Cummins QSK to Use Integrated SCR to Meet Tier 4 Final Cummins Inc. announced recently that the QSK engine range will move forward to meet EPA Tier 4 Final off-highway 2015 emissions with a combination of clean in- cylinder combustion and a new Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) clean exhaust system. For most applications, the Tier 4 Final QSK engine and integrated SCR aftertreatment offer the installation simplicity of a drop-in replacement for the current QSK engine and exhaust muffler, with a similar size and equivalent noise reduction. While achieving very low emissions levels, Cummins Tier 4 Final technology also reduces the overall cost of operation, with QSK fuel efficiency improved by 5% to 10%, depending on the equipment duty cycle. The new SCR clean exhaust system will be utilized on the next generation of 19 l to 60 l QSK engines across a broad 800 hp to 3000 hp power range. The Tier 4 Final engines retain the exceptional power output and in-service dependability of the current QSK engines, proven in the most demanding high-horsepower applications. The SCR clean exhaust system will be scaled-up for QSK engines above 3,000 hp, including the new larger-displacement engine platform, with details due to be released in September. Cummins SCR clean exhaust system reduces oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions to 3.5 g/kW-hr for Tier 4 Final off-highway, representing a more than 40% reduction compared with the Tier 2 level. particulate matter (PM) emissions are reduced by 80% to meet the 0.04 g/kW-hr level for Tier 4 Final. The first Cummins Tier 4 Final QSK engines with the integrated SCR clean exhaust will begin production in 2014, ahead of the January 1, 2015, emissions effective date for engines above 751 hp. With the emissions technology performance now validated, the Cummins Tier 4 Final program will now focus on machine integration and field test optimization, working closely with equipment manufacturers. Concurrent with the Tier 4 Final production, Cummins will maintain full production of all current QSK and K Series high-horsepower engines for worldwide applications requiring less stringent emissions levels.
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