Nouvelles brèves
Nemaska Exploration signe une Entente de principe avec la Nation crie Présents pour la cérémonie de signature qui s’est déroulée à Nemaska, se trouvaient le Chef Josie Jimiken, représentant la Nation crie de Nemaska, le Grand Chef Dr. Matthew Coon Come, représentant le Grand Conseil des Cris (Eeyou Istchee) et l’Administration régionale Crie ainsi que Guy Bourassa, président et chef de la direction de Exploration Nemaska Inc. Après la cérémonie, monsieur Bourassa mentionnait, «La signature de cette entente formalise notre excellente et durable relation avec la communauté crie. Ceux-ci nous supportent depuis le début de nos travaux d’exploration dans le secteur. Notre plan est de mettre le projet Whabouchi en production à l’intérieur de 2 à 3 ans et que ce projet apportera un impact économique additionnel à la région. Des employés Cris font partie de notre personnel d’exploration et lorsque possible nous utilisons les fournisseurs de services Cris pour supporter nos activités d’exploration.»
Construction de ponts en Europe : des chefs de projets se réunissent pour débattre des projets futurs «Le secteur dans son ensemble va devoir réagir très vite sur ces projets importants qui reviennent à l’avant-scène», commente Steve Kite, administrateur associé chez Arup, à l’occasion d’une interview donnée à IQPC (International Quality and Productivity Centre). «De nombreux projets ayant suscité de l’intérêt ou ayant fait l’objet de travaux initiaux refont surface aujourd’hui et devront être livrés rapidement», poursuit-il. La concurrence va certainement s’intensifier entre les consultants et les entrepreneurs en course, donnant inévitablement encore plus d’importance à la réputation et aux résultats. Les marchés auparavant fermés, y compris la région Europe centrale et orientale, connaîtront une expansion des investissements internationaux et des constructions. Cela a été en outre favorisé par une poussée considérable des contrats PPP (partenariat public/privé) entre des entreprises de construction est-européennes et internationales – une autre condition qui fait de cette région une terre fertile pour le développement futur. Chefs de projet, ingénieurs et concepteurs exploreront plus en profondeur ces sujets et examineront les projets en cours à l’occasion de la conférence Bridge Construction Europe. Présenté par Construction IQ, cet évènement se déroulera du 3 au 5 novembre 2010 à l’Hôtel Le Méridien Bristol de Varsovie, Pologne. Des études de cas complémentaires seront présentées avec les projets suivants : Danube Bridge 2, ministère des Transports bulgare ; The Beltway Bridge, Wroclaw Bypass, Direction générale des routes nationales et des autoroutes, Pologne ; Olympic Park Central Bridge, Lagan Construction ; The Cadagua Link, UTE Enlace del Cadagua ; The Saale Elster Viaduct, Hochtief ; The Southern Gate Bridge, Transport Systems et Institut Giprostroymost – Saint-Pétersbourg ; Traismauer Bridge, Alpine Construction and ASFINAG ; A2 Toll Motorway, DHV Polska ; Busan-Geoje Fixed Link, groupe Halcrow ; The Sava Bridge, groupe Louis Berger/groupe Euro Gardi. Abordant les détails techniques de la livraison de projet, la durabilité de la conception/réduction des coûts et les priorités qui régissent le développement d’infrastructure, cet évènement sera, pour les professionnels de la construction de ponts, une plateforme de réseautage, d’évaluation et d’échange de compétences et de solutions avec leurs pairs.
