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Nouvelles brèves
Afton Chemical annonce l’acquisition de Polartech Afton Chemical Corporation annonçait récemment la finalisation de son acquisition de Polartech. Polartech est une société internationale spécialisée dans la fourniture d’additifs pour l’usinage des métaux. Cette acquisition permet à Afton de renforcer son portefeuille de produits industriels grâce à la technologie de pointe de Polartech en matière d’additifs liquides pour l’usinage des métaux. L’accord inclut tous les actifs matériels de Polartech, y compris son siège social, ses installations de recherche et développement et ses unités de production au Royaume-Uni, ainsi que ses centres de fabrication en Inde, en Chine et aux États-Unis. Basée sur des fondements industriels solides, l’acquisition de Polartech est l’un des nombreux investissements stratégiques réalisés par Afton Chemical au cours des deux dernières années, dont l’acquisition des activités des additifs pour carburants de GE, une nouvelle installation de recherche et développement à Shanghai, en Chine, un nouveau centre à Tsukuba, au Japon et une unité de production à Singapour. Au cours des dix dernières années, Afton a élargi ses lignes de produits et sa couverture géographique, et dispose désormais d’une base d’activités vaste et diversifiée.
Satcon livrera des inverseurs PowerGate® Plus à GCL pour des projets en Chine Satcon Technology Corporation annonçait récemment avoir été sélectionnée pour livrer 38 MW de ses inverseurs photovoltaïques de 500 kW PowerGate® Plus à GCL Solar Limited, l’un des plus grands développeurs de centrales électriques solaires à échelle commerciale en Chine. Les 38 MW seront installés sur trois centrales électriques solaires séparées et viennent s’ajouter aux 23 MW fournis, précédemment annoncés, pour les plus gros projets de centrale au sol et de toiture en Chine de 2009. Chaque installation utilisera des inverseurs de 500 kW PowerGate Plus de Satcon, la solution d’énergie solaire à grande échelle éprouvée la plus testée au monde. La première centrale de Youyu de 10 MW sera située dans la province de Shanxi et alimentera Shanxi International Power Solar Power Generation Ltd. Une autre centrale de 10 MW, Shizuishan, dans le comté de Pingluo, sera située dans la région autonome de Ningxia Hui et alimentera Ningxia State Power CSI New Energy Developer Ltd. Un autre site de 20 MW sera construit au cours des premiers six mois de l’année et devrait être mis en service à la fin de l’été. «Ces nouveaux projets témoignent du dynamisme du marché de l’énergie solaire à échelle commerciale en Chine», a déclaré Gu Huamin, directeur général de GCL Solar Limited. «À partir de ces fondations, établies au cours de l’année dernière, nous devons fournir les plus hauts niveaux de performance, de fiabilité et de valeur à nos clients. Satcon est un partenaire important pour GCL alors que nous continuons de développer et de fournir les centrales électriques solaires chinoises les plus grandes et les plus avancées.» «GCL continue de jouer un rôle majeur dans la croissance rapide du marché solaire à échelle commerciale en Chine», a déclaré Steve Rhoades, président-directeur général de Satcon. «L’échelle et le volume accrus de ces installations mettent en relief l’importance de l’innovation en matière d’ingénierie et de construction, soutenue par les solutions technologiques les plus avancées et les plus fiables au monde. Avec ces deux nouvelles centrales, GCL élargit sa position de leader à la fois en Chine et sur le marché mondial des centrales solaires à grande échelle. Nous sommes à la fois honorés et impatients à l’idée de nous associer à un partenaire de valeur, tel que GCL, dans le but d’aider la Chine à devenir l’un des plus grands pays producteurs d’énergie solaire à échelle commerciale au monde.»
Nouvelle étude sur l’utilisation potentielle du biodiesel dans l’équipement non routier FPInnovations, en partenariat avec l’Initiative de démonstration nationale sur le diesel renouvelable (IDNDR) de Ressources naturelles Canada, mène une étude de terrain de 1,7 million $ sur l’utilisation potentielle du biodiesel dans l’équipement non routier pour les travaux de construction des routes et les exploitations forestières. Cette étude a pour objectif d’améliorer les connaissances sur les enjeux économiques et techniques liés au diesel renouvelable, et de définir les meilleures méthodes pour éliminer les obstacles susceptibles de nuire à la mise en œuvre du biodiesel dans les exploitations au Canada. L’IDNDR donne l’occasion d’effectuer des essais en situation réelle et des évaluations de performance avant l’entrée en vigueur de la réglementation. Ressources naturelles Canada finance cette étude à hauteur de 810 000 $ par l’intermédiaire de l’IDNDR, l’industrie forestière et FPInnovations fournissant le reste. «Le gouvernement du Canada collabore étroitement avec des partenaires de l’industrie, comme FPInnovations, afin d’intégrer de manière transparente le diesel renouvelable dans le marché canadien des carburants, a déclaré l’honorable Jay Hill, leader du gouvernement à la Chambre des communes et député de Prince George-Peace River. Il s’agit d’une étape importante vers l’avant en ce qui concerne la réduction des émissions totales de gaz à effet de serre du Canada.» L’étude porte sur trois activités et lieux industriels situés en Colombie-Britannique : construction de routes à Coquitlam, activités extérieures d’une scierie à Prince George, et opérations forestières à Meritt. Prince George est le lieu idéal pour mener à bien ce type de projet puisqu’il regroupe les principaux éléments avec lesquels les utilisateurs de biocarburants doivent composer, nommément des conditions climatiques difficiles pour les équipements lourds, la basse température et l’éloignement, auxquels s’ajoutent les difficultés de distribution et d’entreposage. Le projet de Coquitlam intéresse le secteur de la construction parce qu’il permet de se pencher sur les obstacles logistiques qui nuisent à la livraison de carburants comportant du biodiesel sur les chantiers. Les activités liées à l’exploitation forestière et à la scierie consomment en moyenne 60 000 l de carburant par mois, c’est-à-dire l’équivalent d’un camion-citerne. On prévoit donc de nombreuses livraisons cette année. Le carburant provient du terminal vraquier de Vancouver et doit être transféré dans un réservoir hors-terre fixe à l’usine et dans deux ou trois réservoirs hors-terre sur les sites de récolte. Il est ensuite transféré dans des réservoirs mobiles d’une capacité d’environ 500 l montés dans des camionnettes, qui livrent le carburant aux équipements en forêt. Les travaux de construction des routes consomment en moyenne 110 000 l de carburant par mois. Compte tenu de la capacité de 60 000 l des camions-citernes, il faudra effectuer plusieurs livraisons au cours des six mois du projet. Au chantier, le carburant est pompé directement du camion-citerne dans chaque équipement. Des mesures de prévention ont été mises en place pour garantir la sécurité de toutes les personnes qui participent à ce projet et les aider à s’acquitter de leurs tâches. Par exemple, on retrouve maintenant des trousses de lutte contre les déversements sur le chantier de JJM Construction et à bord des camions-citernes. «Cette étude est importante, car elle permettra de prouver la faisabilité opérationnelle et économique de l’utilisation de divers mélanges de biodiesels (jusqu’à une teneur de 10 %) dans des équipements lourds non routiers, aussi bien pour nos exploitations au Canada que pour l’équipement de construction, car l’industrie forestière construit plus de routes au Canada que tous les gouvernements combinés, a déclaré Peter Lister, vice-président de FPInnovations.» Les employés qui participent à ce projet utiliseront un enregistreur de données électronique – le MultiDAT – spécialement conçu pour l’équipement non routier par les chercheurs de FPInnovations, afin de recueillir des données qui permettront d’améliorer la productivité des activités ou l’utilisation de l’équipement. Les activités de FPInnovations se concentrent sur la recherche et le développement ainsi que sur la mise en œuvre des technologies. Ce projet comprend aussi une vaste campagne de transfert technologique d’un océan à l’autre pour les propriétaires et exploitants d’équipements lourds. Une série d’ateliers sera proposée afin d’informer les utilisateurs potentiels des défis et des meilleures pratiques liés au biodiesel.
