Nouvelles brèves Nouvelle succursale pour Genrep Denis Gougeon, directeur de la succursale de Genrep Ltée, est heureux d’annoncer le déménagement de la succursale. La nouvelle succursale, inugurée le 1er février 2010, est située au 912 rue Berlier à Laval. Cette nouvelle succursale fait partie du plan d’expansion mis en place par Genrep Ltée, qui continue à croître et à prospérer au Canada. Genrep Ltée est un assembleur, fournisseur et prestataire de services de groupes-électrogènes et distributeur de moteurs industriels.
Total acquiert les activités lubrifiants d’Ultramar Total Lubrifiants Canada et Ultramar Ltée annonçaient récemment l’acquisition par Total des activités lubrifiants d’Ultramar et la signature d’un partenariat pour la vente de lubrifiants à la marque Total. Cette alliance entre les deux groupes permettra aux clients d’Ultramar de bénéficier de la vaste gamme de lubrifiants automobiles et industriels Total à la pointe de la technologie et notamment des produits synthétiques, économiseurs d’énergie ou biodégradables. Total sera désormais le partenaire privilégié d’Ultramar pour les lubrifiants et, à ce titre, les stations-service exploitées par Ultramar proposeront les lubrifiants Total à leur clientèle. Ultramar recommandera également les lubrifiants Total à ses partenaires d’affaires. «Avec ce nouveau partenariat, Total Lubrifiants poursuit son développement au Canada et plus généralement en Amérique du Nord. Nous sommes convaincus que notre technologie apportera une réelle valeur ajoutée à nos clients communs, tant dans l’automobile que dans l’industrie, et souhaitons poursuivre ensemble notre développement au Canada» a souligné Olivier Goutal, président de Total Lubrifiants Canada. Total Lubrifiants dispose à Montréal d’une unité de production de lubrifiants d’une capacité de 35 000 tonnes, construite en 2000 et certifiée ISO9001. La société emploie 54 personnes et dispose de bureaux à Montréal, Québec, Toronto et Calgary. Jean Bernier, président d’Ultramar Ltée a mentionné : «Nous sommes heureux que ce nouveau partenariat avec Total donne à nos clients un accès à des produits de marque reconnue dans le segment très spécialisé des lubrifiants, tout en leur assurant des services des plus concurrentiels.»
Location SMS augmente sa présence à Montréal et dans la région Location SMS a pris les grands moyens pour accroître sa présence dans la région de Montréal. Selon Nicolas Gagnon, directeur régional de Location SMS pour le Québec, les deux installations représentent davantage pour l’entreprise qu’une augmentation de la superficie dans le magasin et dans la cour. Comme il l’a déclaré, «Ces deux installations vont nous permettre de mieux servir une clientèle sans cesse en croissance dans la région. Les deux magasins profitent d’une excellente visibilité sur d’importantes voies de circulation. Nous sommes maintenant plus facilement accessibles pour les clients qui viennent dans nos magasins pour louer des équipements et des fournitures. De plus, nos chauffeurs chargés de la livraison ont maintenant un accès plus rapide à toutes les routes de la région et vers les chantiers de nos clients. Le nouveau centre de Location SMS de Brossard, sous la direction de Marc Dubé, a été construit pour répondre aux besoins particuliers de Location SMS. Nicolas Gagnon est pleinement satisfait des résultats. «Nous avons pris une telle expansion que les anciens locaux ne suffisaient plus», dit-il. «Satisfaire les besoins de la clientèle dans cet espace était de plus en plus difficile. Nous avons maintenant un aménagement hautement efficace, conçu pour répondre à nos plans actuels et futurs axés sur la croissance de l’entreprise.» En plus de la salle d’exposition et des aires de service, les deux étages du magasin de Brossard comprennent l’entreposage des stocks et des aires de formation. À Saint-Laurent, le magasin dirigé par Victor Carlos comprend plusieurs postes de service et de lavage, munis de systèmes d’évacuation et de l’outillage permettant de faire l’entretien de la flotte d’équipements du centre de location aussi bien que des équipements de la clientèle. «Ces installations seront très utiles pour les clients de Location SMS», explique Nicolas Gagnon. «Les clients peuvent nous laisser leurs équipements pour l’entretien et les réparations, puis retourner travailler sur leurs chantiers avec de l’équipement de location jusqu’à ce que l’entretien soit terminé. Nous sommes très fiers de nos techniciens en équipement. Vous connaissez l’utilisation qui est faite des équipements de location – nos techniciens ont eu toutes les expériences possibles! Ils savent trouver la cause des problèmes et remettre rapidement l’équipement en état de reprendre le travail.» L’acquisition de ces deux nouveaux magasins est une importante étape dans la planification à long terme de Location SMS. Marcel Langlois, le président, considère ces acquisitions comme le point de départ d’un réseau de centres de location dans la région. «Ces deux installations ont ce qu’il faut pour servir de carrefours pour des services supplémentaires de vente et de location pouvant rejoindre un marché régional élargi. Ces magasins représentent vraiment la vision de comptoir unique que nous avons toujours eue pour Location SMS : en un même endroit, tous les équipements, les outils, les fournitures, et en plus les ressources d’experts en soutien technique et en formation. Nos plans étaient en place et notre équipe du Québec était prête à emménager de manière efficace lorsque les occasions se sont présentées d’occuper ces nouveaux emplacements.»