Bentley ajoute trois produits phares à OpenPlant Ces nouveaux produits Bentley sont les premiers sur le marché à partager et à répondre à l’objectif premier de la communauté des utilisateurs d’iRING (ISO 15926 Real-Time Interoperable Network Grids) : permettre un partage et une interopérabilité des données et des informations cohérents et en temps réel entre diverses organisations et systèmes différents qui utilisent une norme reconnue sur le plan international. Les implémentations iRING répondent aux exigences complexes de déroulement du travail dans le cadre des projets de construction d’aujourd’hui, pour lesquels la distribution et le sourçage s’effectuent au niveau mondial. Parmi les entreprises actives dans la communauté iRING, on trouve Bayer, Bechtel, CH2M HILL, Consolidated Contractors Company, Dow, DuPont, Emerson, Fluor, Hatch et Zachry. Les nouvelles applications de Bentley améliorent l’interopérabilité entre les formats de données, les workflows et les systèmes de conception de projets ; ils rendent OpenPlant de Bentley encore plus complet – élargissant sa capacité à intégrer de multiples disciplines d’infrastructure tout en améliorant la collaboration des équipes travaillant sur un projet et en générant beaucoup de valeur.
Canac s’établit à Jonquière «C’est en réponse à la forte demande de notre clientèle du magasin de l’arrondissement de Chicoutimi que nous avons décidé de construire une deuxième succursale dans la ville de Saguenay. Qui plus est, cela nous permettra de faciliter l’expérience d’achat des consommateurs, mais surtout de nous rapprocher de notre clientèle», expliquait monsieur Laberge. Le magasin de Jonquière offrira une vaste gamme de produits qui répondront aux besoins des particuliers, des artisans, des entrepreneurs et autoconstructeurs : quincaillerie, plomberie, électricité, outillage, peinture, couvre-planchers, produits de finition, matériaux de construction, produits saisonniers et un centre jardin amélioré. Les travaux de construction seront exécutés par l’entreprise Construction OPCR inc. de Chicoutimi.
Le CERIU offre une nouvelle formation : comprendre et interpréter le PACP® Cette formation a notamment pour objectif de permettre aux participants de : comprendre la démarche ayant mené au choix du PACP® ; maîtriser les différents types d’inspection télévisée utilisés au Québec et d’en connaître les bénéfices ; comprendre l’importance des données de qualité ; et maîtriser les critères de contrôle de la qualité pour la collecte des données et la production des rapports d’inspection télévisée. Le plan de cours, le calendrier et les modalités d’inscription sont disponibles sur le site Internet du CERIU. Source: Centre d’expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines
AECOM acquert Davis Langdon Davis Langdon fournit des services gestion des coûts et des projets ainsi que des services de conseil spécialisés, à sa clientèle internationale. La société jouit d’une forte implantation en Afrique, en Australie et en Nouvelle Zélande, en Europe, au Moyen-Orient et aux États-Unis. Son homologue asiatique, Davis Langdon & Seah, restera indépendant, mais continuera de travailler avec les activités Davis Langdon d’AECOM dans le cadre de l’accord de collaboration existant. Davis Langdon a travaillé sur de nombreux projets emblématiques dans le monde entier, notamment : la Tate Modern et le Eden Project au Royaume-Uni, l’Estadio do Dragao au Portugal ; l’aéroport international d’Abu-Dhabi ; le Grand Egyptian Museum au Caire, en Égypte ; le Clem Jones Tunnel (CLEM7) à Brisbane, en Australie ; le Transbay Terminal à San Francisco, États-Unis ; le Gautrain Rapid Rail Link à Johannesburg ; et le Green Point Stadium – construit pour la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2010 – au Cap, en Afrique du Sud. La transaction devrait être finalisée en octobre 2010. Cette acquisition été approuvée par les actionnaires et les associés de Davis Langdon. Elle est soumise aux conditions de finalisation habituelles, notamment aux approbations réglementaires et de tierces parties qui sont requises.
Atlas acquiert les droits et propriétés des chargeurs Kaelble de Terex Pour Terex, après la cession de ses matériels miniers à Bucyrus et la vente d’Atlas, c’est une nouvelle illustration de son recentrage d’activité sur le secteur des gammes moyennes et légères d’équipement de construction. Durant une période de transition, les pièces de rechange Kaelble continueront d’être fournies par Terex Germany. La production de nouvelles machines sera annoncée à une date ultérieure.