Innergex retenue pour des contrats en Colombie-Britannique Innergex énergie renouvelable Inc. est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle a été retenue par la British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) pour l’octroi de contrats d’achat d’électricité dans le cadre de trois projets de centrales hydroélectriques au fil de l’eau ayant fait l’objet d’une soumission dans le cadre de la demande de proposition Clean Power Call de BC Hydro en 2008. Les projets d’Innergex, à savoir Upper Lillooet River, Boulder Creek et North Creek, auront une puissance installée totale prévue de 113 MW et sont situés près de Pemberton, dans le Lower Mainland en Colombie-Britannique. Les contrats, qui doivent être approuvés par la British Columbia Utilities Commission, permettront à Innergex d’amorcer la phase de développement, qui implique des consultations auprès des groupes intéressés et l’obtention des permis requis. Innergex prévoit débuter l’exploitation commerciale de North Creek en 2015, alors que l’exploitation commerciale de Boulder Creek et de Upper Lillooet River débuterait en 2016.
Boralex obtient le financement total de son site éolien Thames River Boralex Inc. annonce la conclusion du refinancement de la phase I (40 MW) du site éolien Thames River ainsi que le financement de la phase II (50 MW) du même site. Le site éolien Thames River comporte neuf parcs éoliens de 10 MW chacun. Les quatre premiers parcs éoliens de la phase I, d’une puissance installée de 40 MW, sont en exploitation depuis la fin janvier 2010 et les cinq autres parcs, d’une puissance installée de 50 MW, sont présentement en construction et leur mise en service est prévue au plus tard en décembre 2010. Chacun des parcs est constitué de 5 turbines Enercon de 2 MW de modèle E-82. L’électricité produite par le site éolien Thames River sera vendue à Ontario Power Authority dans le cadre du programme Advanced RESOP.
Alstom acquiert des actifs d’une entreprise de services aux États-Unis Alstom annonçait récemment l’acquisition d’une partie des actifs de la société North American Phoenix - Energy Services (NAPES), un producteur nord-américain de systèmes de contrôles-commandes et de régulateurs pour centrales hydrauliques, et dont le siège social se situe à Wausau dans le Wisconsin. Les termes de l’accord n’ont pas été dévoilés. Cette acquisition renforce la présence d’Alstom sur le secteur des énergies renouvelables aux États-Unis, au sein duquel l’hydraulique occupe une place majeure. Cette acquisition permet également au groupe de disposer de nouveaux sites d’implantation situés dans deux zones clés du marché hydraulique américain : les États de Washington et du Wisconsin. La base hydraulique installée en Amérique du Nord représente environ 170 GW, dont 70 GW au Canada et 100 GW aux États-Unis. L’âge moyen des centrales s’élève respectivement à 41 et 54 ans. Les centrales hydrauliques ont une durée de vie d’exploitation moyenne estimée à 40 ans, après quoi elles nécessitent généralement des interventions sous la forme de réparations importantes ainsi que de travaux de réhabilitation, de modernisation et de remplacement. Toutefois, la fréquence de remplacement des systèmes de contrôle-commande peut être supérieure. La majorité des centrales existantes en Amérique du Nord est exploitée depuis 40 à 50 ans ; avec le temps, le marché des services destinés à ces installations connaîtra une forte croissance, les clients recherchant de plus en plus à optimiser l’efficacité de leurs centrales. Alstom est un leader mondial de la production d’énergie et des infrastructures ferroviaires et constitue une référence dans le domaine des technologies innovantes et non polluantes. Alstom construit les trains les plus rapides et les métros automatiques les plus performants au monde et fournit des centrales électriques intégrées clé en main avec les services qui leur sont associés quelle que soit la source d’énergie : hydroélectricité, nucléaire, gaz, charbon et éolienne. Le Groupe emploie environ 81 500 personnes dans 70 pays avec un carnet de commandes de 24,6 milliards € (34 milliards $) pour l’exercice 2008/09.
SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat pour le Bloc Junin 2, au Venezuela SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’elle s’est vu confier un contrat de services d’ingénierie pour le projet de coexploitation de Petromacareo par PDVSA Engineering & Construction, filiale de la société pétrolière d’État du Venezuela Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). PDVSA Engineering & Construction a également signé avec SNC-Lavalin un accord-cadre de services techniques pour la réalisation de projets dans la Ceinture pétrolifère de l’Orénoque. Le projet de Petromacareo est le premier projet accordé en vertu de cet accord. SNC-Lavalin effectuera les travaux d’ingénierie conceptuelle des installations de production, de stockage et de transport de pétrole brut extra-lourd au Bloc Nord Junin 2 dans la Ceinture pétrolifère de l’Orénoque, au Venezuela. Le Bloc Nord Junin 2 est détenu en copropriété par PDVSA et PétroVietnam. La Ceinture pétrolifère de l’Orénoque, située sur la rive nord du fleuve Orénoque, renferme des réserves importantes de pétrole lourd et PDVSA y concentre ses efforts de développement pour augmenter sa production de pétrole. «Ce contrat témoigne du savoir-faire de SNC-Lavalin en conception d’installations de production, de traitement et de manutention de pétrole lourd, a déclaré Jean Beaudoin, vice-président directeur du Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc. PDVSA est un important client de SNC-Lavalin depuis plus de 12 ans et nous sommes heureux de pouvoir jouer un rôle clé dans la mise en exploitation stratégique de ses ressources en pétrole.»