Dessau fait l’acquisition d’EnerSolutions Le président et chef de la direction de Dessau, Jean-Pierre Sauriol, est fier d’annoncer l’acquisition d’EnerSolutions, une entreprise montréalaise de génie-conseil en ingénierie électrique. Les employés d’EnerSolutions seront intégrés à l’équipe Énergie de Dessau. Fondée en 2005, EnerSolutions est une entreprise de génie-conseil offrant des services d’ingénierie électrique complets ainsi que des solutions clés en main pour les secteurs de la génération, du transport et de la distribution de l’énergie ainsi que le secteur industriel. Son expertise technique se démarque au niveau des systèmes électriques de puissance pour des applications de 600 V à 230 kV.
Agrandissement pour la succursale de Québec de DDACE Systèmes de puissance DDACE Systèmes de puissance (anciennement Detroit Diesel-Allison Canada Est) est fière d’annoncer l’agrandissement récent de sa succursale de Québec. Quatre nouvelles baies de travail, entièrement équipées à la fine pointe de la technologie, ont été ajoutées afin de mieux servir sa clientèle à la hauteur de son engagement de service Top NiveauMC de DDACE. Ces travaux majeurs, de l’ordre de 500 000 $ consistent en l’ajout de quatre portes à l’intention du service des véhicules lourds routiers. «Ces travaux nous permettent d’améliorer notre service, toujours effectué par nos experts selon la promesse de notre réseau nord-américain Wheeltime™, soit établir un diagnostic en moins de 2 h, produire un estimé précis des travaux à réaliser et finalement communiquer avec le client en moins de 30 min dès la fin des travaux», précise Philippe Cusson, directeur régional. Stratégiquement située sur l’avenue Watt dans le parc industriel Colbert, la succursale dessert la région de Québec ainsi que tout le territoire de la province à l’est de Québec. DDACE est spécialisée dans les pièces, le service et la vente des moteurs diesels Detroit Diesel, Mercedes ainsi que les transmissions Allison.
SNC-Lavalin Nucléaire obtient un important contrat de remplacement de générateurs de vapeur aux États-Unis SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer que SNC-Lavalin Nucléaire (É.-U.) a conclu, avec la Xcel Energy, un contrat pour le remplacement des générateurs de vapeur de la tranche no 2 de la centrale nucléaire Prairie Island (PINGP en anglais), situé à Welch, au Minnesota. SNC-Lavalin Nucléaire avait auparavant réalisé une étude pour le retrait des générateurs de vapeur de PINGP, laquelle englobait des mesures effectuées à l’aide d’un laser, des analyses spatiales et une modélisation 3D permettant de dégager la méthode optimale pour ce faire, assortie d’une simulation visuelle graphique évoluée, générée par ordinateur. Les générateurs de vapeur d’origine de la tranche no 2, en service depuis 1974, doivent être retirés du bâtiment réacteur et remplacés par des générateurs de capacité accrue, dès les approbations gouvernementales reçues pour la prorogation de la licence et l’augmentation de la capacité de génération, et les questions connexes réglées. Dans le cadre de ce projet de remplacement des générateurs de vapeur, SNC-Lavalin Nucléaire (É.-U.) doit fournir les services de conception, d’ingénierie, de fabrication, d’installation et de construction du matériel et des marchandises nécessaires, y compris l’isolation, les modifications à la structure et à la tuyauterie, l’instrumentation et les contrôles, et les systèmes électriques. Les activités d’ingénierie et d’approvisionnement ont débuté, ainsi que la préparation pour les travaux à réaliser au cours du prochain arrêt de la tranche en 2011. Le remplacement des générateurs de vapeur proprement dit se fera pendant la période d’arrêt prévue pour la fin de 2013.
SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat pour un projet de minerai de fer en Mauritanie SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’elle a conclu, avec la Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM), un contrat en vertu duquel elle fournira des services d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de gestion de la construction (IAGC) dans le cadre d’un projet de concentrateur de minerai de fer près de Zouérate, en Mauritanie. Ce projet de minerai de fer Guelb II se situe sur un site contigu à celui de l’exploitation existante de minerai de fer de la SNIM dans la région et l’on s’attend à ce qu’il augmente de 4 millions de tonnes par année la production de concentré de minerai de fer. Le coût total en capitaux des nouvelles installations s’élève à environ 670 millions $. Le gouvernement de la Mauritanie détient environ 78% de SNIM, le reste étant détenu par divers organismes et autres investisseurs privés. SNIM a produit près de 11 millions t de minerai de fer en 2008. «Nous sommes très heureux de l’occasion qui nous est donnée de travailler de nouveau avec SNIM pour continuer à renforcer nos bonnes relations et miser sur le savoir-faire de SNC-Lavalin en matière de minerai de fer et de réalisation de projets comportant des défis logistiques, a déclaré Feroz Ashraf, vice-président directeur, SNC-Lavalin. Ce projet est un élément clé de la stratégie d’expansion de la SNIM dans le secteur du minerai de fer et il offrira d’autres perspectives à la population locale.» Les activités d’ingénierie et d’approvisionnement sont commencées, et les travaux de construction devraient débuter en 2010, pour s’achever au début de 2013.
SNC-Lavalin fait l’acquisition d’une société de génie-conseil au Brésil SNC-Lavalin a fait l’acquisition de Marte Engenharia Ltda., une entreprise de génie-conseil chef de file au Brésil, d’un effectif d’environ 1000 personnes. Cette société sert l’industrie de l’énergie du Brésil et de l’Amérique latine en offrant un savoir-faire particulier en conception de lignes de transport à haute tension et de postes électriques. Fondée il y a plus de 20 ans, cette société est renommée pour livrer des études et des services d’ingénierie, inspection, construction, supervision et entretien à des sociétés publiques d’électricité, des producteurs d’hydroélectricité et d’énergie nucléaire, et à des entreprises commerciales du secteur privé.