Sandvik investit dans une usine de production d’équipement de concassage Les installations de près de 6000 m2 seront complétées au début de 2012. L’usine sera dotée des équipements de production les plus modernes pour la fabrication de composants clés pour les concasseurs de Sandvik, qui sont assemblés non seulement en Suède, mais également dans des usines situées dans d’autres pays. Cet investissement fait suite à la décision prise plus tôt cette année de construire à Svedala un nouveau centre de distribution de pièces de rechange pour le marché européen. «Au cours des dernières années, Sandvik Mining and Construction a consolidé la fabrication dans des usines plus grandes et hautement efficaces. Toutes nos usines doivent être de classe mondiale. Ceci s’applique au plus haut point à notre usine de Svedala, où se trouve également notre centre de développement technologique pour notre technologie de concassage», disait Gert Sköld, CFO et vice-président, Sandvik Mining and Construction.
Corning étend ses capacités de production de filtres diesel en Allemagne La société a en outre récemment annoncé l’extension des installations de fabrication de substrats automobiles de Corning Shanghai Company Limited. L’extension devrait être effective au second semestre 2012. Les filtres diesel Corning sont utilisés par les systèmes de contrôle des émissions pour l’élimination des particules (PM) des tuyaux d’échappement des véhicules. Ces filtres aux parois poreuses collectent les particules de suie à l’aide d’une structure céramique en nid d’abeille dotée de canaux alternativement ouverts à l’entrée et branchés sur la sortie du filtre. Le filtre est régulièrement régénéré afin de consumer la suie et nettoyer le filtre.
Nouvelle publication sur la sélection du type d’asphalte Le document de 20 pages fournit une synthèse des plus importants facteurs à prendre en considération dans le processus de sélection du type de pavage. Parmi ceux-ci : la circulation, le sol, le climat, les contraintes de chantier, les coûts de recyclage, le caractère durable, le bruit, la rugosité et la sécurité. De plus, le document présente les avantages des pavages d’asphalte pour les routes qui rencontrent ces critères.
Débat sur les réseaux de distribution d’électricité intelligents Le secteur de l’énergie devra relever des défis importants au cours des 10 années à venir afin de respecter les engagements ambitieux de l’Union Européenne pour lutter contre le changement climatique et promouvoir les énergies renouvelables d’ici 2020 et au-delà. En décembre 2008, le Parlement et le Conseil européens sont tombés d’accord sur un ensemble de mesures visant à transformer l’Europe en une économie à faible empreinte carbonique et à renforcer sa sécurité énergétique. Selon ces propositions, ou règle des 20/20/20, d’ici 2020 l’Europe doit réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 20%, produire 20% de son énergie à partie de sources renouvelables et augmenter son efficacité énergétique de 20%. Le CIGRE est une association internationale permanente non gouvernementale à but non lucratif créée en France en 1921. Cet événement réunit des membres issus de 80 pays pour débattre et accroître leur expertise technique dans le domaine de la génération d’électricité et de la distribution par réseaux à haute tension. Les participants y apprennent comment l’amélioration des réseaux intelligents génère une foule d’avantages, y compris une productivité énergétique améliorée, une sécurité énergétique sans compromis, une utilisation optimisée des sources renouvelables comme l’éolien ou le solaire, une efficacité énergétique améliorée, des émissions de carbone réduites et la capacité à gérer et satisfaire la demande croissante.
Le ministère des Transports du Québec soutient FPInnovations pour l’évaluation des camions hybrides FPInnovations, par l’entremise de son Programme Innovation Transport (PIT), analysera tous les paramètres environnementaux, économiques et énergétiques des deux camions hybrides de la Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) et d’Agropur respectivement. Le ministère des Transports du Québec a mandaté FPInnovations pour effectuer le suivi et l’analyse de la performance des véhicules. PIT met en œuvre des technologies de pointe les plus efficaces en matière de transport routier de marchandises à grande distance et en milieu urbain. Il œuvre auprès de l’industrie du transport, des entreprises privées ayant un important réseau de distribution de marchandises, des agences gouvernementales et des municipalités. En tant que membre du réseau PIT, les entreprises et les gouvernements ont accès à l’expertise des chercheurs de FPInnovations, qui leur procurent des services d’ingénierie et des conseils pratiques sur l’implantation des nouvelles technologies.