SNC-Lavalin se voit confier un projet de captage du CO2 en Saskatchewan SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’elle s’est vu confier par SaskPower un contrat de services d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de construction (IAC) pour le projet-pilote de captage et de stockage intégrés du CO2 au barrage de Boundary Dam. Ce projet consiste à transformer un appareillage vieillissant à la centrale électrique au charbon de Boundary Dam près d’Estevan, en Saskatchewan, en source d’électricité propre. Il s’agira de l’une des premières et plus grandes centrales commerciales de captage de CO2 au monde. «Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir été choisis pour ce très important projet, a déclaré Patrick Lamarre, vice-président directeur du Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc. Répondre aux besoins en énergie de manière écologique fait partie de notre stratégie d’énergie verte. Ce contrat confirme aussi notre orientation stratégique axée sur la Saskatchewan, où nous travaillons activement à donner de l’expansion à notre bureau permanent de Saskatoon.» SNC-Lavalin travaillera pour ce projet avec Cansolv, filiale à part entière de Shell Global Solutions qui fournira la technologie de conception du procédé de stockage du CO2. Cansolv a également mis au point un système novateur de captage du SO2 aux centrales au charbon, qui sera intégré au captage du CO2, dans le projet. SNC-Lavalin a entrepris les étapes d’ingénierie et d’approvisionnement, en attente de la décision de SaskPower de faire avancer le projet vers la phase finale de construction.
SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat pour une usine d'engrais en Afrique du Sud SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d'annoncer qu'elle s'est vu confier un contrat, par Sasol Nitro, pour les services d'ingénierie, approvisionnement et gestion de la construction (IAGC) d'une nouvelle usine de production de nitrate ammonique de calcium (CAN) de 400 000 t/an dans le complexe chimique de Secunda, en Afrique du Sud. Pour SNC-Lavalin, ce projet a débuté en 2008 par une étude de conception, suivie en 2009 par la phase d'ingénierie de base, et finalement par ce contrat d'IAGC. L'usine devrait être terminée en 2011. «Ce contrat est une réalisation marquante de notre division Engrais. Il renforce la présence de SNC-Lavalin en Afrique du Sud», a déclaré Georges Sontag, vice-président opérationnel, Procédés industriels et Énergie, SNC-Lavalin Europe. Le CAN est un engrais concentré spécifique qui se présente sous forme de granulés solides. Il est produit en mélangeant du nitrate d'ammonium pur fondu avec une dolomie appropriée pour être ensuite granulé. La granulation s'effectue dans un granulateur à lit fluidisé, dimensionné par la division Engrais de SNC-Lavalin à Bruxelles. «La technologie à laquelle nous aurons recours pour ce projet donne un produit de très grande qualité et permet une exploitation à bon rendement énergétique, a déclaré Jean Claude Pingat, vice-président directeur du Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. Sasol Nitro a sélectionné SNC-Lavalin après une étude approfondie des technologies proposées et leur mise en œuvre réussie sur d'autres projets.» Le coût total du projet est d'environ 96 millions $ CA.
Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois Les firmes québécoises de génie-conseil et les maîtres d’œuvre ont été honorés pour la qualité de leur travail lors de la 8e édition des Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois, le 25 mars 2010. Sous le thème «Le génie-conseil québécois : au premier plan d’une vision durable», la soirée de remise des prix «Léonards» vise à promouvoir les meilleures pratiques en matière de réalisation de projets. Au total, 12 lauréats ont été désignés parmi un nombre record de 50 projets en nomination. «L’ensemble des projets présentés témoigne de la capacité du génie-conseil québécois de faire un travail de grande qualité et d’innover tout en respectant les budgets, dans des délais souvent très serrés», a affirmé Johanne Desrochers, présidente-directrice générale de l’Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Québec. «Lorsque les ingénieurs-conseils sont au premier plan et à l’écoute des besoins de leurs clients, ils peuvent apporter une importante valeur ajoutée à tout projet. L’utilisation éclairée de leurs connaissances et de leur expertise, par des donneurs d’ouvrage qui adhèrent à une vision durable, est un gage de succès.» Créés en 2003 par l’Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Québec, les Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois visent à promouvoir les meilleures pratiques en matière de réalisation de projets. Les prix Léonards, symbole de la plus haute qualité en ingénierie, sont remis chaque année aux firmes de génie-conseil et aux maîtres d’œuvre dont les projets représentent des modèles à suivre en termes de conception, de réalisation et de développement durable. Les critères d’évaluation comprennent le mode d’intervention, la gestion des ressources humaines, les particularités du projet, l’impact sur la profession et l’intégration des principes de développement durable.
L'Office national de l'énergie approuve le projet de pipeline Keystone XL L'Office national de l'énergie (l'ONÉ) approuvait récemment une demande de TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd. (TransCanada) visant la construction et l'exploitation du projet de pipeline Keystone XL, de même que les droits proposés une fois que le pipeline sera opérationnel. L'ONÉ a jugé que le pipeline proposé est dans l'intérêt public et il a convenu que le projet relierait un grand marché stratégique à long terme avec la côte américaine du golfe du Mexique, pour le pétrole brut de l'Ouest canadien, d'une manière qui aurait des avantages économiques et autres pour la population canadienne. La portion canadienne du projet comprend la construction et l'exploitation d'un nouveau pipeline d'environ 529 km et des installations connexes. Ce projet de 1,7 milliard $ permettra le transport de pétrole brut à partir de Hardisty, en Alberta, jusqu'à la frontière canado-américaine à Monchy, en Saskatchewan. La capacité initiale approximative de 111 300 m3/j (700 000 b/j) de pétrole brut pourrait être portée à 143 100 m3/j (900 000 b/j). L'autorisation accordée par l'ONÉ pour réaliser ce projet renferme 22 conditions, qui doivent toutes être remplies avant que TransCanada puisse obtenir la permission de mettre le pipeline en service. Les principales conditions portent sur la sécurité, la protection de l'environnement et les droits des propriétaires fonciers. De plus, l'Office a ajouté l'obligation de surveiller les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Au moins 60 jours avant la construction, TransCanada doit soumettre à l'approbation de l'Office une évaluation quantitative des émissions de GES qui pourraient provenir directement du pipeline Keystone XL et des installations connexes. En outre, l'entreprise doit préciser la méthodologie utilisée, les variables pouvant avoir un effet sur les résultats ainsi que les mesures d'atténuation prévues pour réduire les émissions. Cette dernière condition, qui a été acceptée entièrement par TransCanada, démontre les intérêts et les attentes en évolution des Canadiens eu égard à la poursuite d'un avenir énergétique durable.
Qatar Petroleum et ExxonMobil annoncent le début des opérations du projet Al Khaleej Gas-Phase 2 Qatar Petroleum et Exxon Mobil Corporation annonçaient récemment que le projet Al Khaleej Gas-Phase 2 (AKG-2), d’une capacité commercialisable de gaz de 1250 millions m3/j, a été mis en service en décembre 2009. Les nouvelles installations sont conçues pour répondre à la demande croissante émanant des industries locales. Combiné à Al Khaleej Gas-Phase 1 (AKG-1), dont la production a debuté en 2005, AKG aura une capacité totale de 2000 millions m3/j, ce qui en fera la plus grande source d’alimentation en gaz domestique de l’État du Qatar. Le projet AKG-2 a nécessité la construction d’installations de traitement du gaz, de récupération de liquides et de fractionnement à terre ainsi que deux plateformes flottantes supplémentaires pour les têtes de puits. ExxonMobil a utilisé des technologies d’avant-garde, notamment ses technologies Fast Drill et de complétion de puits exclusives, en vue de réduire les temps de forage et d’optimiser les coûts des nouveaux puits du champ «North Field». Les installations à terre sont intégrées aux installations de Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited dans la cité industrielle de Ras Laffan. La production initiale a debuté en décembre 2009.