SNC-Lavalin se voit confier un contrat pour l'agrandissement d'une usine de potasse en Saskatchewan SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d'annoncer qu'elle s'est vu octroyer par Agrium un contrat en coentreprise avec PCL Industrial Management Inc. (PCL) pour la prestation de services d'ingénierie, d'approvisionnement et de construction (IAC) dans le cadre du projet Vault à Vanscoy, en Saskatchewan. Le contrat de services d'IAC à coûts remboursables sera exécuté en plusieurs phases. Les travaux, qui débutent immédiatement, devraient s'achever en 2014. Le mandat comprend l'agrandissement de la mine de potasse souterraine existante d'Agrium à Vanscoy, un treuil de production, un concentrateur et des infrastructures, qui permettront de faire passer la capacité de production à 2,8 Mt/a. Les infrastructures comportent un poste de 132 kV, une zone de gestion des résidus et un embranchement ferroviaire. "SNC-Lavalin doit l'obtention de ce contrat à ses fortes compétences en réalisation et en gestion de grands projets, ainsi qu'à son savoir-faire remarquable dans le domaine des projets de potasse, a déclaré Feroz Ashraf, vice-président directeur, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. Nous avons mené à bien d'autres projets avec PCL et nous envisageons avec plaisir de collaborer avec eux, et avec Agrium, à ce nouveau projet.
Schokbeton obtient un contrat pour le parachèvement du tronçon ouest de l’autoroute 30 Schokbeton assurera la fabrication, le transport et l’installation des poutres de béton de 20 structures qui seront érigées sur le tronçon ouest de l’autoroute 30, sur la rive-sud de Montréal (entre Candiac et Vaudreuil-Dorion). «Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de participer à la réalisation de ce grand projet qu’est le parachèvement de la plus importante voie d’accès de la rive-sud de Montréal. L’obtention de ce contrat confirme une fois de plus que Schokbeton détient toute l’expertise, la technologie et le professionnalisme nécessaires pour assurer avec succès la réalisation de mégaprojets d’infrastructures routières», d’indiquer Benoit Fradet, vice-président, Schokbeton. Au total, Schokbeton assurera la fabrication, le transport et l’installation des 902 poutres de béton nécessaires pour l’érection de 20 ponts prévus sur le tronçon ouest, entre Candiac et Vaudreuil-Dorion, dont les deux plus importants ponts, soit celui situé au-dessus du fleuve Saint-Laurent et celui situé au-dessus du canal de Beauharnois. Ceux-ci requièrent les 2/3 de la commande, soit 670 poutres. À titre informatif, le type de poutre privilégié est la NEBT (New England Bulb-Tee) qui a 2 m de hauteur par 45 m de longueur. La réalisation du contrat permet non seulement à Schokbeton d’offrir un magnifique défi à relever pour l’ensemble de ses employés actuels, mais également d’ouvrir une vingtaine de postes supplémentaires pour toute la durée du contrat, soit de la fin 2009 jusqu’à la réalisation complète du contrat prévue en 2012.
AES annonce l’exploitation commerciale d’une centrale électrique au Cameroun AES Corporation annonçait récemment que sa filiale à participation majoritaire Kribi Power Development Company avait mis en service la centrale électrique de Dibamba d’une puissance de 86 MW au Cameroun. L’installation de Dibamba utilisera du fuel lourd et vendra l’électricité dans le cadre d’un contrat d’achat ferme d’une durée de 20 ans avec AES SONEL, la société camerounaise d’électricité. AES a mis le pied au Cameroun en 2001 à travers la privatisation de SONEL, le plus important producteur d’électricité au Cameroun. Avec l’ajout de l’installation de Dibamba, les filiales d’AES au Cameroun gèrent à présent une capacité installée de 1017 MW, la majeure partie étant d’origine hydro-électrique. La centrale thermique de Dibamba aidera à diversifier le portefeuille d’énergies du pays en fournissant une source importante d’électricité en période de consommation de pointe. En 2009, AES a mis en service 890 MW de capacité de production au Chili, en Chine, en France, en Jordanie et en Irlande du Nord en utilisant des sources d’énergie thermiques et renouvelables. AES a également des projets en cours de construction en Bulgarie, au Chili, en Chine, en France, en Grèce, au Panama, en Écosse, en Turquie et aux États-Unis.
Technip remporte un contrat en Australie Technip a remporté auprès de Chevron Australia Pty Ltd, un contrat d’ingénierie d’avant-projet détaillé pour la plate-forme en mer de traitement de gaz associée au projet Wheatstone en Australie. La partie amont du projet comprend les champs de gaz WA-17-R et WA-253-P situés sur le plateau continental au nord-ouest de l’Australie occidentale par une profondeur d’eau allant de 70 à 200 m. La production sera transportée jusqu’à la plate-forme de traitement où le gaz à condensats sera déshydraté, asséché, comprimé et exporté, à travers un pipeline de 200 km de long, vers l’usine de gaz situé à Ashburton North, à 12 km à l’ouest d’Onslow, sur la côte du Pilbara en Australie occidentale. Les centres opérationnels de Technip à Perth, Kuala Lumpur, Houston et Paris participeront à la réalisation de ce contrat, dont la finalisation est prévue pour la fin 2010. La mission de Technip comprend la sélection de la configuration offshore la mieux adaptée et le développement de toute l’ingénierie de base du concept retenu, y compris la compréhension du comportement des fluides dans les flowlines et les pipelines. Les parties utiles en surface de cette plate-forme compteront parmi les plus importants ponts intégrés installés par flottage au monde. L’expertise de Technip dans la construction et l’installation de grandes parties utiles en surface dans un environnement en mer est un atout certain pour le projet Wheatstone, compte tenu de la taille et du poids des topsides de la plate-forme et des contraintes climatiques saisonnières de la région.
