Navigate & Resurface Narrow or Confined Spaces Bergkamp Inc. offers contractors and government agencies the M206 truck-mounted slurry seal and micro surfacing paver to deliver one of the most efficient methods of preventive maintenance. The M206 applies slurry seal and micro surfacing over the existing pavement as one smooth layer to extend the life of pavement by up to seven or more years. Its compact size and tight turn radius allow operators to easily navigate around light poles, medians and other obstructions, making it ideal for paving parking lots, cul-de-sacs and residential areas. The smallest of Bergkamp’s M2 Series truck-mounted pavers, the M206 can be mounted on a lighter truck, helping reduce truck purchase and operation costs. The M206 can carry 4.5 m3 of aggregate in a level-struck load, 1,011 l of asphalt emulsion and 1,011 l of water. It features a 246 l stainless steel additive tank. The pugmill, conveyor and all liquid material tanks are removable for easy cleaning. All tanks are bolted in rather than welded, adding extra durability and improving ease of maintenance. The asphalt emulsion and water tanks are separate components, eliminating possible rust-through and contamination of products. The M206 has a proven design with convenient control locations and good operator visibility. The unit is powered by an onboard 99 hp Cummins diesel engine located at the front of the unit in an enclosed engine compartment that reduces noise for the driver and crew. Aggregate is delivered to the pugmill by a belt-over-chain conveyor to eliminate slippage. Steep hopper walls minimize bridging, while the hopper’s polyethylene lining reduces friction. This eliminates the need for a vibrator, which decreases problems with loose bolts and damage to welds and components. Asphalt emulsion is delivered to the pugmill by a positive displacement heat jacketed gear pump. The pump is powered by a jackshaft that is common to the aggregate conveyor to provide a consistent asphalt emulsion-to-aggregate ratio. The variable speed, dual-shaft, multi-paddle pugmill has a dual hydraulic drive, which provides even mixture and coating of the aggregate. The M206 has a full-width working platform that allows operators to easily see both sides of the unit, the spreader box and the material being placed. In addition, a remote sideshift control lets the spreader box operator control the box from the ground. The M206 is part of Bergkamp’s M2 Series of truck-mounted slurry seal and micro surfacing pavers, which also includes the M208, M210 and M212 and the trailer-mounted M216 paver.
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