Le Fonds de revenu GENIVAR poursuit sa croissance en Ontario en acquérant une firme multidisciplinaire Le Fonds de revenu GENIVAR est heureux d'annoncer l'acquisition de The Thompson Rosemount Group Inc., une firme basée en Ontario comptant plus de 100 employés à Cornwall, Ottawa, Guelph et Kingston. L'effectif de GENIVAR en Ontario franchit le cap des 1 000 employés suite à cette acquisition. «Nous sommes très heureux d'accueillir Thompson Rosemount au sein de l'équipe de GENIVAR. Cette acquisition nous permet de poursuivre notre croissance en Ontario en établissant une présence à Cornwall et à Guelph tout en renforçant nos opérations à Ottawa et Kingston,» a mentionné Pierre Shoiry, président et chef de la direction de GENIVAR. «La firme est un important fournisseur de services d'ingénierie dans le secteur de la santé, de l'éducation et institutionnel, ainsi que dans les infrastructures municipales et le transport dans l'est ontarien,» a ajouté monsieur Shoiry. «Cette acquisition est stratégique pour GENIVAR car nous franchissons une autre étape de notre croissance en Ontario avec un effectif de plus de 1 000 employés œuvrant dans plusieurs disciplines de l'ingénierie,» a dit Marc Rivard, chef des opérations de GENIVAR. «GENIVAR se classe parmi les plus importantes firmes en Ontario et nous comptons poursuivre notre expansion," a-t-il ajouté. "Thompson Rosemount élargit notre bassin de clientèle, notamment dans le secteur des infrastructures municipales, du transport et du bâtiment. La firme possède un important portfolio de projets dans le secteur de la santé, de l'éducation et du domaine institutionnel. Elle est également reconnue pour ses nombreuses réalisations en matière de traitement de l'eau potable et des eaux usées pour de nombreuses municipalités de l'est de l'Ontario,» a conclu monsieur Rivard. «Notre équipe est très heureuse de se joindre à GENIVAR, en raison des nombreuses opportunités d'affaires qui se présenteront et des affinités entre nos entreprises respectives. Ce regroupement nous donne un nouvel élan qui nous permettra de davantage nous développer au sein de GENIVAR,» a mentionné Mark Smelko, président de The Thompson Rosemount Group Inc. «Nous pourrons développer notre potentiel en travaillant sur des projets de plus grande envergure grâce à la capacité et l'étendue des expertises de GENIVAR. Nous serons également en mesure de faire bénéficier nos clients du secteur public et privé d'une gamme de services plus vastes et approfondis en ingénierie. Nous envisageons donc l'avenir avec d'excellentes perspectives dans tous nos secteurs. Il s'agit d'une situation gagnante à tous les points de vue, tant pour le développement de notre équipe que notre clientèle», a conclu monsieur Smelko.
Technip remporte un contrat pour le projet Nord Stream en mer Baltique Technip a remporté auprès de Nord Stream AG un contrat cadre, d’une valeur d’environ 35 millions € (48 millions $) , pour le projet Nord Stream dans la mer Baltique. Le centre opérationnel de Technip à Stavanger (Norvège) réalisera ce contrat. Le contrat comprend les quatre raccordements de deux conduites sous-marines parallèles reliant Vyborg en Russie à Lubmin en Allemagne, à travers les eaux russes, finlandaises, suédoises, danoises et allemandes. Les conduites auront une longueur totale d’environ 1 220 km. Les opérations de raccordements seront réalisées à l’aide du PRS* et du Skandi Arctic, un des navires de support de plongée de la flotte de Technip, et devraient avoir lieu mi-2011 pour la première conduite, mi-2012 pour la seconde.
Industry News
Afton Chemical Announces Acquisition of Polartech Afton Chemical Corporation recently announced the completion of its Polartech acquisition. Polartech is a global company specializing in the supply of metalworking additives. With this acquisition, Afton strengthens its industrial product portfolio with Polartech’s premier metalworking fluid additive technology. “As a result of the acquisition, we also now have a greater presence in targeted international markets – including India and China – where we see opportunities for growth” “This acquisition represents a significant step for Afton in our strategy to expand our technology and expertise in the industrial market,” said Warren Huang, Afton Chemical’s President. “As a result of the acquisition, we also now have a greater presence in targeted international markets – including India and China – where we see opportunities for growth,” said Huang. The agreement includes all physical assets of the Polartech business including headquarters, R&D and manufacturing facilities in the UK, as well as manufacturing sites in India, China and the US. Afton will assume approximately 130 full-time employees. Polartech has annual revenue of approximately $45 million. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed. “We’ve acquired a first class metalworking additives business, with the people, technology and global reach to significantly enhance our ability to provide our customers with solutions to grow their businesses,” said Rich Mendel, Afton’s VP of Global Lubricant Additives. “Polartech has utilized expert application knowledge and differentiated additive technology to create value for their customers. That business model will be an excellent fit with Afton,” added Mendel. With industry fundamentals being strong, the Polartech acquisition is one of many strategic investments that Afton Chemical has made in the last two years. These strategic investments include the acquisition of GE’s fuel additives business, a new research and development facility in Shanghai, China, a new and expanded facility in Tsukuba, Japan and a manufacturing facility in Singapore. Over the last ten years, Afton has expanded their product lines and geographic coverage, giving us a broad and diversified business base.
Satcon to Ship PowerGate® Plus Inverters to GCL for Projects in China Satcon Technology Corporation recently announced that it has been selected to ship 38 MW of its PowerGate® Plus 500 kW solar PV inverter solutions to GCL Solar Limited, one of China’s largest utility solar power plant developers. “These new projects demonstrate the increased momentum of the utility scale solar marketplace in China” The 38 MW will be installed across three separate solar power plants and are in addition to the previously announced 23 MW supplied for China’s largest ground-mounted and largest rooftop projects of 2009. Each installation will utilize Satcon’s PowerGate Plus 500 kW inverters, the world’s most field-tested and the proven large scale solar power solution. The first 10 MW Youyu City site will be located in the Shanxi Provence and will supply power to Shanxi International Power Solar Power Generation Ltd. Another 10 MW Pingluo County Shizuishan City plant will be located in the Ningxia Hui Nationality Municipality and will supply power to Ningxia State Power CSI New Energy Developer Ltd. An additional 20 MW site will be constructed in the first half of the year and is expected to be energized in late summer. “These new projects demonstrate the increased momentum of the utility scale solar marketplace in China,” said Dr. Gu Huamin, General Manager of GCL Solar Limited. “As we build on this foundation that has been established over the past year, we must provide the highest levels of performance, reliability, and value to our customers. Satcon is an important partner for GCL as we continue to develop and deliver China’s largest and most advanced solar power plant facilities.” “GCL continues be a key driver in the rapid growth of China’s utility scale solar market,” said Steve Rhoades, Satcon’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “The increased scope and volume of these installations highlight the importance of engineering and construction innovation supported by the worlds most advanced and reliable technology solutions. With these new power plants, GCL expands its leadership position in both the China and the global utility scale solar market. We are excited and honored to be a valued partner to GCL as we work together to help make China become one of the world’s leading utility scale solar power producing countries.”