Groupe Canam achète une participation du fabricant américain FabSouth Groupe Canam inc., spécialisé dans la conception et la fabrication de produits et solutions de construction, annonce avoir complété l’achat d’une participation de 15% du fabricant de charpente métallique FabSouth et de ses filiales FabSouth LLC ainsi que de FS Real Estate Holdings LLC. Cette transaction a été conclue avec une société contrôlée par le président du conseil et chef de la direction de Groupe Canam, Marcel Dutil. Les administrateurs indépendants du conseil d’administration de Groupe Canam ont revu et approuvé les modalités de la transaction, concluant qu’elle s’effectuait à une juste valeur pour Groupe Canam. FabSouth est un des plus importants fabricants et monteurs de produits de charpente métallique exploitant cinq usines situées dans les États de la Floride, de la Caroline du Nord et de la Géorgie. Cette prise de participation permet à Groupe Canam de s’associer directement à une entreprise reconnue dans le sud-est des États-Unis et dont les activités s’apparentent à celles existantes de Groupe Canam.
Aecon obtient du MTO un contrat de 25 M$ pour l'élargissement de la route 7 Groupe Aecon Inc. annonçait récemmenti que le ministère des Transports de l'Ontario (MTO) a octroyé à son secteur des infrastructures un contrat de 25,8 M$ portant sur l'élargissement de la route 7 près d'Ottawa, en Ontario. En vertu de ce contrat, la division Aecon Construction and Materials (ACML) collaborera étroitement avec The Karson Group, filiale en propriété exclusive d'Aecon, pour l'élargissement de la route 7, qui passera de deux à quatre voies sur un tronçon de cinq kilomètres, juste à l'ouest de la route 15, en direction de l'échangeur de l'autoroute 417. Dans le cadre de ce projet, Aecon construira un nouvel échangeur et sept ponceaux en béton, procédera à la réfection du pont actuel et à des améliorations mineures de la signalisation. Les travaux devraient prendre fin en septembre 2011. "Ce projet démontre la capacité d'Aecon d'offrir une vaste gamme de services en matière de projets d'infrastructure", a déclaré Teri McKibbon, chef de la direction, Groupe Aecon Infrastructure. "Le MTO est un client estimé d'Aecon et nos équipes d'ACML et de Karson sont heureuses d'unir leurs efforts pour mener à bien ce projet." Aecon a récemment annoncé l'octroi d'un autre contrat du MTO de 58 millions $ portant sur l'élargissement de la route 69 près d'Estaire, en Ontario.
Industry News New Quebec Branch for Genrep Denis Gougeon, branch manager of Genrep Ltd., is pleased to announce the relocation of the Montreal branch. The new branch, inaugurated on February 1st, 2010, is located at 912 Berlier Street, in Laval. This new branch is part of the expansion plan established by Genrep Ltd., as it continues to grow and prosper across Canada. Genrep Ltd. is a leading assembler, supplier and service provider of Power Generation and a distributor of Industrial Engine products and services in the Canadian industrial and commercial markets.
Total Acquires Ultramar’s Lubricant Business Total Lubricants Canada (Total) and Ultramar Ltd. (Ultramar) announced today that Total has acquired Ultramar’s lubricants business and that the two companies have signed a partnership under which Total branded lubricants will be sold throughout the Ultramar Network. This alliance will allow Ultramar customers to benefit from Total’s full line of technologically advanced automotive and industrial products, which include synthetic, fuel efficient and biodegradable lubricants. Total will be Ultramar’s lubricants partner and, consequently, Ultramar’s company-operated stations will be offering Total lubricants to their customers. Ultramar will also recommend Total lubricants to its business partners. “With this new partnership, Total continues its development plan in Canada and North America. We are convinced that our technology will provide real added value to our mutual customers in the automotive and industrial sectors and we are looking forward to pursuing our development together in Canada”, Olivier Goutal, President of Total Lubricants Canada, said of the partnership. Total operates a blending plant in Montreal with a capacity of 35,000 tons, which was built in 2000 and is certified ISO 9001. The company employs 54 persons in its offices and plants in Montreal, Quebec, Toronto and Calgary. Jean Bernier, President of Ultramar Ltd. said: “We are pleased with this new partnership with Total which gives our customers access to an internationally recognized brand in this highly specialized lubricants business, while assuring very competitive services”.
