Changing the Game: APWA Announces “PWX” as New Name
for Annual Conference

With more than 100 years of annual meetings to its credit, the American Public Works Association has hosted its last “Congress & Exposition.” Now the association's annual meeting will be known as PWX, APWA officials announced at Congress in Phoenix, Arizona. Recognizing monumental changes in the makeup of the workforce in the last decade, APWA is launching PWX, the new brand name for the APWA International Public Works Congress and Exposition.

“PWX won’t be just a new package for an old program, there will be significant changes from the Congress we have known,” said APWA’s interim executive director Larry Frevert. “PWX will incorporate more technology, will embrace and engage the younger generations in the profession, will cater to all of the learning styles of the 5 generations, and will be a setting that will encourage cross-generational dialogue, so everyone can learn and benefit. This is an exciting time of change and PWX is a symbol of our recognition of these changes.”

Source: American Public Works Association

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