Manulift a le vent dans les voiles Au cours de la dernière année, Manulift a amorcé un important projet d’expansion dans l’ouest canadien en ciblant stratégiquement des compagnies dynamiques, établies et réputées dans leurs régions respectives et en signant avec elles des accords de concession. Manulift a récemment conclu des ententes avec :
Des discussions avec d’autres partenaires potentiels sont en cours en Alberta et Colombie-Britannique. Une variété de modèles a déjà été livrée aux nouveaux concessionnaires incluant des modèles de Roto et de Panoramique pour la construction ainsi que le Turbofarmer et le Multifarmer pour l’agriculture. La ceinture d’acier plein (3 pouces) anti-torsion constituant le châssis, la transmission hydrostatique classe 1, la visibilité 360° et la compatibilité avec les 90 attachements Merlo ne sont que quelques caractéristiques que les Albertains pourront apprécier dans les mois à venir.
Industry News
Maestro Technologies Continues to Expand Distribution Network Established in 1994, Murray, Skerrett is a team of professionals with a solid reputation for providing high quality application software solutions and professional services for Construction, Trade and Service contractors. The organization has been dedicated to its mission of providing each customer with top quality, state of the art software backed by prompt, knowledgeable, courteous service that always exceeds the customer’s expectations. “We were very impressed by Maestro’s software solutions,” said Beth Skerrett, president and general manager at Murray, Skerrett. “There’s no doubt that Maestro has built a very robust and flexible software solution for the construction industry and we believe our professional services knowledge and expertise will truly compliment and add value to the overall solution.” The agreement is part of Maestro’s ongoing expansion and market penetration efforts for delivering targeted software solutions to the construction industry. The two companies will work closely together to co-market their combined solutions to the Canadian marketplace as well as to the Eastern and Southern United States. “Having a well respected and customer focused organization such as Murray, Skerret as part of our ecosystem of partners is extremely flattering and a testament to our software solutions,” said Robert Meunier, founder and president of Maestro Technologies. “We believe our combined offerings will result in a very compelling solution that the construction industry will adopt and benefit from.” ERP systems are quickly becoming essential tools for construction companies to improve responsiveness, strengthen supply chain partnerships, enhance organizational flexibility, improve decision making capabilities and reduce project timelines and costs. Incorporating best-of-breed technologies, modular scalability, granular reporting capabilities and a straight-forward, user-friendly interface, Maestro’s solutions provide field and back-office personnel with access to critical real-time data anytime, anywhere, to ensure informed and timely business decisions.
Bridge Construction in Europe: Project Managers Meet to Discuss Future Projects “The whole industry is going to need to react very quickly to these big projects coming back online,” comments Steve Kite, Associate Director at Arup, during an onsite interview with IQPC. “A lot of projects where there has been interest or there’s been initial work done are coming back on the scene again and are going to need to be delivered very rapidly.” Competition will look likely to increase amongst competing consultancies and contractors, inevitably placing even more importance on reputation and results. Previously closed markets, including the Central and Eastern European Region, will see an expansion of international investment and construction. This has also been aided by a drastic rise in PPP contracts between Eastern European and international construction companies - another condition that is making the region a fertile area for future development. Project managers, engineers and designers will be delving more into these topics and examining live projects at Bridge Construction Europe. Presented by Construction IQ, this event takes place 3rd-5th November 2010 at the Hotel Le Méridien Bristol in Warsaw, Poland. Additional case studies will be presented with projects including:
Examining in technical detail project delivery, design sustainability/cost reduction and ongoing priorities in infrastructure development, the event will be a platform for bridge construction professionals to network, benchmark and exchange skills and solutions with their peers. The Construction Professionals Networking and Events group is open for membership and discussion. Updates are also available by following Construction IQ on Twitter.