New Stores Give SMS Rents a Larger Presence in Montreal and Surrounding Regio SMS Rents has been taking giant strides to establish a larger footprint in the Montreal region. Two stores operated by SMS Rents in the west end of Montreal and the South Shore region, recently relocated to new and significantly larger premises. The store previously located in St. Bruno has moved to a newly constructed 875 m2 facility in Brossard. The former Dorval location of SMS Rents has become one of the company’s largest equipment rental facilities, totaling 1765 m2, and is now located in Saint-Laurent. According to Nicolas Gagnon, the SMS Rents Regional Manager in Quebec, both locations offer the company much more than additional floor and yard space. “These locations will help us to better serve our growing customer base in the area,” he claims. “Both stores are highly visible on major traffic routes. They make us more accessible to customers who are coming into the store for supplies and equipment; they also give our delivery drivers quicker access to the main roads and out to the customers’ jobsites.” The new SMS Rents store in Brossard, managed by Marc Dubé, was built to suit the SMS Rents’ rental operation. Gagnon is very pleased with the result. “We simply outgrew our old location,” he says. “Fitting our needs into the available space was increasingly difficult. Now we have a highly efficient layout, designed to meet our current and future plans to grow the business.” Along with the showroom and service areas, the two-storey Brossard building provides for additional inventory storage and training areas. In Saint-Laurent, the store managed by Victor Carlos, now boasts several new service bays and wash bays, fully equipped with exhaust systems and tools to service the store’s rental fleet, as well as customers’ equipment. “This will be a very useful facility for SMS Rents’ customers,” Gagnon explains. “Customers can bring in their own equipment for maintenance and repairs, and take away a rental unit to work on their project until the service work is completed. We’re very proud of our equipment technicians here. You know the kind of use that a rental fleet gets - our crew has seen it all! They really know how to troubleshoot quickly and get the equipment back to work.” Acquiring the two new stores is an important step forward in the long range plans of SMS Rents. President Marcel Langlois sees them as the base for an expanding network of rental stores in the region. “These stores have the facilities to operate as support hubs for additional sales and service locations reaching a broader regional market. They truly reflect the one-stop vision we have always had for SMS Rents, with equipment, tools and supplies, as well as being an expert resource for technical support and training. With our plan in place, our Quebec team was ready to move effectively when the opportunities appeared for us to take on these locations.”
Schwing Goes OnLine with Parts In an effort to better service the needs of its growing customer base, Schwing America has announced the launch of its online parts system, At, customers have direct access to more than 2000 genuine Schwing parts on line. An easily navigated home page combined with photos, descriptions, and part numbers makes on line parts ordering hassle-free. The shipping matrix allows customers to order parts and ship them to multiple locations.The order tracking system provides real time updates on current parts orders. Schwing’s on line system includes parts for their complete line of boom pumps, separate placing booms, stationary pumps, truck mixers, and batch plants. Schwing also has available call center consultants to help customers in the initial stages of their on line purchases.
Dessau Acquires EnerSolutions Dessau's President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jean-Pierre Sauriol, is proud to announce the acquisition of EnerSolutions, a Montreal-based consulting engineering firm specializing in electrical engineering. The employees of EnerSolutions will join Dessau's Energy team. Founded in 2005, EnerSolutions is a consulting engineering firm offering a full range of electrical engineering services, including turnkey solutions for the power generation, transmission and distribution sectors and for industry. It specializes in power system applications.
SNC-Lavalin Nuclear (USA) Awarded Major Contract for Steam Generator Replacement in USA SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that SNC-Lavalin Nuclear (USA) has signed a contract with Xcel Energy to replace the Unit #2 steam generators at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP), located at Welch, Minnesota. Previously SNC-Lavalin Nuclear had carried out the steam generator removal study for PINGP which included laser measurements, spatial analysis and 3-D modeling to provide the optimum steam generator removal methodology, complete with advance visual computer-generated graphics simulation. The original Unit #2 steam generators, which have been in service since 1974, are to be removed from the reactor building and replaced with new larger capacity ones, pending government approvals of proposed license extension and generation capacity expansion and related issues. In connection with the replacement of the steam generators, SNC-Lavalin Nuclear (USA) shall provide the services for design, engineering, manufacture, installation and construction of the necessary equipment and goods, including insulation, structural and piping modifications, instrumentation and controls and electrical systems. "We are very pleased to be working again with the staff of Xcel Energy and PINGP, and to have this opportunity to continue building on our strong relationship, as well as leveraging SNC-Lavalin Nuclear's expertise in steam generator replacements and in executing projects with challenging logistics," said Patrick Lamarre, president, SNC-Lavalin Nuclear (USA) and executive vice president SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "This project will also bring further opportunities in the US nuclear market for SNC-Lavalin Nuclear to build on its 43 years of nuclear experience." "This contract is indicative of SNC-Lavalin's growing market share in the nuclear power sector and its ability to work with various nuclear technologies," said Ron Moleschi, vice president of SNC-Lavalin's Nuclear Division leading the project. "It also further demonstrates our proven capabilities in executing projects in the US."
SNC-Lavalin Awarded Contract for Iron Ore Project in Mauritania SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that it has signed a contract with Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM) to provide engineering, procurement and construction management services (EPCM) for an iron ore concentrator project near Zouerate, Mauritania. The Guelb II Iron Ore Project is adjacent to SNIM's existing iron ore operations in the region, and is expected to contribute an additional four million tonnes of iron ore concentrate annually. The total capital investment for the new facilities is estimated at US$630 million. "We are very pleased to be working with SNIM again, and to have this opportunity to continue building on our strong relationship, and to leverage SNC-Lavalin's expertise in iron ore and in executing projects with challenging logistics," said Feroz Ashraf, Executive Vice-President, SNC-Lavalin. "This project is a key element to SNIM's expansion strategy in the iron ore sector and will bring further opportunities to the local community." Engineering and procurement activities have begun, and construction is scheduled to begin in 2010 with an expected completion date in early 2013. "This contract is indicative of SNC-Lavalin's growing market share in the iron ore sector and further demonstrates our proven capabilities in executing projects in French-speaking Africa," said Luc Bélanger, Vice-President of SNC-Lavalin's Montreal-based Mining & Metallurgy division leading the project.
