Rolls-Royce Celebrates 25 Years of Excellence with Its mtu Series 2000 and Series 4000
With more than 100,000 engines sold, and with over 320 million operating hours under their belts, Rolls-Royce’s mtu Series 2000 and Series 4000 engines are a real success story. Rolls-Royce is now celebrating the 25th anniversary of these engines which have been setting new standards in their class. Rolls-Royce Power Systems has already shipped 52,000 Series 4000 and over 65,000 Series 2000 engines, which are used all over the world in mobile and stationary applications and impress customers with their reliability, efficiency and ever-decreasing fuel consumption and emissions. When MTU Friedrichshafen (as the company was then known) unveiled the engines at the SMM shipping show in Hamburg, Germany, in October 1996, they impressed the experts right away. The Series 4000 diesels were the first of their kind to feature common-rail injection as standard – even before this technology became de rigueur in the automotive industry. “The engines were far ahead of their time, and have since been regarded as the industry standard,” said Otto Buecheler, who has been involved in the development of these engines from the very beginning and is now in charge of development for mtu Series 4000 marine engines. “Not only can these engines look back on an impressive history, they’re also going to help take Rolls-Royce Power Systems into an even more successful future,” said Andreas Schell, CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems. “Both the Series 4000 and the Series 2000 are to be certified to run on sustainable fuels from 2023.” “Sustainable fuels are putting carbon-neutral mobility and power generation well within reach, even using internal combustion engines,” added Dr Otto Preiss, COO of the company. High performance and high reliability with low emissions are at the forefront of ongoing development work. Most recently, Series 4000 engines for yachts and commercial vessels have reached the pinnacle of emissions regulations with EPA Tier 4 certification. The fact that these emission limits vary depending on engine application and country of use is an additional challenge for developers. What makes the Series 4000 engines unique to this day is their versatility. They are used in generator sets for generating electricity, and in haul trucks, luxury yachts and locomotives. The smaller Series 2000 also has a lot going for it, including its wide range of potential uses. Like its big brother, it powers yachts, ferries, construction site vehicles, haul trucks and gensets, which require lower power ratings. The Series 4000 is available with 8, 12, 16 or 20 cylinders, and with power outputs ranging from 720 to 4,300 kW (965-5,766 hp). The Series 2000 is available in 8, 10, 12, 16 or 18-cylinder configurations, and with power outputs ranging from 452 to 1,939 kW (606-2,600 hp). The engines share a common platform which allows them to be configured easily for their respective applications. In future, development work will continue to be minimizing pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to releasing the engines for sustainable fuels that enable CO2-neutral operation, their increasing use in hybrid systems is also an important development goal.
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