Bentley Adds Three Product Firsts to OpenPlant Among the firms actively involved in the iRING community are Bayer, Bechtel, CH2M HILL, Consolidated Contractors Company, Dow, DuPont, Emerson, Fluor, Hatch, and Zachry. The new plant applications from Bentley enhance interoperability across data formats, workflows, and plant design systems, and add to the comprehensiveness of Bentley OpenPlant – extending its ability to integrate across multiple infrastructure disciplines while improving project team collaboration and providing breakthrough value.
Trimble Expands Its Building Construction Solutions Accubid’s family of software products allow electrical and mechanical contractors to analyze their estimates in great detail including CAD-based estimating and takeoff and then export the data into project management, accounting, and procurement applications. The acquisition of Accubid broadens Trimble’s industry leading “BIM to field” solutions for mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) contractors to automate project estimating and management, modeling, detailing, layout and construction. “BIM collaboration processes are transforming the way building construction projects are planned, managed and executed,” said Pat Bohle, general manager of Trimble’s Building Construction Division. “Combining Accubid’s deep understanding of the electrical and mechanical trades and their detail rich application data with Trimble’s field solutions will provide contractors additional tools to become more productive, efficient, and prepared to meet the demands of the industry in the future.” “In today’s world, construction projects have become more complex and sophisticated, yet at the same time contractors are expected to build them faster than ever before,” said Giovanni Marcelli, founder and CEO of Accubid. “By combining the strengths of Accubid’s project management and estimating expertise with Trimble’s powerful MEP field solutions, we can better enable clients to address these challenges head-on.” The Accubid business will be reported as part of the Engineering and Construction segment.
AECOM to Acquire Davis Langdon Davis Langdon provides cost and project management services, and specialist consultancy services, to clients around the world, with a strong presence in Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. Davis Langdon’s 2,800 employees serve public- and private-sector clients in a variety of markets. Its counterpart in Asia, Davis Langdon & Seah, will remain independent, but will continue to work with AECOM’s Davis Langdon operations under an existing collaboration agreement. AECOM expects the transaction to be accretive to cash earnings per share (EPS) in fiscal year 2011. On a GAAP basis, the transaction is expected to be neutral to EPS in fiscal year 2011. Davis Langdon has worked on many high-profile projects around the world, including the Tate Modern and the Eden Project in the United Kingdom; Estadio do Dragao in Portugal; Abu Dhabi International Airport; Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt; The Clem Jones Tunnel (CLEM7) in Brisbane, Australia; the Transbay Terminal in San Francisco, U.S.A.; the Gautrain Rapid Rail Link in Johannesburg, and the Green Point Stadium – newly built for the 2010 FIFA World Cup – in Cape Town, South Africa. The transaction is expected to close in October of 2010. The acquisition has been approved by Davis Langdon shareholders and partners, and is subject to customary closing conditions, including necessary regulatory and third party approvals.
SGS Acquires Assayers Canada Assayers Canada has provided the highest level of service to the international mining community since 1971. It performs a full range of geochemistry services including sample preparation, fire assay, pulp metallics, environmental analysis, ICP-AES and ICP-MS, cyanide leach, aqua regia leach and ore assays. Assayers Canada holds Certificates of Laboratory Proficiency from the Standards Council of Canada for precious and base metals analysis as well as ISO 9001:2008. “This acquisition allows SGS to strengthen its geochemical analysis expertise adding to the existing exploration, metallurgical, mineralogy and water treatment services that SGS offers to its clients on Canada’s west coast” commented Chris Kirk, CEO of SGS. SGS also provides comprehensive trade services in Vancouver for hard rock minerals, potash/sulphur and coal.
Atlas Maschinen Acquires Kaelble Loader Assets For a transition period, Kaelble spare parts will continue to be provided by Terex Germany, as it is currently done. New unit production and industrial strategy will be announced at a later date. “Kaelble brand name is well known, respected and can be a good addition to the Atlas product line. We will consult with dealers and customers before making definitive plans for re introduction of new models" stated the Atlas Maschinen GmbH owner and chairman, Fil Filipov. “For now, providing Kaelble spare parts and product support will be our top priority.”