SNC-Lavalin Aquires Engineering Firm in Brazil SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce the acquisition of Marte Engenharia Ltda., a leading Brazilian engineering firm with approximately 1000 employees. The firm serves the power industry in Brazil and Latin America, with particular expertise in the design of high voltage transmission lines and electrical substations. The firm was founded more than 20 years ago, and is well known for delivering studies, engineering, inspection, construction supervision and maintenance services to electric utilities, hydro and nuclear generators, and private companies. "We are very pleased to welcome Marte to the team," said Cindy Andrew, senior vice president and general manager of SNC-Lavalin's Transmission & Distribution division. "With the additional expertise of our Brazilian personnel, we have further strengthened our team of transmission and distribution experts, and our position in Brazil's strong and growing economy. We look forward to continuing to deliver major transmission line and substation projects worldwide." "This is an exciting day for Marte and its employees," said Eduardo Villas, who will become superintendant director of SNC-Lavalin Marte. "By joining SNC-Lavalin we offer our clients the best of our local expertise, combined with the worldwide experience and project excellence for which SNC-Lavalin is known. In addition, we can provide career development and growth opportunities for all Marte staff." Patrick Lamarre, executive vice president responsible for SNC-Lavalin's global power operations, said, "This acquisition complements and reinforces our world class technical expertise in the power industry. With this addition, we are well positioned to serve the South American power industry and to expand our role in Brazil's booming economy."
SNC-Lavalin Awarded Contract for Potash Process Plant Expansion in Saskatchewan SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that, in joint venture with PCL Industrial Management Inc. (PCL), it has been awarded a contract by Agrium to provide engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services for the Vault Potash Project in Vanscoy, Saskatchewan. The reimbursable EPC contract will be completed in several phases. Work will begin immediately and is scheduled for completion in 2014. The work involves the expansion of Agrium’s existing Vanscoy underground potash mine, production hoist, concentrator and infrastructure to increase the production capacity to 2,8 million t/y. The infrastructure includes a 132 kV substation, a tailings management area and a rail spur. “This contract award attests to SNC-Lavalin’s strength in executing and managing large projects, and its commendable expertise in potash projects,” said Feroz Ashraf, executive vice president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. “We have completed other successful projects with PCL, and we are looking forward to working with them again, and with Agrium, on this one.”
Hilti Raises the Bar with the New Hilti Online Hilti’s newly renovated Hilti Online features a fresh, user-friendly design, bringing modern, faster, and easier online shopping to construction professionals. Following nearly two years of development, with input from 20 000 customers worldwide, the new Hilti Online went live in Canada ( on December 14, 2009. Hilti customers appreciate the convenience as well as the transparency of ordering Hilti products online. The new site also makes it simple for customers to manage their Hilti Fleet Management tools as well as doing business online with Hilti using their own, company-specific pricing. The new Hilti Online is a true renovation from the ground floor up, utilizing the latest in leading-edge hardware and software. Hilti incorporated a new search engine powered by Google, making searches more relevant. Hilti director of E-Business, Philip Robins, states, “The improvements to Hilti Online were based upon direct customer feedback. This allowed us to deliver a high-quality user experience consistent with what our customer’s expect from Hilti.” Hilti Western Hemisphere president and CEO, Cary Evert agreed, saying, “We are excited to launch the renovated Hilti Online for our customers and believe they will find it even more valuable than before.” Hilti E-Business and IT development group partnered with several leading industry providers for the Hilti Online renovation: the design phase partner is Crealogix Interactive Business, a leading supplier of E-Business solutions; the front-end software solution and development is BroadVision, a global provider of personalized self-service web applications; and for the integrated search solution, Hilti utilized the Google Search Appliance. The new Hilti Online will continue to roll out to all Hilti market organizations worldwide, with a completion date of April 2010.
AES Announces Commercial Operation of 86 MW Power Plant in Cameroon The AES Corporation recently announced that its majority owned subsidiary, Kribi Power Development Company, has commissioned the 86 MW Dibamba power plant in Cameroon. The Dibamba facility will use heavy fuel oil and will sell power under a 20-year tolling agreement with AES SONEL, Cameroon’s integrated utility. Andrew Vesey, AES Executive Vice President and President for Latin America and Africa said, “The Dibamba project underscores AES’ commitment to provide affordable and sustainable power to the Cameroonian people. A strong energy sector is essential to Cameroon’s continued economic development and we are pleased with the progress we’ve made with our local partners to improve power generation and distribution.” AES entered Cameroon in 2001 through the privatization of SONEL, the largest power provider in Cameroon. With the addition of the 86 MW Dibamba facility, AES subsidiaries in Cameroon operate 1,017 MW of installed capacity, the majority of which is hydropower. The Dibamba thermal plant will help diversify the country’s fuel portfolio by providing an important source of peaking power. In 2009, AES brought more than 890 MW on-line in Chile, China, France, Jordan and Northern Ireland using thermal and renewable energy sources. AES also has projects in construction in Bulgaria, Chile, China, France, Greece, Panama, Scotland, Turkey and the United States.
