Alberta Forest Industry Trucking Costs Significantly Reduced Thanks to New Log Hauling Configurations

FPInnovations, Feric Division is proud to announce that its collaboration with the government of Alberta, Alberta Forest Products Association, and forest companies has led to new increased axle weight allowances and the use of new log hauling configurations for the Alberta forest industry.

The Alberta forest industry and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development conducted a competitiveness review to provide the industry with more efficient and competitive solutions; one of the outcomes of this review was a recommendation to explore improving log truck productivity.

Configurations with greater payload capacities translate into fewer trips required to haul a given amount of volume from a particular location thereby reducing costs as well as GHG emissions. In response, Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation convened an industry/government task force with FPInnovations, Feric Division participating in a technical support role.

“Alberta Transportation requires all commercial vehicles to meet minimum dynamic safety performance characteristics in order to avoid collisions caused by vehicle types thatare inherently unsafe. During the recent review of the log truck program, Alberta Transportation relied on FPInnovations, Feric Division to assess each vehicle type and provide us with their conclusions”, said Alvin Moroz, director, Transport Engineering, Alberta Transportation.

“It’s safe to say that we played a key role in the process, and that our work helped the Alberta forest industry to obtain new, more productive log hauling configurations that will help to considerably reduce their trucking costs”, said Eric Amlin, head of the Transport Research Group at FPInnovations, Feric Division.

Alberta Transportation announced new increased axle weight allowances for six different existing log hauling configurations, and allowed the use of two new 9 and 10-axle B-train type configurations. The productivity improvements for the existing fleets range from 3 to 11 t depending on the configurations. As for the new B-trains, the 9-axle and 10-
axle units will have winter payloads of about 53 and 59 t respectively.

Alberta Transportation’s vision is to be a Centre of Excellence for transportation in North America. Its mission is to contribute to Alberta's prosperity and quality of life by providing and supporting a safe, innovative, and sustainable provincial transportation system, and water management infrastructure. For more information:

Feric is a division of FPInnovations, a not-for-profit world leader in creating sciencebased solutions that support the global competitiveness of the Canadian forest sector and that respond to the priority needs of its industrial and government members. Feric develops and helps implement innovative and safe forest operational solutions that
provide members with long-term competitive advantage, add value to their fiber supply and support sustainable forest practices. Feric specializes in areas of research related to the harvesting of wood, transportation and forest road construction, silviculture, and wildland fire operations.

Source: FPInnovations – Feric


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