New field-study on the potential use of biodiesel for off-road machinery in highway construction and forest operations FPInnovations, in partnership with Natural Resources Canada's National Renewable Diesel Demonstration Initiative, is conducting a $1,7 million field-study on the potential use of biodiesel for off-road machinery in highway construction and forest operations. This study's purpose is to gain better understanding of the economical and technical issues related to renewable diesel, as well as identify the best means and methods required to overcome likely challenges to biodiesel implementation in Canadian operations. The National Renewable Diesel Demonstration Initiative (NRDDI) provides an opportunity for real-world testing and performance evaluation in advance of regulatory action. Through the NRDDI, Natural Resources Canada is funding this study in the amount of $810 000, the Forest Industry and FPInnovations are providing the balance. "The Government of Canada is working closely with industry partners like FPInnovations to help ensure the seamless integration of renewable diesel in the Canadian fuel market," said the Honourable Jay Hill, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Member of Parliament for Prince George-Peace River. "This is an important step forward in reducing Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions." The study involves three project locations and industrial activities in British Columbia : highway construction in Coquitlam, sawmill yard operation in Prince George, and forest harvest operations in Meritt. The Prince George location is ideal for this project as it highlights the main challenges facing biodiesel users. These include challenging climate conditions for heavy equipment operations, cold temperatures and a remote location in which distribution and storage can be difficult. The Coquitlam location is of interest for the construction sector because it will demonstrate the logistical challenges in delivering biodiesel blends to their jobsites. The logging and sawmill operations consume an average of 60 000 l of fuel each month, the equivalent of a tanker truck. Therefore, several deliveries are anticipated this year. Fuel is delivered from the bulk terminal in Vancouver and transferred into a stationary above ground storage tank at the mill as well as 2 or 3 above ground storage tanks at the logging site. It is then transferred to portable tanks located in the back of pickup trucks (approx. capacity 500 l), which in turn, deliver fuel to the machinery in the woods. Each month the highway construction site consumes 110 000 l of fuel on average. Given a 60 000 l tanker truck capacity, multiple deliveries will be needed over the 6-month long project. The fuel at the construction site is pumped from the tanker truck directly into each machine. Safety measures were implemented to ensure the safe and successful completion of this project for everyone involved, for example, spill kits are on-site at JJM Construction, as well as on-board the tanker trucks. Peter Lister, Vice-President for FPInnovations stated that "The importance of this study lies in demonstrating the operational and economic practicalities of using various blends of biodiesels (up to 10%) by off-road heavy equipment, for both Canadian operations and for construction equipment since the Forest Industry builds more roads in Canada than all combined governments. Employees involved in this project will make use of an electronic datalogger - the MultiDat-, developed specifically for use in off-road equipment by FPInnovations researchers, which will be used to collect information that can help improve the productivity of operations or the utilization of equipment. FPInnovations activities are focused on R&D and technology implementation. Therefore, this project also includes a vast technolology transfer campaign across the country for heavy equipment owners and operators. A series of workshops will be implemented to inform potential users of challenges and best practices associated with biodiesel.
Innergex selected for power purchase agreement awards for three run-of-river hydro projects in B.C. totaling 113 MW Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. is pleased to announce that it has been selected by the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) for power purchase agreement awards for three run-of-river hydro projects submitted in response to the BC Hydro's 2008 Clean Power Call. Innergex's projects, namely Upper Lillooet River, Boulder Creek and North Creek, are located close to Pemberton, in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia and have a total expected installed capacity of 113 MW. Subject to the British Columbia Utilities Commission's approval, the PPAs will allow Innergex to enter into the development phase, which involves consulting stakeholders, as well as obtaining the relevant permits. Innergex expects North Creek to start commercial operation in 2015 and Boulder Creek and Upper Lillooet River to start commercial operation in 2016. As Innergex's President and Chief Executive Officer, Michel Letellier, explains: "Being selected by BC hydro is great news. We identified British Columbia as an important market in early 2000. Our team based in Vancouver has since then developed three hydro facilities, with a total installed capacity of 107,5 MW and we have another project construction-ready at Kwoiek Creek for an additional 50 MW. Today's selected projects will also contribute to meeting our growth objectives."
Builders’ Association of India is joint organizer of bC India bC India can rely on the industry’s support when it celebrates its launch from February 8-11, 2011 in Mumbai, India. The Builders’ Association of India (BAI) - has agreed to serve as joint organizer of the exhibition. In addition, several Indian and international trade associations are supporting bC India. The Builders Association of India has a far-reaching network throughout India with 11 000 direct members and 30 000 construction companies that are indirect members of its various regional associations, BAI speaks for the entire industry. In its role as a joint organizer, BAI will co-locate its annual conference in Mumbai with bC India. bC India, organized jointly by Messe München International and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, has also received a widespread positive response at the international level. The current list of bC India’s official supporting organizations includes: Spanish Manufacturers Association of Construction and Mining Equipment (ANMOPYC), Construction Equipment Association (CEA) in Great Britain, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Sub-Council (CCPIT-MSC) and Korea Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association (KOCEMA). In addition, bC India will feature international pavilions from Germany, China, Italy, Finland and the UK.
Boralex Obtains Total Financing for Thames River Wind Farm Boralex Inc. announces that it has successfully refinanced Phase I (40 MW) of the Thames River wind farm, and obtained financing for Phase II (50 MW) at the same site. The financing is being underwritten by a consortium of Canadian life insurance companies formed and headed by Manulife Financial Corporation ("Manulife"). The total amount involved is $194,5 million, about 76% of the total investment, including initial financing costs, interest payable during the construction period, working capital and contingencies. Thanks to the increase in the financial leveraging on Phase I of the project, not only will Boralex be able to complete Phase II without adding any equity investment, it will also free up $12,7 million. The loan will be amortized over 21 years, at a rate of 7% for the entire period. To date, all conditions precedent to drawing on the financing have been met. The Thames River site has nine wind farms of 10 MW each. The first four farms in Phase I, with an installed capacity of 40 MW, have been operating since late January 2010. The five other farms, with an installed capacity of 50 MW, are now being built and are slated to start up by December 2010. Each wind farm has five E-82 model Enercon turbines of 2 MW. The power produced by the Thames River wind farm will be sold to the Ontario Power Authority under the Advanced RESOP program. "Our first wind turbines in Canada started operating in December 2009 and January 2010. We hope to keep growing in the wind power sector in Canada. The fact that we have closed this financing deal demonstrates the skills of our team and the value of our projects. Also, with the start up of this additional 50 MW, the percentage of Boralex's installed capacity under long-term contracts will exceed 60% by the end of 2010," says Patrick Lemaire, president and CEO of Boralex.
