Light Ride-On Machines from Ammann Are Right On


Today, rental operators have the opportunity to offer their customers a complete selection of Ammann ride-on machines in the 2 - 5 t range for their soil compaction needs.

Large cabs, positioned on vibration-free bearings, virtually eliminate any stress on the operator. Automotive-styled steering and one hand operation of vibration and blade functions simplify on-the-job handling.

For maximum versatility, where equipped with an optional dozer blade, Ammann rollers can be used for backfilling and compaction work thereby minimizing the number of pieces of equipment required on the site. For increased utilization, the RW models can be ordered in either smooth drum or padfoot configuration and an optional shell kit can be ordered for either machine to simplify the conversion from one to another.

The overall compact design and low center of gravity of the RW Series, makes the machines ideal for unlimited applications including everything from roadways and driveways to trenches.

Source: Ammann Canada

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