment industries. Blackstone/OTR is proud to continue being a key supplier to JLG as they continue to develop and manufacture industry leading AWP and telehandler equipment,” said Frederick Taylor of Blackstone/OTR.

Aerial Work Platforms and telehandlers are widely used throughout the construction and service industries where men and materials must be lifted to high and difficult to reach places. Rental companies worldwide deploy large fleets of AWP and telehandler equipment to support construction and services industries since these machines are expensive to purchase and typically only needed on a temporary or as needed basis to be utilized on specific projects.

Blackstone/OTR is a specialty supplier of tires, wheels and mounted tire/wheel assemblies to the AWP industry worldwide. The company offers a wide range of products and services in support of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers. Blackstone/OTR is a privately held corporation and a sister company to OTR Wheel Engineering, Inc. also of Rome, GA.

Source: Blackstone/OTR, LLC


Dessau makes energy sector acquisition in Peru
Dessau Inc., one of Canada's largest engineering-construction firms, is continuing its Latin American expansion with the acquisition of SyZ Consultores Asociados S.A., an engineering firm specializing in energy based in Lima, Peru.

"This move makes Dessau the second-largest consulting engineering firm in Peru," said Jean-Pierre Sauriol, president and CEO of Dessau. "With the acquisition of SyZ Consultores Asociados S.A., an energy-sector leader that has been in business for more than 30 years, Dessau now has an expert contingent of more than 1,000 employees in Latin America."

"Joining the Dessau team will enable us to expand our areas of expertise and offer our customers a full range of engineering services," said SyZ Consultores Asociados S.A. founders Juan Solidoro Cuellar and Miguel Suazo Giovannini.

Dessau made its first foray into Latin America in 1995 when it entered the energy sector in Peru. Over the past year, Dessau has made three major acquisitions in Latin America: CEI in Colombia, MG Ingenieros S.A. in Chile and now SyZ Consultores Asociados S.A. in Peru. Dessau supports economic growth in the countries where it does business by investing in qualified local human resources and meeting those countries' infrastructure needs.

Source: Dessau inc.


Coco Paving Group Announces New Quarry Acquisitions
Coco Paving Group proudly announces the recent asset acquisitions of quarries in Ontario.

As of June 1st, 2012, the Coco Group assumed the responsibility of Reeb’s quarry operations – an MNR-licenced quarry in the Township of Wainfleet, Regional Municipality of Niagara. The licenced quarry area is over 70 ha in size and provides a full range of aggregates for heavy civil construction projects.

The Barbara Ann McCarthy Quarry – an MNR-licenced quarry including ownership of their property in the Township of Ramara, County of Simcoe – provides a key geographic presence in the Simcoe Region and represents a licenced quarry area of over 80 ha in size.

On August 1st, 2012, Coco Paving purchased Badgeley Island Quarry, an asset of Unimin Canada Ltd. – an MNR-licenced quarry and ownership of the property in the Sudbury Region of Ontario, as well as a mining lease for Badgeley Point. Its licenced quarry of over 725 ha providing aggregates and silica sand.

“With our recent quarry acquisitions, Coco Paving continues to expand its vertical integration in Ontario, strengthening our premier position as a full service heavy construction company together with a competent team,” said Jenny Coco, CEO of Coco Paving Inc.

Today, Coco Paving Inc. continues to be a family-owned and -operated business under the leadership of William and Nina Coco and their children Jenny Coco and Rocky Coco.

“Since the acquisition of the Ontario-Quebec Lafarge asphalt and heavy construction division, along with several others over the course of the last three years, Coco Paving continues to be the largest asphalt producer and road paving contractor in Ontario, a strong leader in the heavy construction business” said Rocky Coco, president of Coco Paving Inc.

The company has over 31 asphalt plants located in Ontario and Quebec. The Coco family business has over 45 years of experience and is well established in the marketplace, maintaining a staffing compliment of over 1,700 employees.

Source: Coco Paving Inc.