Alstom Acquires Services Company Assets in the U.S. Alstom, a global leader in hydropower for new plants, and refurbishment and services for existing plants, today announced that it acquired some of the assets of North American Phoenix - Energy Services (NAPES), a North American producer headquartered in Wausau, Wisconsin of control systems and speed governors for hydro power plants. Terms of the sale were not disclosed. This acquisition reinforces Alstom's footprint in the U.S. renewable energy sector, in which hydro occupies a major share. "This acquisition strengthens Alstom Hydro's position as a leader in the North American market; it will help us broaden our product portfolio and expand our U.S. hydro services business by enabling us to offer better and wider services to respond to customers' expectations concerning control and governing systems," said Philippe Cochet, president of Alstom Hydro. The acquisition also adds new locations in two key areas of the U.S. hydropower market, namely the states of Washington and Wisconsin. "These additions, combined with our existing locations in Sorel-Tracy, Quebec and Denver, Colorado, reinforce Alstom Hydro's North American footprint so that we may better respond to our customers needs with the most advanced and adaptable solutions," added Claude Lambert, Alstom Hydro North America president and CEO. The hydro-installed base in North America is around 170 GW: 70 GW in Canada and 100 GW in the U.S., where the average age of installed units is 41 years and 54 years, respectively. Hydro units have an estimated average operating lifetime of 40 years, after which the units normally need servicing in the form of major repairs, rehabilitation, refurbishment or replacement. However, replacement of control systems might be more frequent. Much of the installed base in North America has been operating for 40 to 50 years; over time, the service market for installed units will grow, as customers increasingly seek to optimize the efficiency of existing units.
SNC-Lavalin awarded contract for the Junin 2 Block in Venezuela SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an engineering services contract for the Empresa Mixta Petromacareo Project by PDVSA Engineering & Construction, a subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela S.A (PDVSA). PDVSA Engineering & Construction has also awarded SNC-Lavalin an umbrella Technical Services Agreement (TSA) for the execution of projects in the Orinoco Oil Belt. Petromacareo is the first major award under the TSA. SNC-Lavalin will perform the conceptual engineering for the extra heavy crude oil production, treatment, storage and transport facilities at the Junin 2 North Block in Venezuela's Orinoco Oil Belt. The Junin 2 North Block is jointly held by PDVSA and PetroVietnam. The Orinoco Oil Belt, located north of the Orinoco River, holds significant reserves of heavy oil, and it is PDVSA's key area of focus for development to enhance its oil production. "This contract highlights SNC-Lavalin's expertise in the design of heavy oil production, processing and handling facilities," said Jean Beaudoin, Executive Vice-President, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "PDVSA has been a key client for SNC-Lavalin for more than 12 years and we are pleased to play a key role in the strategic development of its oil resources."
SNC-Lavalin awarded carbon capture project in Saskatchewan SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a contract to provide engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services for SaskPower's Boundary Dam Integrated Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Demonstration Project. The project involves transforming an aging unit at the coal-fired Boundary Dam Power Station near Estevan, Saskatchewan, into a source of clean electricity. This will be one of the world's first and largest commercial scale carbon capture plants. "We are excited to have been selected for this very important project," said Patrick Lamarre, executive vice-president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "Meeting power needs in an environmentally-friendly manner is part of our Green Energy strategy. This contract is also a validation of our strategic focus on Saskatchewan where we are actively growing our permanent office in Saskatoon." For this project, SNC-Lavalin will be working with Cansolv, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shell Global Solutions, which will supply the carbon capture process design technology. Cansolv has also developed an innovative system of capturing sulphur dioxide at coal-fired power plants that will be integrated into the project alongside carbon dioxide capture. SNC-Lavalin has started engineering and procurement activities, with the subsequent stage pending SaskPower's decision to advance the project to final construction.
SNC-Lavalin awarded contract for fertilizer plant in South Africa SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a contract by Sasol Nitro to provide engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) services for a new 400 000 t/y calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) production plant in an existing chemical complex in Secunda, South Africa. SNC-Lavalin’s involvement with this project started in 2008 with a conceptual study, followed by the basic engineering in 2009, and finally this EPCM contract. The plant is scheduled to be completed in 2011. “This contract is a significant achievement for our Fertilizer Division, and for the presence of SNC-Lavalin in Southern Africa,” said Georges Sontag, vice president, Operations, Industrial Processes and Power, SNC-Lavalin Europe. CAN is a specific concentrated fertilizer that is delivered in solid granules. It is formed by mixing pure melted ammonium nitrate with an appropriate dolomite and then granulated. The granulation will take place in a fluidized bed granulator designed by SNC-Lavalin’s Fertilizer Division in Brussels. “The technology we will be using on this project yields a high-quality product and achieves energy-efficient operations,” said Jean Claude Pingat, executive vice president SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. “Sasol selected SNC-Lavalin after a thorough investigation of the proposed technology and its successful application on other projects.” The total project cost is approximately $96 million.
National Energy Board approves Keystone XL Pipeline Project The National Energy Board (NEB) recently approved an application from TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd. (TransCanada) to construct and operate the Keystone XL Pipeline Project, as well as the proposed tolls for the pipeline once it becomes operational. The NEB found the proposed pipeline to be in the public interest and accepted that the project would connect a large, long term and strategic market for Western Canadian crude oil with the U.S. Gulf Coast in a manner that would bring economic and other benefits to Canadians. The Canadian portion of the project involves the construction and operation of approximately 529 km of new pipeline and related facilities. The $1,7 billion project will transport crude oil from Hardisty, Alberta to the Canada/U.S. border at Monchy, Saskatchewan. It will have an initial capacity of approximately 111 300 m3/d (700 000 b/d) of crude oil and is designed to be expandable to 143 100 m3/d (900 000 b/d). The NEB’s approval to proceed with this project includes 22 conditions, all of which must be met before TransCanada will be granted permission to open the pipeline. Key conditions target safety, protection of the environment and landowner rights. The Board also imposed an obligation to monitor greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. At least 60 days prior to construction, TransCanada is required to file with the Board, for approval, a quantitative assessment of GHG emissions expected to directly result from the Keystone XL Pipeline and its associated facilities. In addition the company must outline the methodology it used, what variables might affect those results, and describe mitigation measures to reduce emissions. This latter condition was fully accepted by TransCanada and reflects Canadians’ evolving interest and expectations regarding Canada’s pursuit of a sustainable energy future.
Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil Announce Start of Operations of Al Khaleej Gas Project Phase 2 Qatar Petroleum and Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) today announced the Al Khaleej Gas-Phase 2 (AKG-2) project, with 1,250 million cubic feet per day (mcfd) of sales gas capacity, initiated operations in December 2009. “This is another major achievement to ensure the optimal use of Qatar’s hydrocarbon resources to meet increasing local demand and contribute to further development of Qatar’s industrial base. This project is helping to support the country’s rapid economic expansion.” The new facilities are designed to meet the growing demand of local industries. Combined with Al Khaleej Gas-Phase 1 (AKG-1), which began production in 2005, AKG will have a total capacity of 2,000 mcfd, making it the largest source of domestic gas supply in the State of Qatar. The AKG-2 project involved construction of onshore gas treating, liquids recovery and fractionation facilities and two additional offshore wellhead platforms. ExxonMobil utilized state-of-the-art technologies, including its proprietary Fast Drill and well completion technologies, to reduce drilling time and optimize the costs of the new North Field wells. The onshore facilities are integrated with the Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited (3) facilities in Ras Laffan Industrial City. Initial production occurred in December 2009. His Excellency Abdulla Bin Hamad Al-Attyiah, Deputy Premier Minister of Energy and Industry, Chairman and Managing Director of Qatar Petroleum, said, “We consider the AKG project as one of the strategic development projects of the North Field as it supplies gas to various power and desalination plants, as well as petrochemical and other energy intensive industries in Qatar. This project is another example of our long-term relationship with ExxonMobil that is based upon mutual benefits.” “Working in partnership, Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil are successfully commercializing the world’s largest non-associated natural gas field,” said Neil Duffin, president of ExxonMobil Development Company. “This is another major achievement to ensure the optimal use of Qatar’s hydrocarbon resources to meet increasing local demand and contribute to further development of Qatar’s industrial base. This project is helping to support the country’s rapid economic expansion.”
ENPAR commissions ammonia treatment system for a gold mine located in northeastern Ontario Dr. Gene Shelp, president and CEO of ENPAR Technologies Inc., is very pleased to announce that, on March 10, 2010, ENPAR technical staff completed the commissioning of its patented, full-scale commercial ammonia treatment plant at a mine site located in northeastern Ontario. Environmentally hazardous ammonium-nitrate is a common form of blasting powder employed at most mining operations around the world. During cold weather months, many countries experience temperatures below 10°C and the effectiveness of conventional biological systems for the treatment of ammonia is limited. The patented ENPAR AmmEL-LC System has proved to be highly effective at converting ammonia to environmentally friendly nitrogen gas at low temperatures. Unlike conventional approaches, the ENPAR system does not produce harmful by-products such as nitrate nor does it emit the greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O). AmmEL-LC offers the advantage of year-round treatment and discharge of wastewater and satisfies federal government environmental guidelines and mandates. Dr. Shelp commented, “The commissioning of this full-scale AmmEL-LC System marks an important milestone in the progress of ENPAR. We commend the Mining Company for its commitment to responsible water management and are grateful for its confidence in the effectiveness of our technology as the best available water treatment system for ammonia. Ammonia in waste water represents a serious problem for the mining industry, municipal wastewater treatment facilities, and specific chemical industries worldwide. Management believes that this commercial success will provide impetus to mining companies and waste water facilities to investigate and purchase ENPAR’s novel, environmentally friendly technologies.”
NorthGrid Solar opens regional offices in Ottawa and Sault Ste. Marie NorthGrid Solar is pleased to announce the opening of two new regional offices to serve customers in Eastern, Central and Northern Ontario. Based in Ottawa, Eric Manherz and Steve Langlois have been appointed regional directors and will serve clients in Eastern Ontario. Both are involved in commercial real estate and will offer NorthGrid Solar partners outstanding customer service. Roy Bortolussi of Sault Ste. Marie has been appointed regional director for Northern Ontario. He brings a solid business background including commercial real estate experience. “We are delighted to welcome these colleagues to the NorthGrid Solar team,” said Carlo Di Gioacchino, president and CEO of NorthGrid Solar. “Local representatives, knowledgeable in both commercial real estate and solar technology, will allow us to better serve our customer base throughout the province.” This expansion is part of NorthGrid Solar’s ongoing investment in response to the recently introduced Ontario Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program encouraging private developers to deliver renewable sources of energy directly to the Ontario power grid. NorthGrid Solar is currently involved in numerous solar PV projects in Ontario including both roof-top and ground mounted systems. With the recent announcement of FIT approvals from the Ontario Power Authority, NorthGrid Solar is positioned to offer full turnkey engineering, procurement and construction solutions as well as maintenance and financing.
GENIVAR Income Fund Acquires a Multidisciplinary Firm The GENIVAR Income Fund is pleased to announce the acquisition of The Thompson Rosemount Group Inc., an Ontario-based firm. As a result of this acquisition, GENIVAR’s Ontario workforce has now topped the milestone of 1000 employees. Thompson Rosemount’s roots date back to 1956. With offices in Cornwall, Ottawa, Kingston and Guelph, the firm has over 100 employees and offers multidisciplinary services in the areas of building engineering, municipal infrastructure, transportation and architecture. The firm’s clients include various municipalities in Eastern Ontario, The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited, Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Upper Canada District School Board, Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario, St. Lawrence College, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Correctional Services Canada, The Ottawa Hospital, DMS Property Management and Ontario Power Generation.
Sherwood Group of Companies Partners with BID2WIN Software BID2WIN Software Inc. is pleased to announce its recent partnership with the Sherwood Group of Companies, a leading Midwest contractor with divisions in Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado. With over 75 years of experience in heavy grading projects, urban expressways, utilities and site development, The Sherwood Companies are committed to the principles on which the organization was founded – service, dependability, workmanship and honesty. Sherwood’s commitment to excellence also includes staying up to date with industry leading technology; and having an estimating and bidding solution that streamlines all aspects of the organization is critical. “We have multiple companies within the organization; each with their own location, identity, resources, wage schedules, equipment rates, etc. The Sherwood Companies needed an estimating solution with flexibility and multiple database capabilities, yet capable of being supported from a central location. We found it in the Enterprise Edition of BID2WIN Estimating & Bidding,” explains Alan Farrington, vice president. Sherwood will also be implementing BUILD2WIN Field Tracking – BID2WIN Software’s browser-based field data tracking and analysis solution. With BUILD2WIN, Sherwood will be able to seamlessly transfer estimate information from BID2WIN, allowing executives, project managers, field engineers and foremen to view and track real-time status information about projects. “Our field supervisors are really looking forward to our future implementation of BUILD2WIN” says Mr. Farrington. “They’ve only seen a 30 minute demonstration of its capabilities, but they want it as soon as they can get it.”
Volvo Sells Rights to SuperPac Parts Volvo Construction Equipment North America sold the rights to manufacture and sell service and replacement parts for all models of the SuperPac compaction line to MinnPar, LLC, a subsidiary of PartsZone, LLC. Since 1982, MinnPar has been the trusted source for OEMs seeking a cost-effective solution to the aftermarket service parts management of non-core and discontinued product lines. “Our value proposition is a true win-win for SuperPac customers and for Volvo,” commented PartsZone CEO Shirish Pareek. “Our main business is to cost-effectively manage the end-of-life service parts business for industry leading products, allowing OEM’s to focus their attention on improved performance and customer service for current and core product lines. We provide exceptional technical and parts support to our dealers worldwide.” “We chose to partner with MinnPar because of their proven track record for customer service,” stated Kenneth Silverman, vice president Customer Support for Volvo Construction Equipment North America. “Their technical and customer support expertise ensures that current or future generation owners of SuperPac Compaction equipment will have continued availability of genuine OEM replacement parts.”
