SP Series Spray Injection Pothole Patchers Feature
With the InPave Technology, the SP Series provide an easy way to monitor production, performance and location of each pothole patcher and crew with multiple data-reporting sensors, which are strategically placed throughout each unit. As potholes are repaired, the data is automatically gathered by InPave Technology and transmitted back to the office for analysis. The web-based technology allows data retrieval from any computer with Internet access. Spray injection is a less invasive patching technique than traditional patching methods, allowing the damaged pavement to be air-blown and repaired in minutes. The SP Series units feature 3 injectors in the rotating nozzle to guarantee homogeneous aggregate coverage and high-quality, durable pothole repairs. Compressed air is first blasted through the unit’s hose to quickly and thoroughly clean out and dry the hole. The damaged area is then sprayed with asphalt emulsion. The operator selects the proper gradation of aggregate from 1 of 2 chambers in the hopper to best match the characteristics of the road. To top it off, a protective layer of clean stone is applied, thus protecting passing vehicles from coming into contact with the asphalt emulsion. The truck-mounted SP5 and SP8 Spray Injection Patchers are equipped with an industry-exclusive dual chamber (60/40) aggregate hopper that allows the distribution of 2 different gradations of aggregate for more efficient repair of deeper potholes. Automatic in-cab joy stick controls are available as an option, in addition to manual boom operations from the front of the truck. The front-mounted boom can be mounted as a manual working boom on the existing truck with no need for special configurations, offering a lower-cost alternative to the cab-operated remote booms that require the cab-over configuration. Truck-mounted units are available as a complete package with a truck chassis of the customer’s choice to accommodate fleet continuity. An exclusive dismountable configuration of the unit allows the truck to be used for other applications when not patching.
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