Technip Awarded Contract for the Wheatstone Project Processing Platform in Australia Technip has been awarded, by Chevron Australia Pty Ltd, a front end engineering design (FEED) contract for the offshore processing platform associated with the Wheatstone Project in Australia. The upstream (offshore) portion of the project comprises development of gas fields in the WA-17-R and WA-253-P petroleum titles located on the Northwest Shelf offshore Western Australia at water depths of 70 to 200 m. Subsea gas gathering systems will transport production to the processing platform where the gas and condensate will be respectively dehydrated, dewatered, compressed and exported through a 200 km export pipeline to the onshore gas plant located at Ashburton North, 12 km west of Onslow, on the Pilbara coast of mainland Western Australia. Technip’s operating centers in Perth, Kuala Lumpur, Houston and Paris will participate in the execution of the contract, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2010. The work involves selection of the optimum offshore configuration and development of the full FEED for the selected concept, including flow assurance of the associated flowlines (1) and pipelines. The platform topsides is anticipated to be one of the world’s largest single integrated floatover installations. Technip's expertise in the construction and installation of heavy topsides in offshore environments is especially suited to the Wheatstone project, given the size and weight of the platform topsides and the seasonal weather constraints in the region.
Canam Group Acquires a 15% Interest in American Structural Steel Fabricator FabSouth Construction products fabricator Canam Group Inc. announced today that it has completed the acquisition of a 15% interest in structural steel fabricator FabSouth and its subsidiaries FabSouth, LLC and FS Real Estate Holdings, LLC for US$11.25 million. The transaction price is subject to an adjustment based on the working capital as at December 31, 2009. This transaction was concluded with a company controlled by Canam Group chairman of the board and CEO Marcel Dutil. The independent directors of Canam Group's board of directors reviewed and approved the terms and conditions of the transaction and concluded that Canam Group had obtained fair value. FabSouth is one of the most important fabricators and erectors of structural steel products in the United States. It operates five plants in Florida, North Carolina and Georgia. This 15% stake in FabSouth will allow Canam Group to be directly involved in a renowned company whose activities are similar to those of Canam Group.
Aecon awarded MTO contract to expand Highway 7 Aecon Group Inc. announced recently that its Infrastructure Division has been awarded a $25.8 million contract by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to expand Highway 7 near Ottawa, Ontario. Under the contract, Aecon Construction and Materials (ACML) will work closely with Aecon’s wholly-owned subsidiary, The Karson Group, to widen Highway 7 from two lanes to four lanes for a 5 km stretch, from just west of Highway 15 to the Highway 417 interchange. For the project, Aecon will construct a new interchange and seven concrete culverts, rehabilitate an existing bridge, as well as perform minor signage upgrades. Work on the project is scheduled to be completed in September of 2011. “The project demonstrates Aecon’s ability to bring a full suite of services to infrastructure projects,” said Teri McKibbon, CEO of Aecon’s Infrastructure Group. “MTO is a valued, Aecon customer and both the ACML and Karson teams look forward to working on this project together.”
AECOM awarded contract for Edmonton’s Light Rail Transit extension AECOM Technology Corporation announced recently that it was awarded a $20-million contract to provide program management services for the City of Edmonton’s Light Rail Transit (LRT) extension from downtown Edmonton to the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. The project’s total construction value is approximately $700 million. The company will provide program management and design services for Phase 1 of the 3 km extension that will branch off the existing underground LRT with approximately 700 m of tunnel section with the remaining distance on the surface. Three new LRT stations will be built at major health care and educational institution destination points. “We are pleased to have the opportunity to work on this important infrastructure project,” said John M. Dionisio, AECOM president and CEO. “We are proud to support the city’s efforts to improve accessibility for its citizens and visitors.”
Burnaby School District Installs Carmanah Solar Technology Burnaby School District (no. 41) is outfitting two newly-constructed school buildings with rooftop solar power systems from Carmanah Technologies Corporation in an effort to meet sustainability objectives. The decision to install the photovoltaic array will bring the school district closer to realizing LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for both buildings. LEED certification is a distinction given to buildings and facilities that meet a set of environmentally sustainable standards in construction for which the installation of alternative energy options and eco-friendly infrastructure is a requirement. According to Burnaby School District Facility Services director, Phil Shepherd, the benefits of the Carmanah grid-tied photovoltaic systems are expected to go beyond building certification and a reduced monthly electrical bill. “The arrays will not only act as a utility source, but also as an instructional tool for our students. Along with other components such as a demonstration green roof, storm water management, high-efficiency heating plant, and digital environmental controls, they will be viewed and shared by our students and the communities.” Performance-monitoring will be included in the installation with the intention of integrating study of the solar system’s function and performance with the school’s curriculum. Once completed, the Brantford Elementary site located in Central Burnaby and the UniverCity Elementary site located at Simon Fraser University, both in British Columbia, will be equipped with 18 kW and 13 kW roof-top solar array respectively, with combined electricity production estimated at 33 000 kWh of energy per year. The Simon Fraser location will be the first LEED Gold retrofit-certified school site in British Columbia. The new solar arrays will be installed during the spring and summer of 2010, and are expected to be fully operational in time for schools to reopen in September of that year.