CERF Incorporated Announces Proposed Acquisition
CERF Incorporated is pleased to announce that it has signed a non-binding letter of intent to acquire a private oilfield equipment rental company located in Alberta. The existing management team of the Oilfield Rental Company is expected to manage and grow CERF’s new business unit. The closing of the transaction is subject to the parties entering into a definitive share purchase agreement and to usual closing conditions including TSX Venture Exchange and other regulatory approvals.

“We are excited to have a successful oilfield rental company join the CERF group of companies. We look forward to being able to participate more directly in the oil industry and to have our wholly-owned subsidiary, 4-Way Equipment Rentals Corp. working closely with the Oilfield Rental Company in supplying some similar rental equipment and services to a whole new oilfield customer base,” commented Wayne Wadley, president of CERF Inc.

CERF Inc. is a Canadian public corporation engaged in the rental, sale and service of industrial and construction equipment and waste management and environmental services.

Source: CERF Inc.


SNC-Lavalin awarded KAPSARC Project in Saudi Arabia
SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a 10-year contract to operate and maintain the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) project located in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The estimated value of this contract is $135 million.

With a mandate to conduct high-calibre research in energy economics, policy, technology, and the environment, the KAPSARC project consists of three major components: a 65,000 m2 research and office complex, a residential community that will accommodate approximately 1,000 residents, and a utility zone to serve them. This zone consists of a central utility plant with a 5-MW photovoltaic array, water storage tanks, a chilled water plant, a site operations and maintenance building, and transportation operations. SNC-Lavalin will provide integrated facility and community management services to the project.

"We are delighted by the opportunity to be involved in such a state-of-the-art facility," said Charlie Rate, Executive Vice-President, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.  "We continue to solidify our footprint in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a key market for our business." KAPSARC received the first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Homes certification outside of North America, and it is the largest residential development project to earn the certification in the world.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


SNC-Lavalin Awarded Third District Cooling Project in Saudi Arabia
SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a contract by the Central District Cooling Company, a subsidiary of Saudi Tabreed District Cooling Company, to provide district cooling facilities to the Jebel Omar Development in Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

As part of the contract, estimated at $92 million, SNC-Lavalin will be responsible for the design, procurement, construction and commissioning of a district cooling plant, with an ultimate capacity of 55,000 Rt, 1.5 km of dual underground chilled water distribution pipeline and 10 energy transfer stations with a total capacity of 36,000 Rt.

"We are delighted with receiving this contract, particularly because it is the third district cooling plant contract awarded to us in Saudi Arabia since May 2010," said Charles Chebl, executive vice president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "This contract reflects our strategy of bringing the full spectrum of our global expertise to the region, and attests to SNC-Lavalin's world-class leadership in the district cooling sector."

Engineering work on the project is underway, and construction is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2012. The first phase of the facility, a chilled water production plant with a capacity of 25,000 Rt, is planned for December 2013.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


SNC-Lavalin Awarded Statoil’s North Sea Bressay Jacket Front-End Engineering Contract
SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a contract by Statoil ASA to carry out the front-end engineering design (FEED) for an approximately 20,000 t substructure, part of the Bressay offshore development located in the UK sector of the North Sea.

The jacket will be located at a water depth of approximately 92 m, and support operations for up to 50 wells, which will feed a large production, drilling and quarters (PDQ) topside facility. Bressay’s heavy oil will be exported to a nearby floating storage unit before being shipped to market by shuttle tanker. Statoil expects a final investment decision in late 2013 and first oil by early 2018. The participating interests in Bressay Licences are Statoil (Operator) 81.625% and Shell U.K. Ltd 18.375%.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


Aecon Awarded Biomass Power Contract
Aecon Group Inc. announced today that Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has signed a contract awarding Aecon's Industrial division design and construction work for the Atikokan Generating Station (GS) biomass conversion project.

Aecon will be responsible for the design and construction of the fuel handling and storage systems for the generating station conversion. The value of the contract is approximately half of the $170 million project.