Sandvik to Invest in Manufacturing of Crushing Equipment The nearly 6000 m2 production plant will be completed during early 2012. The plant will be fitted with the most modern production equipment for manufacturing key components for Sandvik’s crushers, which are assembled not only in Svedala, but also in other countries. The investment follows a decision earlier this year to also build a new distribution center in Svedala for spare parts for the European market. “Sandvik Mining and Construction has in recent years consolidated manufacturing to larger and highly efficient plants. In all locations in which we have manufacturing, it must be of world class. This applies to the highest degree to our facility in Svedala, where we also have our product development center for crushing technology,” says Gert Sköld, CFO and vice president, Sandvik Mining and Construction.
Corning to Expand Light-Duty Diesel Capacity in Germany “Tighter emissions regulations continue to drive demand for diesel emissions control systems,” said Thomas R. Hinman, senior vice president of Corning Environmental Technologies. “Currently, more than 50% of the passenger cars in Europe are diesel. By 2011, all diesel passenger cars and light commercial vehicles will be equipped with a filter. By expanding our light-duty diesel capabilities, we will be better positioned to meet increased demand from customers in Europe and around the world.” In addition, the company recently announced it will expand its Corning Shanghai Company Limited automotive substrate facility. This expansion is expected to be operational in the second half of 2012. The Shanghai investment is part of the company’s previously announced 2011 capital expenditures. Corning diesel filters are used in emission control systems to remove particulate matter (soot) from vehicle exhaust. These wall-flow filters collect soot particles using a cellular ceramic structure with alternating channels open at the inlet and plugged on the outlet of the filter. Periodically the filter is regenerated to consume the soot and clean the filter.
Asphalt Pavement Alliance Releases New Pavement Type Selection White Paper The 20-page publication provides a synthesis of the most important factors for consideration in pavement type selection processes. These include traffic, soil, weather, construction considerations, recycling, cost comparisons, sustainability, noise, roughness, and safety. In addition, the white paper presents the advantages of asphalt pavement for roads that best meet these criteria. “Systems for selecting pavement type should be objective, defensible, understandable, and based on historical records,” said Dave Newcomb, NAPA’s Vice President—Research and Technology, one of the authors of the report. “It’s also important that these processes be driven primarily by economics. The goal is to provide the best value for the taxpayer and the road user—not to support the economic health of a pavement industry. In general, there are no greater investments made by a transportation agency than the construction or reconstruction of pavements. The impacts are great and far-reaching. The importance of these investments makes the selection process worthy of thoughtful analysis.”
Smart Grid Debate at Paris Energy Summit The energy industry is facing some significant challenges over the next 10 years in order to deliver upon the European Union's ambitious commitments to fight climate change and promote renewable energy up to 2020 and beyond. Back in December 2008, the European Parliament and Council reached an agreement on the package that will help transform Europe into a low-carbon economy and increase its energy security. By 2020, Europe must cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20%, produce 20% of its energy from renewable sources and increase energy efficiency by 20%, according to the proposals—or "20/20/20". CIGRE is a permanent international, non-government, not-for-profit association founded in France in 1921.
Ontario Government Creating More Clean Energy In The North Work at the Ontario Power Generation Lower Mattagami River Hydroelectric Project has already started, with 300 people already on-site. The project will add almost 440 MW of clean, renewable power to the Province’s energy supply. When complete, the project will produce enough electricity each year to power over 300 000 homes – almost double the population of Greater Sudbury. The project will take about five years to complete and more than two-thirds of the work is expected to be done by northern Ontarians. Moose Cree First Nation, as a partner of Ontario Power Generation, will have up to a 25% equity share in the project. This project supports the Province’s five-year Open Ontario plan to strengthen the economy, create more jobs and develop more clean energy. “Creating new economic opportunities for Northern families and Aboriginal communities is an important part of our Open Ontario plan. The Lower Mattagami River Hydroelectric Project will be a huge boost for the North and will provide clean, reliable and cost-effective power to our families and businesses throughout Ontario,” said Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy. The Lower Mattagami project will see upgrades to four hydroelectric plants approximately 70 km north of Kapuskasing and 200 km south of Moose Factory. Generating units will be added at three stations (Little Long, Harmon and Kipling) and the station at Smoky Falls will be replaced.