Altec Acquires Morse Manufacturing Altec Northeast, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Altec, Inc., announced that it has finalized the acquisition of certain assets of Morse Manufacturing located in Sterling, Massachusetts. “This acquisition provides Altec with a unique opportunity to offer additional choice and value to our customers in New England and the Mid-Atlantic”, said Lee Styslinger, IIIinois, president and CEO of Altec, Inc. “Morse has a well-established reputation for producing reliable, quality products for over 125 years. They have been a leading supplier of aerial device equipment for the utility industry, and their modern final assembly plant in Massachusetts will be an excellent complement to Altec’s comprehensive network of manufacturing and service facilities located throughout the United States and Canada.” Altec plans to continue utilizing Morse’s facility in Sterling, for final assembly of truck-mounted aerial lifts, digger derricks, cranes and bodies for customers located in New England and Mid-Atlantic states.
Palfinger Acquires Majority Stake in ETI The Palfinger Group continues its growth strategy and is acquiring an 80% stake in Equipment Technology, LLC (ETI). The U.S. company headquartered in Oklahoma is one of the top players in the field of aerial lifts in the North American market. ETI has a long history as a manufacturer and customer service solution provider and initially focused its operations on the South West of the U.S. Its continuous growth was also supported by the acquisition of a majority interest in the service crane manufacturer Ideal Crane in 2007. This is a major strategic step for Palfinger. It enables the Group, which had not been present in the North American market with aerial lifts before, to enter this segment with local products.
JCB and Volvo Sign Framework Agreement on Skid Steer & Compact Tracked Loaders JCB and Volvo Construction Equipment have entered into a framework agreement under which they will cooperate on the engineering and manufacturing of skid steer loader and compact tracked loader products for distribution under their respective brands and through their respective global dealer networks. It is envisaged that the first mono boom Volvo branded machines will be in production at JCB’s Savannah, Georgia facility by year end 2010. Volvo Construction Equipment will then transition skid steer loader models over time from its Pederneiras facility in Brazil. “This agreement will allow us to combine forces in this key product area enabling both brands to compete more effectively,” commented John Patterson, deputy chairman of JCB. “Volvo customers will benefit from a wider range of models that maintain the high level of product safety and functionality that they expect,” added Olof Persson, Volvo Construction Equipment president.
Komatsu-Cummins Partnership Produces 500 000th Engine at Oyama The Komatsu-Cummins Engine Company (KCEC) in Japan has achieved a major manufacturing milestone with the recent production of the 500 000th engine from the Oyama joint venture operation. “Reaching the half-million engine mark represents another significant achievement in the long-established partnership between Komatsu and Cummins, which is widely regarded as the most successful and enduring in the off-highway industry.” The joint venture has also announced that the Oyama engine plant will move forward to produce the next generation of Tier 4 low-emissions engines for parent companies Komatsu Ltd. and Cummins Inc. “Reaching the half-million engine mark represents another significant achievement in the long-established partnership between Komatsu and Cummins, which is widely regarded as the most successful and enduring in the off-highway industry,” said Eric Neal, general manager of Cummins-Komatsu Business Worldwide. “The KCEC engine plant is highly regarded by both Komatsu and Cummins for its outstanding levels of quality, productivity and commitment to delivery. The introduction of the Tier 4 Interim engines at KCEC from 2010 onward will mean the plant will be ready to power the next generation of low-emissions, more fuel-efficient construction equipment,” he added. A highly flexible manufacturing system enables the KCEC facility to build engines to specific Komatsu and Cummins configurations derived from common base engine platforms. The 3,3 l, 4,5 l and 6,7 l displacement engines currently produced at the Oyama plant will move forward with performance-enhancing technology to meet Tier 4 Interim regulations as they are phased in by power band and effect date in Japan, North America and Europe. The current 8,3 l engine produced at Oyama will be available for Tier 4 as a 9 l version, offering a higher power output. The Komatsu-Cummins Engine Company (KCEC) joint venture between Komatsu Ltd. and Cummins Inc. was established in November 1993 at the Oyama Industrial Park in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. The first B Series engine was produced in November 1995. KCEC is an integral part of both Komatsu Ltd. manufacturing operations and Cummins worldwide MidRange engine manufacturing operations. In April 2001, the KCEC plant was the first construction equipment facility in Japan to be recognized for achieving zero emissions.
Explorer’s Contract Manager Named as one of the Top Products for 2010 Explorer Software Group is pleased to announce that the latest version of its flagship product, Contract Manager Version 7, an ERP solution for the construction industry, has been recognized as one of Constructech Magazine’s Commercial Top Products for 2010. Top Product winners were selected on the basis of innovation and successful results in the marketplace by the Constructech editorial team. “The products named as Constructech Top Products in the commercial sector this year come from some of the leading-edge technology providers within the construction industry,” says Peggy Smedley, editorial director of Constructech. “As today’s technology evolves, so too must the solutions available to contractors. And, these innovative solutions will drive technology initiatives into the next generation.” Explorer Software Group continues to push the boundaries of today’s technology to bring enhanced functions and features to their software solutions. Version 7 of Contract Manager embraces new technologies and brings improved functionality to all aspects of the software. “Construction professionals are looking for the solutions that can give them the most bang for their buck. They are looking to make their companies better with the implementation of technology, as well as keep up with the latest trends in the construction industry,” says Mike Carrozzo, chief editor of Constructech. “The technology firms with products meeting that demand may prove to be the most successful.”
Ritchie Bros. moves to expanded location in Chilliwack Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers celebrated the Grand Opening of its new Chilliwack, British Columbia, permanent auction site with an unreserved public auction and ribbon-cutting ceremony on March 24, 2010. The new Chilliwack site, located approximately one hour east of Vancouver replaces the Company’s 30-year-old Surrey auction site. The new 9,7 ha auction site is approximately three times the size of the former site in order to service more bidders and consignors, and a larger selection of equipment.
Terex Launches Dedicated Used Equipment Website Terex now makes it easy for customers to shop for and purchase used equipment with the launch of www.terex.com/used. This online resource allows construction contractors to access spec information, photos and MSRP on used construction, roadbuilding and aerial work platform equipment for sale through Terex. “We know that customers today are making equipment decisions differently because of the economy,” said John Poag, operations sales manager, Terex Construction Americas. “Savvy contractors know that buying used equipment can be a smart way to reduce investment cost and increase profit margins. To make it simple for our customers to find the equipment they are looking for, Terex has listed all available used equipment inventory on www.terex.com/used, allowing customers to ‘shop’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for what they need.” To determine if now is the right time to invest in “new” used equipment, Mr. Poag suggests that customers do a simple acquisition cost versus utilization rate analysis. “Some questions to consider are: Will this piece of equipment allow you to do more specialized jobs? Will it allow you to do your current jobs more quickly and efficiently? Will having this piece of equipment allow you to do jobs that your competitors are not capable of,” says John Poag. “All of these questions will help determine if used is a better option than new.” Once a customer selects a piece of equipment to purchase from www.terex.com/used, representatives from Terex Construction Americas and Terex Financial Services enlist the customer’s nearest authorized Terex distributor to complete the sale. “Our goal is to connect our customers with Terex distributors for financing, service, parts and future equipment needs,” says Mr. Poag.
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