The Atikokan GS will be one of the largest biomass plants in North America, with more than 200 MW of capacity. It will generate renewable, dispatchable, peak capacity power. This project will include plant modifications and the construction of a fuel storage and handling system to manage the biomass fuel. The converted facility will provide renewable electricity generation from a sustainable fuel recognized as beneficial to climate change mitigation.

"Aecon is pleased to be an integral part of another OPG clean energy project," said Teri McKibbon, Aecon's Chief Operating Officer.
Construction on the facility is currently ramping up and the project is expected to be completed in 2014.

Source: Aecon Group Inc.


Aecon Awarded $85 Million Contract for Vale Clean AER Project
Aecon Group Inc. announced recently that it has been awarded an $85 million contract for site preparation and foundation construction for the Vale Clean AER (Atmospheric Emissions Reduction) Project in Sudbury, Ontario.
Aecon’s contract is the first phase of this project, and includes construction of reinforced concrete foundations, pipe rack foundation and site preparation work for the process plant. Work also includes detailed excavation and backfill for these structures.

Overall, the Vale Clean AER project will involve a complete retrofit of Vale’s smelter converter aisle, the construction of a new secondary baghouse and wet gas cleaning plant, a second acid plant, and new material handling facilities to better prevent dust from entering the community. The smelter will continue to operate for the duration of the project.

The Vale Clean AER Project will see sulphur dioxide emissions at Vale’s smelter in Sudbury reduced by 70% from current levels, as well as dust and metals emissions reduced a further 35 to 40%.

The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2015.

Source: Aecon Group Inc.


Aecon JV Awarded $600 M Pipeline Contract
Aecon Group Inc. announced recently that a joint venture in which its Aecon Utilities division is participating, has been awarded a $600 million contract by Inter Pipeline Fund to complete the expansion of the Cold Lake and Polaris pipelines in Alberta.

The 50/50 joint venture is comprised of Aecon and Robert B. Somerville Co. Limited (Somerville). Scope of work includes the installation of 560 km of underground pipeline for the distribution of diluent between Edmonton and Fort McMurray, as well as engineering support and constructability reviews.

"This large award showcases the high demand for pipeline construction services in Western Canada," says Teri McKibbon, Aecon's Chief Operating Officer.  "We look forward to working with Somerville on this significant project for Inter Pipeline."

Work is scheduled to begin in January 2013, with completion expected in 2016.

Source: Aecon Group Inc.


Structal-Bridges Lands Three Contracts in Quebec and Alberta
Structal-Bridges, a business unit of Canam Group Inc., recently announced that it has secured three contracts totaling close to $50 million for the fabrication of the steel structures of bridges that will be erected in Notre-Dame-des-Pins and Lévis, in Quebec, and in Edmonton, Alberta.

Northeast Anthony Henday Drive – Structal-Bridges was awarded this contract under a joint venture with Rapid-Span Structures Ltd., a bridge fabricator in Western Canada. The project, which is a public-private partnership commissioned by Flatiron-Dragados-Aecon-Lafarge, JV, calls for the fabrication of 14 steel highway bridges, including two major 322 m structures across the North Saskatchewan River. The components supplied by Structal-Bridges will be fabricated at the Quebec City plant starting in December 2012 with deliveries beginning in spring 2013.

Gilbert River Bridge – The Gilbert River Bridge is a 326 m structure that will be erected 52 m over the Gilbert River and 34th Street in Notre-Dame-des-Pins, Quebec. The agreement concluded with Coaticook-based Couillard Construction Ltd. includes the fabrication and installation of 88 steel girders. The components will be fabricated at the Quebec City plant in spring 2013 and deliveries are slated to begin towards the end of the year.

Also in the scope of the Highway 73 expansion project, Structal-Bridges will fabricate the steel components for a second bridge measuring 41 m as well as for a footbridge. Goodco Z-Tech, a product of Structal-Bridges, will supply 48 structural bearings and 5 expansion joints.