Manulift Is Going West Manulift EMI, the leader in telehandlers in Eastern Canada is now heading West with a significant expansion plan for 2010. The company will achieve this project by strategically targeting and signing dealership agreements with dynamic businesses established and recognized in their respective region for the quality of their goods and services. With this philosophy Manulift EMI recently concluded a deal with:
In order to ensure the growth and to support new dealers, a start up plan has been jointly established with all the Manulift EMI departments. This plan includes a 90 day period during which Manulift EMI is providing the tools and training for the sales, parts and mechanics departments. Afterwards, the new dealers will be able to operate the Merlo franchise autonomously along with the continuous support and expertise of Manulift EMI. A variety of models have already been delivered to the new dealers including ROTO and Panoramic models for construction as well as the Turbofarmer and Multifarmer models for agriculture. More than 650 machines have been sold in Canada since 2004.
Atlas Copco acquires Austrian mobile crushing and screening company By this acquisition Atlas Copco will enter the growing mobile crushing and screening market, thereby strengthening the Group’s offering in the areas of quarrying and recycling. “The acquisition increases Atlas Copco’s participation in the customer value chain and makes us a more complete partner to our customers in these segments,”says Björn Rosengren, Atlas Copco Construction & Mining Technique business area president. Hartl Anlagenbau GmbH is a privately owned company based in St. Valentin, Austria and currently employs approximately 110 people. Its products are mainly distributed through a dealer network and partners. Hartl will become a product company within the Atlas Copco Surface Drilling Equipment division. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.
Eaton’s Hydraulics Instructor Symposium “This was not a lecture,” explained Tom Blansett, manager, Training Services for Eaton’s Hydraulics Group. “Each session encouraged attendees to engage in a dialogue with both the presenters and the other attendees. The goal was to fully understand the technology being presented while sharing insights into potential applications and exploring the instructional methods that might best be used to transfer the necessary knowledge to other students.” Among the subjects presented at the Symposium were a CANbus primer, systemic contamination control, thread identification, cavitation and aeration, principles of proportional valve operation, hose assembly, proportional valve amplifier tuning and troubleshooting, fixed and variable pump controls, causes and cures of leaks, plus an introduction to IEC 61131-3 compliant programming. Attendees also witnessed a demonstration of HTS-2 technology and were introduced to a broad range of training materials available from Eaton’s ecommerce site.
Cummins Power Generation Provides Electrical Generator for Demonstration Project at the EERC “The Cummins generator, which normally runs on natural gas, has been modified to run on synthetic natural gas (syngas) produced by an EERC-developed advanced gasification unit,” said EERC research scientist and project manager Nikhil Patel. The EERC’s gasification unit can convert a range of fuels, such as forestry, agricultural, and industrial biomass waste; animal waste; waste plastics; and railroad ties or cable poles as well as a range of coals, into clean syngas. Together, the Cummins and EERC technologies will work in harmony as a gasification-based combined heat and power technology, with a variety of applications. Another advantage of a combined heat and power system compared to a typical internal combustion generator operating on fossil fuel is its improved emission profiles. The physical properties of the biomass feedstocks, such as their origin, storage, and aging, can often vary. That variation can affect the performance and, ultimately, impact stack emissions when used in a typical internal combustion generator. The synergistic and seamless integration of an advanced gasifier and the engine generator will overcome this limitation and achieve environmentally acceptable emissions. The project aims at demonstrating this fact. The outcome of the project will lead to the development and demonstration of engine performance on syngas, producing data for environmental permitting and providing strategies for achieving emission levels that meet current and future environmental regulations, which are critical for successful commercialization of combined heat and power technologies.