Alstom Launches ALSPA® Series 6 in North America Alstom’s Energy Management Business (EMB), which provides integrated automation and control solutions for efficient and flexible energy management and infrastructure, announced recently that it is offering its ALSPA® Series 6 solution to customers in the North American energy market. North American energy stakeholders are exposed to the challenges of a new and demanding energy environment that includes a rapidly increasing proportion of variable renewable energy, increasing demand for flexibility, complexity of distribution, and need for real-time information across the energy chain. ALSPA Series 6 end-to-end infrastructure fosters inter-operability between all energy players (IPPs, ISOs, RTOs, electric power generation companies, etc.), integrating power plant Distributed Control System (DCS) and automation technology to the smart grid—from power generation to demand entities such as “energy-positive buildings” (i.e., buildings that create more energy than they use). Designed for all types of power plants—hydro, coal, gas, nuclear, wind and solar—ALSPA Series 6 provides all the necessary software applications, IT control layers, equipment and services that power providers and service operators require. Such a comprehensive product offering allows energy providers to integrate operation, management, maintenance, automation, and safety functions.
ALL Erection & Crane Rental Introduces 3D Lift-Planning Tool ALL Erection & Crane Rental Corp. introduces the newest in its arsenal of lift-planning tools, increasing safety and improving productivity at the same time. The 3D Lift Plan Internet-based application, developed by A1A Software, is a true 3D lift-planning and crane selection application that will be available on all onboard crane computers in the ALL fleet. The accurate and precise 3D application allows the planning of complex, multiple-crane lifts, even including tower cranes. With the increased ability to calculate and view every detail, ALL’s lift-planning experts can find the most economical crane and rigging configurations for a specific pick, plan around obstructions on a jobsite, and view the site from all angles, saving time and increasing efficiency on the job. Most importantly, thorough lift planning improves lift safety by improving foresight and real-time lift accuracy. Lift-planning service is free to ALL customers. Because planning a lift is so important, ALL’s experienced sales staff, operators, drivers, and service technicians stand ready 24 hours a day to provide assistance.
Merryman Excavation Partners with BID2WIN Software Woodstock, Illinois-based construction firm Merryman Excavation has recently partnered with BID2WIN Software Inc. to standardize their estimating, bidding and field tracking. Merryman Excavation is dedicated to completing projects within budget and ahead of schedule – so when it came time to invest in new estimating, bidding and field tracking software, the company knew that they needed to find a solution that would meet their high standards. “We chose to partner with BID2WIN Software because we believe that standardization is the key to efficiency. BID2WIN and BUILD2WIN are built on all Microsoft standards, with the most important being SQL Server,” explains Tim Foerster, IT manager at Merryman Excavation. Merryman Excavation was also particularly interested in BUILD2WIN’s browser-based interface, having previously used a custom field tracking program which had to be installed locally on all machines. As the first browser-based solution of its kind, BUILD2WIN eliminates the logistical headaches that come with a locally installed program – such as foremen having to bring their laptops into the office each time the software needed to be updated. Unlike competitive systems, BUILD2WIN requires no “transfer” or “synchronization” of information to and from the field, and no installation or maintenance of software on field computers.
Terex Agrees to Sell Mining Business to Bucyrus Terex Corporation recently announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to sell its mining business to Bucyrus International Inc., for $1,3 billion in cash. The products to be divested by Terex in the transaction include hydraulic mining excavators, electric drive mining trucks, track and rotary blasthole drills, and the highwall miner, as well as the related parts and aftermarket service businesses, including the company-owned distribution locations. The transaction, which is subject to customary regulatory approvals, is expected to close in the first quarter of 2010. “This transaction accelerates the transformation of Terex Corporation as we move from a Construction and Mining Equipment Company to a Machinery and Industrial Products business,” said Ronald M. DeFeo, Terex chairman and CEO. “Going forward, we will focus on products and services where we can maintain and build superior customer propositions with high returns on capital for our owners.” Mr. DeFeo emphasized: “The sale of Mining to Bucyrus is good for customers, team members and shareholders. It is a classic proposition that strengthens the mining business for its customers and team members. For Terex, the attractive cash offer provides us excellent financial flexibility, as our cash balance will substantially equal our outstanding indebtedness. The approximately $1 billion of after-tax proceeds will allow Terex to invest in its current, high return-on-capital businesses, or to look to add new, well positioned niche manufacturers with strong market presence to the company’s portfolio. Mr. DeFeo continued, “Mining is a highly capital intensive business. It would take us years to build the infrastructure to service and support new equipment sales in many of the key mining markets around the world where Bucyrus already has significant presence. We are confident that both companies’ stakeholders will benefit from the transaction, with our mining customers being the ultimate beneficiaries. The journey to make this a great business will accelerate under the leadership of Bucyrus, which has a historically strong presence in surface mining with its rope shovel and dragline products.”
Atlas Copco to Acquire Quincy Compressor Atlas Copco has agreed to acquire Quincy Compressor from EnPro Industries, Inc. The acquisition supports Atlas Copco’s profitable growth in North America and China, adding a strong brand and an extensive distributor network. The acquisition is subject to regulatory approvals. Quincy Compressor designs and manufactures reciprocating compressors, rotary screw compressors and vacuum pumps, primarily under the Quincy brand. Atlas Copco plans to further develop the Quincy brand independently, in line with the Atlas Copco Group’s well established brand portfolio strategy. Quincy was founded in the 1920s and is headquartered in Bay Minette, Alabama. It has manufacturing facilities in the United States and China. The products are sold through a network of independent distributors and agents. More than three quarters of the sales are in the United States. The acquisition is carried out by Fulcrum Acquisition LLC, a subsidiary of Atlas Copco North America LLC, and Atlas Copco (China) Investment Company Ltd., buying Quincy from EnPro’s subsidiary Coltec Industries, Inc. The company expects the transaction to close in the first quarter of 2010. Fulcrum will change its name to Quincy Compressor LLC once the acquisition is completed.
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