Highway 20/73 Interchange – Mandated by Roxboro Excavation Inc. in Montreal, the third project landed by Structal-Bridges requires the fabrication of 66 steel girders for the reconstruction of the Highway 20 overpass located at the exit of the Pierre-Laporte Bridge in Lévis. Built in 1965, the 317 m structure spans both Highway 73 North and Highway 20. The girders will be metalized and painted at the Quebec City plant. Goodco Z-Tech also will supply 24 structural bearings, 18 seismic isolation bearings and 2 expansion joints for the project.

"Our expertise will be put to full use as we take on these new challenges," commented Robin Lapointe, vice president of Structal-Bridges. "The execution of projects such as the Highway 25 Bridge in Montreal, the Beauharnois Canal Bridge, which was built as part of the Highway 30 expansion project in Quebec, and the Deh Cho Bridge in the Northwest Territories that was realized in collaboration with our partner, Rapid-Span Structures Ltd., demonstrate our ability to carry out large-scale projects."

Structal-Bridges is a North American manufacturer of steel bridges, structural bearings and expansion joints. In addition to its Quebec City plant, which opened in 1956, the company operates a plant in Laval, another in the state of New Hampshire, and also occupies a section of the Canam Group plants in Saint-Gédéon-de-Beauce, Quebec, and Point of Rocks, Maryland. Structal-Bridges serves the highway and railway bridge sectors in Canada and numerous states in the U.S.

Source: Canam Group Inc.


Siemens Canada and NB Power Sign Multi-Year Agreement to Develop Comprehensive Smart Grid Program for the Province
Siemens and New Brunswick's NB Power officially announced plans today for a multi-year Smart Grid Reduce and Shift Demand (RASD) modernization plan that will invest in technology and educate customers, offering business and residents more choice and control over their energy consumption.

"We look forward to working with Siemens," says Gaëtan Thomas, NB Power President and CEO. "This relationship will be long lasting, and will modernize the New Brunswick electricity system and the way our customers view their own electricity consumption. It will also provide long term benefits to our customers."

As part of the agreement, Siemens will build a Smart Grid Centre of Competence (CoC) in Fredericton, New Brunswick while delivering on an end-to-end design for Smart Grid. Using Smart Grid Compass methodology, Siemens will design NB Power's energy road map for the next 10 years.

"This partnership presents us with the unique opportunity to showcase Siemens' world class Smart Grid technology and expertise with a fully integrated and innovative utility like NB Power," says Dr. Jan Mrosik, Global Head of Siemens Smart Grid. "We are very excited about this partnership and chance to work together."

The plan also involves the establishment of an R&D presence by way of an application development office to be located in Fredericton where design and rollout of Smart Grid software will take place. The Centre of Competence and R&D office combined will create approximately 40 new jobs in Fredericton.

"Siemens is celebrating 100 years of doing business in Canada this year, which represents a century of innovation and bettering the lives of Canadians," says Robert Hardt, president and CEO, Siemens Canada. "What better way to look to the future than with this landmark partnership utilizing the leading edge of energy technologies, thereby sustaining the next hundred years."

As part of the implementation, Siemens will showcase their Demand Response Management System (DRMS) as well as their Decentralized Energy Management Suite (DEMS), developing the Smart Grid strategy in five work areas within NB Power, including: Network Operations, Customer Participation, Asset and Workforce Management, Smart Energy, and Smart Organization.

Source: Siemens Canada Limited


Pure Technologies Announces Pipeline Monitoring Contract In Mexico
Pure Technologies Ltd. is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Pure Inspection Technologies Mexico, S.A. de C.V., has been awarded new work in Cutzamala, Mexico in the amount of approximately $4 million.