City of Hollister Selects Veolia to Manage Water Reclamation Facility Valued at $688 000 per year (initial 10 year term), the contract calls for Veolia Water to manage a 8 million l/day membrane bioreactor (MBR) facility, along with a significant water reclamation system and associated services. These include grounds maintenance, water reuse and recycling, emergency response, odor control, computer management and maintenance systems, laboratory work and management of the septic receiving station. The treatment process for the new wastewater plant consists of an influent lift station, preliminary treatment, activated sludge treatment, membrane separation process, disinfection, water inventory management and biosolids treatment. Service improvements will be phased in during the contract period.
Volvo CE sells rights to Clark-Michigan parts to MinnPar Since 1982, MinnPar has been the trusted source for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) seeking a cost-effective solution to the aftermarket service parts management of non-core and discontinued product lines. “Clark-Michigan is a very reputed and popular brand. Our aim is to support these machines for years to come,” commented MinnPar CEO Shirish Pareek. “Our main business is to cost-effectively manage the end-of-life service parts business for industry leading products, allowing OEM to focus their attention on improved performance and customer service for current and core product lines. We provide exceptional technical and parts support to our dealers worldwide.” “We chose to partner with MinnPar because of their proven track record for customer service,” stated Kenneth Silverman, vice president Customer Support for Volvo Construction Equipment North America. “Their technical and customer support expertise ensures that current or future owners of Clark-Michigan based equipment will have continued availability of genuine OEM replacement parts.” In March of this year, MinnPar also acquired the SuperPac compaction line from Volvo.
Rocky Mountain Dealerships Announces New Acquisitions Rocky Mountain Dealerships also acquired holding companies owning Allen’s Agrocentre Ltd, a Case IH agriculture dealership in Oyen, Alberta. Gateway and Allen’s will operate as branch locations of Hi-Way Service Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Rocky Mountain.
Kawasaki Engines & Power Products partners with ups Kawasaki’s solution to its sales growth and an expanding dealer network, coupled with a need to provide efficient, timely deliveries that satisfy end-users was a logical step given the reputation of UPS. “UPS is a recognized leader in its industry, and the synergies between its systems and Kawasaki’s needs in the field are significant,” said Rodger Howe, Director of Operations at Kawasaki. “We’re constantly seeking new ways to improve on our service levels to dealers and this process will substantially shorten the time to get delivered items from the loading dock into our warehouse system,” he said. UPS has demonstrated how the new arrangement can compact the process to as little as 24 hours. The company will be able to take advantage of a parts planning tool from Baxter Planning Systems that is fully integrated into the UPS system. The software will enhance its sales forecasting, optimize stock planning and make it easier to manage seasonal spikes in activity. “The new solution will provide significant value to Kawasaki's dealers," said Jeff Degen, director of UPS's automotive marketing group. “By leveraging UPS's distribution services and worldwide transportation network, Kawasaki will improve its supply chain's efficiency and simplify the process of managing and tracking inventory.” Kawasaki has used three U.S. warehouses to support distribution: Ontario, Calif., Atlanta, Ga., and Grand Rapids. Those warehouses will continue to provide storage and distribution needs for Kawasaki’s Consumer Products group.
Johnson Matthey’s SCRT® System Approved by EPA Johnson Matthey has more than 50 demonstration units running in California and Texas and after thousands of hours of operation, the SCRT system retrofits on both EGR and non-EGR engines has reduced NOx emissions by as much as 84%.
New Trelleborg Industrial Tire Distributor in the GTA “Travale Tire has a reputation for service and a vision for business growth that make them the ideal candidate for our partnership in Toronto,” said Ydo Doornbos, managing director of Trelleborg Wheel Systems, Americas Inc. “As we continue to expand our presence throughout Ontario and Canada, finding the right partners is key to our success.” Travale Tire offers service and sales support throughout the Southern Ontario area combining in house and mobile service, years of experience and a reputation for quality. Expanding further in Southern Ontario, Travale offers the support of warehouses in Hamilton, Etobicoke and Niagara. |
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