Under the contract, Pure will supply, design, install and commission a SoundPrint® Acoustic Fiber-Optic (AFO) monitoring system on a portion of a major pipeline system which provides treated drinking water to roughly 30% of Mexico City’s population. The majority of this new work is expected to be completed prior to the end of 2012. Pure will then continuously monitor this new section of pipeline – which has recently undergone electromagnetic inspection using Pure’s PipeDiver® technology – for structural integrity.

Previous work included electromagnetic inspections and the installation of the Company’s AFO monitoring technology on approximately 25 km of these critical pipelines. Additional information on prior work can be found in Pure’s October 25, 2010 news release.

Source: Pure Technologies Ltd.


Pure Technologies Selected as Prime Consultant in St. Louis
Pure Technologies Ltd. announced recently that the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, St. Louis, Missouri, has selected Jason Consultants Ltd., a division of Pure’s Engineering Services Group, as its prime consultant to provide pipeline engineering services for a multi-year program.

The District is responsible for wastewater and storm water operations covering approximately 1,357 km2 of the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County while serving 1.3 million people. The District operates and maintains approximately 14,500 km of gravity sewers (sanitary, storm, and combined) and 200 km of force mains. The District is embarking on a multi-year program of infrastructure / capital improvements to protect the public health and safety.

Jason Consultants Ltd. has been selected as the District’s consultant to develop and implement a force main condition assessment program. The District has entered into a one-year contract with Jason with five possible option years. Jason’s role as the prime consultant will include, at minimum, selection of advanced inspection technologies for the District’s force mains, development of condition assessment action plans, engineering analysis of the condition assessment results and emergency response planning.

This announcement follows Pure’s recent plans for a major expansion of its Engineering Services business through the establishment of up to five new regional offices in the US.

Source: Pure Technologies Ltd.


EllisDon purchases PME Group of Companies
It is with great enthusiasm that EllisDon announces the acquisition of the PME Group of Companies, based in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. This latest acquisition further strengthens EllisDon’s civil expertise across Canada.

The PME Group provides civil site work and common construction services to the oil and gas industry in Western Canada with primary focus on the Northern Alberta region. The key bases of work have most recently been to the oil refineries, oil sands development and oil and gas pipeline sectors in the greater Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan and Fort McMurray areas.

As Geoff Smith, EllisDon’s president and CEO explains, similar people and cultures were key in the decision of bringing the two companies together: “Clearly PME is a strong company with great people and a solid record of quality construction work, a high regard for project safety and financial success. The skills and experience the PME Group of Companies brings to EllisDon is very complementary to the things that we do. Just as importantly, we believe the cultures of our firms are very similar. We are both very open, somewhat informal, people-oriented firms who take a great deal of pride in our work and in each other. I’m confident that we will be able to learn from one another, rely on one another and of course continue to grow together.”

“This is an exciting day for me” said Gil Brulotte, senior vice president of PME Group, “and from my dealings with EllisDon to date, I can say with confidence this is a great opportunity for the PME team which will allow us continued growth opportunities within a group that shares our existing values.”

Source: EllisDon Corporation


ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe finds new owner for construction activities
In October 2011, the Executive Board of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe decided to divest the company’s business with high-quality steel products for the construction industry. The decision followed an extensive analysis of the options for improving the business’ competitiveness and earnings. After a review of various alternatives, it was decided to seek a best owner solution. A purchase and sale contract for the Construction Group has recently been agreed with Kingspan and the signing has taken place. The sale is subject to approval by the supervisory bodies and the responsible regulatory authorities. ThyssenKrupp expects the closing to take place by the time you read this.

The Construction Group of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is one of Europe’s biggest suppliers of lightweight steel construction elements for use in the walls, facades, roofs and floors of industrial buildings and in cold room construction. It offers architects, engineers, planners and building owners tailored solutions for building with steel. Outstanding application examples include Stuttgart exhibition center, Melbourne sports stadium, and Hong Kong airport.

The Construction Group processes around 120,000 t of steel produced by ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe into high-quality products for the construction industry. It manufactures around 13 million m2 of insulated panels and profiles per year. With sales of roughly 315 million € (390 million $) in the year to March 31, 2012, the Construction Group comprises ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme, Hoesch Bausysteme and Isocab, employs around 780 people and has plants in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, and Hungary, as well as international distribution companies.

In Kingspan, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe has now found a new owner for the construction activities which will strategically develop the business and strengthen its European market presence. The internationally successful and fast-growing Kingspan Group plc (headquartered in Kingscourt/Ireland) achieved sales of 1.5 billion € (1.86 billion $) in 2011. The Group has been producing construction elements and insulating materials for over 35 years and employs around 6,000 people at almost 50 production sites worldwide.

Source: ThyssenKrupp AG


Toronto’s First “Underpass Park” officially opened in the West Don Lands
The first phase of the most extensive park ever built under an overpass in Canada and Toronto’s first was opened on August 2, 2012 by Waterfront Toronto and its government partners.

Located under and around the Eastern Avenue and Richmond/Adelaide overpasses in the West Don Lands, Underpass Park is a unique urban public space that transformed the derelict space beneath the overpasses into an unexpected and inviting community asset.

“Underpass Park is an example of creative city building,” said John Campbell, president and CEO, Waterfront Toronto. “By viewing the space under the overpasses as an opportunity, we turned a potential liability into a great neighbourhood asset, one that helps connect the community and raises the bar for urban space.”

Underpass Park is defined by the massive overpass structures. Designed by landscape architecture firm Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg with The Planning Partnership, the park takes full advantage of the structures to provide weather protection for large parts of the park, creating a year-round community amenity.

The unusual spaces formed by the large concrete beams and columns have been fully utilized and transformed with interesting features and amenities such as striking public art, inviting climbing structures, two half-court basketball courts and skateboarding facilities.

Mirage, an innovative public art installation in the park designed by Toronto artist Paul Raff, uses mirrored stainless steel panels suspended from the overpass to reflect and bounce light within the space. The concept is to engage the public through the playful use of light and reflection to accentuate the qualities of the space in an interesting and sculptural way.

Constructed in two phases, the first completed sections of the park are between St. Lawrence Street and Bayview Avenue. Visitors can access the completed portions of the park from River Street, south of King Street. Phase two of Underpass Park, located west of St. Lawrence Street to Eastern Avenue, is currently under construction and expected to open in spring 2013. When complete, Underpass Park will cover a total of 1.05 ha.

Construction of Underpass Park is another sign of the momentum and progress being made in the West Don Lands, which will be home to the Athletes’ Village during the 2015 Pan Am Games. Work is well underway throughout the West Don Lands, both in the area that will be home to the Athletes’ Village and the areas surrounding it.

Source: Waterfront Toronto


Bird Announces Contract Award of Alberta Public Safety and Law Enforcement Training Centre
Bird Construction Inc. announced that Alberta Infrastructure has awarded to a subsidiary of Bird a contract to construct the new Alberta Public Safety and Law Enforcement Training Centre located in Fort Macleod, Alberta. The complex will be built on 130 ha of land in the southeast corner of Fort Macleod and will include classrooms, a library, a cafeteria, accommodations, indoor and outdoor firing ranges, a scenario building, a driving course and recreational areas. Construction of the $95 million facility will commence later this summer with an anticipated completion date in the fall of 2014. The value of this project will be added to Bird’s backlog in the third quarter.

Source: Bird Construction Inc.


Astec Announces Dates for Advanced Customer Schools
ASTEC announces the dates for the Advanced Customer Schools.

Attendees can choose to attend one of these five sessions: December 10-13, 2012 and January 7-10, January 14-17, January 28-31 or February 4-7, 2013. Registration opens on October 1, 2012.

ASTEC Advanced Customer Schools teach hands-on maintenance and advanced troubleshooting techniques to fix problems fast. Instructors include ASTEC and Heatec Engineers and Service Technicians with decades of field experience.

During the four full days of instruction, students will have the opportunity to meet with instructors and fellow students to exchange information. Additional networking opportunities are provided during breakfast and lunch each day, and at special dinner receptions each night.

New for 2013, ASTEC has added a new controls classroom for a new extended three-hour controls class. This advanced controls class covers: networking, diagnostics, hard PLC, warm mix and calibrating for the PMII, PMIII, TCII systems. ASTEC is also enhancing its Double Barrel® drum class by allowing students to work on a life size drum and outer shell. Topics include: flighting, tip arrangement, outer shell, liners, discharge, recycle and veiling.

Source: ASTEC, Inc.


Prospective Employees are Invited to Build Their Legacy with PCL
The robust construction marketplace and the resulting demand for workers has prompted the PCL family of companies to launch a recruitment campaign geared to helping the organization meet its existing and future employment needs. The “My Legacy” campaign aims to attract people who are interested in a rewarding career where they can build their own legacy with PCL.

“PCL has developed a culture of expertise and mentoring that is unique in the industry,” said Rob Holmberg, executive vice president, Canadian Buildings, and director of construction, Australia. “At PCL you have the chance to join one of the most dynamic companies in North America and contribute to a successful team that works hard, plays hard, and makes a difference in your community.”

Currently, PCL has more than 950 projects underway across the country with an extensive backlog of work that continues to grow. The emerging opportunities, and growing demand for labor, have created openings in all areas of the company, both for individuals new to the workforce and those who are experts in their field.

PCL’s recruitment campaign will seek to attract prospective employees from across Canada, the United States, and overseas.

The “My Legacy” campaign brings a unified voice to PCL’s recruitment efforts and a specific listing of job openings in each of the unique markets where it operates.

The PCL family of companies is consistently ranked among the best to work and is recognized for offering career advancement opportunities and a challenging and supportive work environment that promotes personal and professional growth.

Source: PCL family of companies


Emblematic Residential Building to be Built in Montreal
Share the same home address as the Habs! This incredible opportunity is being made possible by The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited, Canderel, the Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ and the Club de hockey Canadien consortium, who have partnered to build the ultimate residential address in the city: the Tour des Canadiens.

The 48-story building, designed by architects Cardinal Hardy and Martin Marcotte/Beinhaker, will be located at Centennial Place, at the corner of rue de la Montagne and l'Avenue des Canadiens, in the heart of downtown Montreal.  The Tour des Canadiens' unique design will reflect the topography of its location. Straddling the natural ridge between the mountain and the river, the Tour des Canadiens will become Montreal's tallest residential building and an unmistakable visual landmark.  The building will stand on an elevated platform that will include indoor parking, and in which a lightbox featuring Montreal and its lifestyle will be encased. Moreover, the Tour des Canadiens will be the only residential building to offer direct covered access to Montreal's largest intermodal transit hub and downtown's sprawling underground city.

Geoff Molson, owner, president and CEO of the Club de hockey Canadien is excited about the prospect of bringing to life the Montreal Canadiens trademark through an address that will provide its residents privileged access to the Bell Centre, so that they are truly at the heart of the action. "The Tour des Canadiens will offer sports and entertainment facilities that live up to the vision behind the design, including a sports bar which will provide its clients with a unique and unparalleled experience. Today's announcement is the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the Montreal Canadiens. I am extremely pleased to see this opportunity come to fruition and impatient to see the Tour des Canadiens come to life," said Mr. Molson.

Moreover, Mr. Molson indicated that the hockey legends statues as well as the bricks purchased by fans to commemorate the Montreal Canadiens centennial will be removed from Centennial Place and carefully stored elsewhere in order to ensure their integrity and protect them for the duration of the construction period. These valuable testimonials to the Canadiens' centennial will once again be accessible to the public at the end of construction within the environs of the new building.

To reserve for priority sales, sign up at to be among the first to have access the many exclusive benefits offered to future owners.  The sales office will be located at the current Centennial Place and will welcome the first clients in the early fall.

Source: Tour des Canadiens S.E.C.

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